Chapter 47

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I jolted up, lost and scared. The last phrase I heard before I blacked out still ringing in my mind.

'I have so many things planned for you '

I had a hard time grounding. Everything about it seemed so natural. Was it a memory?

Were my memories returning even when I hadn't done anything to provoke them?

Who was that man? Was he the reason I had come to Miracle? Did he drug me?

I had so many questions, so many things left unanswered, and so many doubts. Everything was pummeling me all at once, crushing me under their weight. 

I knew if I didn't control my breathing I would have a panic attack. So I started trying all my grounding techniques, I focused on what I could feel, smell, and see. And that is when I noticed I was back in my human form, which meant the moon was no longer at its highest point.

I sighed with relief, cursing myself for not thinking of bringing clothes because I obviously destroyed the ones I had on my back-

"Looking for this?" I voice I knew too well said. 

Harlan didn't bother to cover his eyes as he reached inside the cell and tossed me a dress. I was feeling very self-conscious as I rolled my eyes at him and used the dress to cover myself. I couldn't put it on, I was still chained to the ground.

"So, are you still mad at me?" I asked, trying and failing at taking my cuffs off.

"Yes," he took a deep breath, his body language indicating he was guarded, even uncomfortable in this place "But I didn't want you to be here alone" his gaze suddenly filled with pain. His beautiful hazel eyes now seemed too familiar.

I was still trying to process what I'd just seen, putting it all together. 

"Do you need help with those?" he finally said, smiling at my pathetic attempts at freeing myself.

"Yes please, "I admitted begrudgingly. He walked over, quickly focusing too much on not looking around, focusing only on me and on my restraints. "Shouldn't you be at the ceremony?"

"I was, but I usually leave early anyway, thought I'd come to see you."The moment he freed me, he immediately ran back outside and looked the other way. At first, I thought it was because he was giving me space to change, but I realized he was shaking.

There was something about this place that deeply bothered him, so I said something to get his mind off of it "Why didn't you bring me any underwear?" I asked with a slight smile.

"Taking off underwear just takes so much time" he smirked and I must have turned so red he laughed.

"You shouldn't do that," He's confusing me, does he like me? , I finally got out of the cell an put on my own shoes -I was wise enough to take off before it happened. 

"Do what?" he says as he rushed up those stairs.

"Say things like that, it confuses me" I admit as I follow.

"Why would it confuse you?" He spoke as if he had no idea. He yanks the door open and now we're suddenly on the outside of the pack house. The cold air hit my thighs and made the hairs on my arms stand up.

I blushed a little bit as I said "Because if you keep saying things like that, I might think you're attracted to me" I tried to avoid the word "like". I know it is easier to admit you are attracted to someone than it is to admit you like them.

He smirks once again, seeming more relaxed as we enter the house and head up the main stairs. "I do find you attractive, Diana," he said like it was obvious "Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You're one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen." He said it like he was asking about the weather. In the most casual and natural way, it almost pissed me off. But it still made me blush, a lot.

We said nothing as we arrived at the entrance of our respective rooms. He was calm and almost happy. So much so that I started thinking I imagined things. "Thank you for coming to get me," I said with a smile as I placed a hand on the doorknob and walked in. But my smile disappeared as I saw him storm into my room with a grim expression.

"What happened?"I asked but he just kept staring at me. And it wasn't until he gently grabbed my forearm that I saw the red angry marks forming around my wrists. I hadn't noticed them before, they didn't even hurt. "It's nothing," I said but he kept staring.

He said nothing as he surveyed me, lost in something. His eyes were filled with a combination of anger and terror. I recognized that look, he was lost in something, in a bad memory. Then it hit me.

As soon as the realization hit me I was almost embarrassed I didn't see it before, it was obvious. He is guarded, doesn't open up to anyone, he has nightmares, and he is scared of that dungeon, so much so that he didn't want to go in there. That he didn't want anyone to go in there. But I made him go in there, he did it for me.

I didn't think twice before I grabbed his hand with my free one and made him sit by the edge of the bed. He was still lost in his memories, lost in a place where he was being hurt, most likely physically abused. I stroked his hair softly.

I didn't have to think hard about who was it that hurt him, I would bet my right arm it was his father. A man so cruel and sexist. A man that was killed by own sons. This would explain so much, it made so much sense, I was furious I didn't piece it together.

Then I was flooded by guilt, but I could wallow in self-pity later, right now I needed to be there for him, I needed to get him out of that state.

"Harlan," I said softly, stroking his hair with one hand and massaging his arm. "Focus on my voice, focus on what's around you, focus on what you can feel." I could feel him getting out of it, but he needed to be guided to reality or he would start hyperventilating.

It took him a second but he whispered "Diana." 

"I'm here," I said slowly "Look at me, I'm here" I smiled and he stared at my face for a while studying me as if to make sure I was real.

"Diana, you're hurt" The pain in his eyes subsided and it turned into worry for me.

"I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt," I said, offering him a sweet smile. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" he lied, the emotion he was displaying started to subside and he soon returned to his cold exterior.

And soon I realized there was something I had to say.

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