Chapter 11.

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Callum had left to get me water when I heard a soft knock on the door. I hadn't noticed until now how quickly it was replaced after that man broke it. 

"Come in" I managed to say, my voice hoarse from all the crying. 

The door opened and as soon as Selene stepped into the room the air was filled with a sugary vanilla scent. "Hello," she said softly, "How are you feeling?"

"I think I'm grieving my life right now," I said calmly "Grieving what I thought the world was like grieving the life I would have had." There I go, analyzing myself again.

"I wish I could say I understand, but I honestly don't" she admitted "I was born into this, we all were."

"I guessed that," I said, feeling extraordinarily numb. "You know, all my life, I only wanted to become a doctor like my parents. I made extreme sacrifices and worked my ass off until I got there." I took a deep breath "I have no idea what to do now, what road to take..." At this point, I was saying my thoughts out loud knowing it would make me feel better.

Selene came closer and sat next to me, placing a warm hand on my shoulder "Well, you didn't choose this, I know how powerless it can feel to be stripped from your right to choose what happens to your own body," she shivered at the mere thought and from what she was saying I could guess something horrible happened to her. "But maybe if I explain what will happen to you maybe you will feel better," she said with a hopeful smile.

"There's a lot I don't understand" I confessed, but decided to start with "What is a mate?"

"Well that is a very complicated question," she said nervously "The best way I can describe it is your other half, your equal in every way, your soulmate." She took my hand "The mate the goddess chooses for us is always the right person, we are born connected to them, but it can take an entire lifetime to find them."

"Harlan's brother--"

"Damien" she added, letting my hand go.

"Damien, is he your mate?" I asked, she had introduced him as her husband so I was curious if it was the same thing.

"Yes," she said with a smile "I was lucky enough to find my mate at an early age,"

"But that doesn't happen often" I state. Trying to understand everything.

"It is quite rare, yes" she admitted "Some never find their mate, so they settle for someone else or are accidentally marked during mating season."


She blushed slightly "Marking is the most intimate action, is like claiming that person is forever going to be yours and vice-versa." She lowered her voice "Once you're marked you are considered mated." Selene slid down one of the thick straps of her sundress as she showed me her mark. "You can ask specific details to your mate," she said, almost too flustered as she covered herself back up.

"How do you know I even have one? I'm not like you." I brought my knees to my chest and hugged my legs. I used to do this when I was scared as a kid. It had been a while since I last did it.

"We are all born mated even if our mate hasn't been born yet," she started "Doing what they did to you is illegal, except in one circumstance..." She took a moment to search for the words"Sometimes, very rarely, a wolf is mated with a human. It is only acceptable to turn a human into one of us if that human is your mate and has consented to it" She looked to the ground as if searching for the words. "Not every human can survive being turned, the ones who do were fated to become wolves all along."

So this was my fate all along according to their beliefs. That didn't make me feel any better. Selene read my expression and said calmly "I know it is a lot to take in, I was hoping I could ease you into it," a flash of anger was visible in her features "But Harlan can't seem to behave, if he wasn't our beta I would have him--"

"Beta?" I interrupted. I felt like an idiot constantly asking questions.

"Oh right, I knew I was forgetting something," she said with a smile "Positions in a pack, think of it like a monarchy. The alpha is the regent, the luna is the co-regent" She was showing me her fingers as she counted. "The beta is the ruler's right hand, the second most powerful male or female, there are usually two, the beta and their mate." she explained "Gammas are like generals, in charge of training pack warriors and of controlling territory. We have three right now, "she added. "That is mostly it," she said with a satisfied smile.

"I see," I was trying to process this as best as I could, but I knew it would take me a while. I took a deep breath and asked what was eating at me "I am not going to be able to go back, right?"

Selene smiled sadly "To your life before exactly as it was? No" she answered honestly, and as much as it devastated me I also appreciated not being lied to. "But you can find a new purpose, you are not alone." she gave my arm a gentle squeeze. 

Selene stayed with me for a while, in complete silence, giving me time to process everything.

I didn't even notice when Callum brought me water, but I apparently drank it. 

As much as I wanted to believe I was drugged, I knew I wasn't. I had a feeling this was all real, and for some reason, it was meant to be.

I was meant to be this, whether I could process it right now, or not.

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