Chapter 9

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Night-black hair, soft-tanned skin, a muscular frame, and a devilishly handsome face. These were all characteristics you could find in the man standing before me. Under other circumstances, and if his eyes weren't glowing red, I would have definitely been drooling over him.

"Get away from her!" his voice came out like a growl and if I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed what I saw next.

Selene moved faster than my eyes could register, and before I knew it she had her arms wrapped around his neck. At this point, I was sure this was a dream. None of this made any sense whatsoever. How could a man's eyes glow red? How can a human possibly move so fast? 

"Damien," she spoke.

"You're hurt." His anger turned into pain as he beheld her with so much love. "And you were with him," he said, clearly fighting his anger at the mention of what I guessed was his brother. She had said Harlan was her brother-in-law.

"I'm okay, It will be gone in a few hours." She took his hand and led him away from the door into the bathroom. I didn't understand this action until I turned around and saw Harlan was no longer there. She was trying to help him escape from her husband's fury "Harlan didn't want me to be alone" Her soothing voice seemed to make him relax.

And it was when his eyes turned a beautiful deep green that he said "That makes sense, I'm sorry," he grabbed Selene's hand and placed a soft kiss on her palm. "It's harder to control my instincts when I haven't seen you in a few days."

His conduct indicated he was possessive and overly jealous. I wasn't sure about him so far.

"I know," she said with a smile. "You're getting better at controlling yourself, though" she praised him. And I noticed she looked at him the same way, with way too much love. He hugged her like he hadn't seen her in twenty years.

"You're mine," he said, his eyes becoming red again as his canines became more and more enlarged. And just before he bit her, he said "And I am yours."

I couldn't understand what I was seeing, but as soon as he bit her Selene let out a moan that had him biting her harder. He broke the skin, the four contact points slightly bleeding as she kissed his neck and bit him back.

This felt like an awfully intimate and loving action. Something I should not have been watching. Probably some sort of kink... Well, that would be it if I hadn't literally just witnessed his canines growing bigger.

I didn't know if this was real anymore, the elongated canines and red eyes... It all felt awfully animal. Was I really facing werewolves? Were these beings of the night real? I couldn't believe I was considering this...

I noticed, after a few seconds, opening my eyes after blinking got harder and harder. The darkness once again called my name and whispered in my ear. And I let it.


Red eyes flashed in my mind as I opened mine. And when I came to I could barely remember what I had just seen.

"You're awake" that calming voice declared. And I slowly turned to look at Callum feeling a strange sense of Deja Vu. "For real, this time" he added.

"I have a lot of questions" was the first thing I managed to say.

"I figured, but I'm not the right person to answer them, it is not my place." He got up from his chair next to the door and came closer. 

"What is your place? Are you a doctor?" 

"Not in the way you are," Then is the answer no? He saw the confusion on my face and added "I'm the pack healer."

"He's a witch doctor" a third voice chimed in. Harlan scared the crap out of me.

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