Chapter 70

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H a r l a n

He and Damien didn't wait a single second, transforming as they stepped out of the house. He didn't even need to glance at his brother to know he was deeply stressed. Leaving his pregnant mate out of his sight was driving him insane, but it would also make him more dangerous, more unhinged.

They ran out of the pack house, Violette disappearing in a mist of shadows as she engaged in combat. They didn't need to alert the pack warriors or command them, they knew what to do the moment the warning howls echoed around the clearing.

Their reinforcements would not arrive until morning, they had to hold the fort by themselves. But as soon as they arrived at the front line there were no half-lings in sight. They planned this risky move with their limited werewolf numbers in hopes that they could do actual damage with the element of surprise.

Although he hated to admit it, it would have been a smart move had Damien not been so pissed off. He went to the back of the clearing, expertly hiding his scent and not making any sound... He would kill the bastards that were going after his mate first, that was his priority.

Werewolf battles were rarely fought face to face, they were fought prowling the woods, dividing into groups, and hunting for others together. They relied on spontaneous attacks. Which he, Blaze, and Elowen were extremely good at. Harlan was a good tracker, Blaze was a strong attacker and Elowen was the fastest among them. 

They moved swiftly, creating distractions to separate the teams and attacking them separately, taking one member out each. They were stronger together. And even though he knew that if need be, he could carry this attack by himself, he appreciated how much faster and safer it was to do it with his friends.

He tried to put Damien out of his mind, he was sure his brother was doing fine, he was too angry to be defeated by anyone right now.

'We need to look for Everest' He communicated to Elowen and Blaze.

'Our soldiers have been keeping an eye out, there is no sign of him' Elowen said.

'Fucking coward' Blaze responded. 'What about Violette and Callum?'

'My soldiers crossed paths with Violette, she's fine. No signs of any other vampires.'

'I guess we should thank our lucky stars because of that, Callum hasn't given us the powdered wild rose' Blaze said. And Harlan couldn't say he wasn't worried about the vampires. If any of them had the power to incapacitate them, like Violette did that first time, they were fucked.

But vampires aren't usually as old or as strong as Violette. And if they could only get close... they could take them out. They had devised a plan for this,  a plan Violette hated. But they wouldn't resort to that unless absolutely necessary.

He was about to say something when he was attacked from behind by one of them. He received a nasty bite on his back. Blaze and Elowen pounced on it but not before it would howl, revealing their location.

Well, fuck. No more taking them down one by one, shit was about to get real. 

They were suddenly surrounded and he could actually feel Elowen's excitement as she said 'This is going to be fun.'

They attacked three wolves each, expertly moving their bodies to rip the others to shreds. He was almost glad Diana was missing this, he didn't think he had prepared her enough to fight so many assailants at once.

There were bound to be some wounds, but he could bear them, he was used to this. He'd grown used to pain.

He couldn't spare a single glance at Elowen and Blaze, knowing perfectly that if he did, he would be putting his life even more at risk. 

Elowen finished off her assailants first, then jumped in to help Blaze and Harlan as much as she could. Using her teeth to rip out their throats like she was biting into an apple.

It was bloody and as soon as they were done, they kept coming for them, barely having time to breathe or for their wounds to heal. Which was already a pain in the ass because wounds inflicted by other werewolves healed even slower than normal.

Damien eventually reunited with them, not showing a single scratch or wound. His eyes glowed red as he used his power to tell the other wolves to fight each other. He was almost unbeatable, but that power of his had a weakness. He had to see his victims in order to command them, so he was vulnerable to an attack from behind.

Which was exactly the reason Blaze, Elowen, and Harlan spent the night fighting alongside him.

Harlan saw glimpses of Violette here and there, but still no sign of any other supernatural creature but the one they were fighting.

It was a terrible fight, and by the time morning came, so did their reinforcements. Damien put in place a perimeter around the house, and the attacks soon ceased as they killed every last one of the wolves they had sent.

There was an enormous fire, built to burn the bodies of their attackers. And while they knew this was just the beginning they had lost a substantial amount of valuable and trustworthy warriors that had families and people that loved them.

A few of them had serious wounds and the worst part was, they had no news from Arden, Selene, and Diana.

"I'll go after them" Violette offered and Damien agreed immediately. Not caring how much tactical advantage she brought to the table, he needed to make sure his family was okay.

And Harlan wouldn't object to that. If anything, he was worried sick, wondering if Diana had made it. After all, Damien said some of them got away and were headed in the same direction they were.

He had a terrible feeling about all of this, and Damien did too.

He didn't know what he would do if she wasn't okay, how he could live with it. But all he could do right then was hope and pray to the goddess to keep them safe.

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