Chapter 61

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H a r l a n

After the reunion ended they all went back to bed. Selene is the first one, claiming to be exhausted. Damien followed suit because he was worried about her. Harlan couldn't imagine the stress his brother must be going through. Having a pregnant mate in the middle of a war with their own father must be the reason he can't sleep at night.

And to be honest, neither could he. As soon as Diana fell asleep his anxiety crept up on him. Being strong enough for him to leave his naked mate and wander out into the hall. 

He couldn't say he was surprised when he saw his brother was doing the same. They bumped into each other in the hall.

 Damien put a finger to his mouth and signaled to the roof. Harlan nodded.

They used the window in the room and climbed their way up, raiding the mini-fridge they kept hidden up there and taking out some beers. 

  As soon as Harlan closed the window Damien sighed.

"Are you okay?" He asked his older brother as he opened a beer and handed it to him.

And Damien didn't say a word as he sat down and took it and sighed again, tears coming out of his eyes. "I'm sorry," he said, taking a big gulp out of his beer.

Harlan stared at him like he had two heads "What do you mean?"

"I failed you," he said, looking away from him.  Another big sip.

Harlan sat down as well. He was extremely confused. He had never seen his brother cry before. "Damien, talk to me," he said.

He took a second to compose himself as he said "I failed everyone, I wasn't strong enough" He exclaimed "I thought I killed him but apparently I wasn't strong enough, he was right" he pressed his palms into his eyes as if that would stop them from crying.

"What are you saying?" Harlan asked, still very confused.

"Father always said I'd never be strong enough to kill him" he confessed "Every time he hurt you, it's on me, I never stopped him" he was sobbing at this point "And Gemma, God" he looked away.

"I tried to reason with him, tried to make him understand but I was never strong enough to fight him," he took a deep breath "So when we killed him when we finally did it, I thought I'd done right by you, by Gem" he sighed "But I'm a failure, and now you have to face him again, after all, he did to you."

Harlan felt awful, but not for himself. "I never realized," he started "How much he hurt you too," but it became obvious to see as he saw his big brother crumble in front of him. Saw him behave like a scared little boy. Saw his brother fighting for him and failing, and then hating himself for it.

Maybe he was a starved little boy asking for love, but Damien was always scared, scared because he was smarter. Afraid, because he knew exactly what kind of monster his father was, and if Harlan had realized it more quickly, maybe he would have been able to help other people too.

"I never wanted you to know," he said " I wanted to at least protect you from my pain" he sighed, looking down. "I'm sorry, Harlan"

Harlan hugged his brother "I'm sorry" he said "None of this is your fault, I'm sorry I was so caught up in my pain I didn't see yours." Damien was startled but hugged him back.

"You were always the best brother I could ask for," he said, surprised at how easy it was to open up to him now.

Damien finished his beer and opened another one, smiling slightly "Do you feel the same way?" he said to the air. It took him a second, but he scowled as the citrusy scent of his sister hit his nostrils.

"Nosy bitch" Harlan murmured and felt Gemma come up and sit beside him.

"You know you love me either way" she giggled, swiping Harlan's beer.

"How much did you hear?" Damien asked, slightly amused.

"I didn't hear anything I didn't already know," she said taking a sip of her stolen beer. "You are the best brother, Damien," she said with a smile and then looked at Harlan for a second "Harlan, you're okay," she said and Harlan swiped his beer back as he rolled his eyes.

Damien was more like a father to them- despite the one and four-year age difference- than Everest ever was.

"We have to kill the bastard," Gemma said "This time it has to be the three of us."

Harlan and Damien both hesitated but eventually agreed.

"And don't worry, Selene, Diana, and the baby will be okay" Gemma promised.

"Let's pray to the goddess you're right," Damien said "Still can't believe I'm going to be a father"

"I can't think of anyone better than you to raise a little cub," Gemma said and Harlan nodded.

"I used to think we were all too screwed up to fall in love" Gemma started "But love changes us, heals us, and makes us better."

"I want to be better for her" Harlan confessed.

"You can choose to be, every day, to be the man she deserves," Damien said looking at the horizon. "He might still be alive, but he has no right to stay forever haunting us" he smiled sadistically "He wanted monsters for children, he got them. Cruelty comes naturally to me thanks to him, let's make him regret it."

"No mercy for the traitors," Harlan said, quoting Everest.

"No pity for the weak" Gemma finished.

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