Chapter 64

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Blood-red dress with a slit so high I was nervous for her. A cleavage so deep it made every man in the room stare. Her hair was perfectly styled and her lips were the same color as her dress. 

Violette looked every bit as beautiful as she was. And the initial shock and awe of her perfect figure draped in that dress dissipated as soon as they noticed her scent... Or the lack of it for that matter.

Violette smiled as they glared at her, unbothered as she walked the now clear path to us. Harlan smiled with satisfaction as he said "That is the most Violette entrance I've ever witnessed" he said trying not to laugh. And I smiled because it was.

I realized then, Violette was very important to Harlan, as a friend of course. I tried to remind myself of this as I stared at her with awe and wondered how Harlan never liked her romantically, hell, I think I'm starting to. How could anyone be this beautiful? It was even slightly annoying, and I was jealous even though I shouldn't be.

Violette was an important asset and she has never been anything but nice to me.  She meant a lot to Harlan and Callum, so it made sense she was here. 

"Happy wedding?" she said unsure of what this celebration was and I laughed at that because I wasn't sure either.

"Not a wedding," Harlan said rolling his eyes but with a smile. "So, you fearing for your life yet?"

I wondered then if I would ever get a wedding.

She looked around and scoffed making a few of the guests stiffen "No" she looked at Harlan "I wasn't going to come but since you asked" she smiled "Besides, I do love causing a commotion"

Selene smiled at her "I'm glad you're here," she raised her voice slightly as she said "You are like family to us" She didn't need to scream at them to make sure they got the message.

A few of them relaxed slightly but most of them still remained stiff.

"So," Violette started "I wasn't sure exactly what this was or if I had to bring a gift," she snapped her fingers "But I guessed it was far better if I brought a gift to a giftless ceremony than if I did not and a gift was required" a big box appeared about of nowhere into her hand

"Thank you so much," I said, surprised as she handed me it. 

I was about to open it when she whispered "I would advise you do that later." She said and I smiled at the implication. I wondered what exactly it could be, especially if she asked us to not open it in front of everyone. 

Selene blushed, Damien smirked and Harlan rolled his eyes. "Goddess knows what you just bought us," he said.

"Thank you anyway," I said and Selene grabbed the gift and gave it to Melody to bring up to our room.

"No problem," she said and walked away to get herself some whine.

"Fraternizing with vampires now? Really?" A gruff voice said as a very tall and muscular man approached us. He looked around Everest's age. 

"Uncle" Damien said with a welcoming smile and I stiffened as I looked at Harlan.

"On my mother's side," he whispered. He didn't talk much about his mother, I had no idea Harlan had anyone else besides Gemma and Damien.

The man looked at me. He had long hair that reached his shoulders if I had to guess, it was tied up further accenting his facial features. He had green eyes like Gemma and Damien, and his features were less rough but equally as attractive as Everest's "You must be Harlan's new mate" he offered me his hand but Harlan growled. "Geez, still new huh?" he retreated his hand.

There was something about this man I did not like. The smiles he gave and how he behaved seemed very hypocritical. 

"Diana Carter," I said, without taking his hand "And you are?" he looked at me like I was a bug he needed to squash.

"Silas Basque," he said simply as I surveyed how his tan skin was exactly the same as Harlan's while Gemma and Damien were on the paler side.

"He's the alpha from the Nova Scotian pack. " Damien explained, "We don't see him much."

"Yes," he returned his attention to Damien "Now, vampires," he continued "Are you insane vampires are--"

"She's a friend," Harlan said "She has done nothing but help out--"

"I can live with her" he looked at me with distaste. "But a vampire?"

Damien had to hold Harlan back from snapping his head off as I stared at him trying to understand why he was being such an asshole to me.

Selene stepped up "Silas, you better behave or I swear to the Goddess I will kick you out of my house" She stood up for me.

"You're no better than she is, shouldn't you go back to pick up the ashes of your own pack, why are you still here trying to lead this one?" This time Damien simply let go of Harlan as he stepped forward and put Selene behind him.

"Leave" was all Damien said, shaking, trying his best not to punch him, not to cause a scene. Because from afar, we looked like people who were having a serious discussion. I knew the situation between packs was delicate and seeing the divide would cause tension.

"You know it's true," he said "You mate with a South American wolf and Harlan mates with a human" he scoffed "You're a disappointment to our family--"

"Leave" Damien interrupted him again "You better leave for your own sake or I will have Blaze and Elowen kick you out." Selene was looking down, trying her best not to cry and I was so used to being disregarded I was just angry. Although I had never been treated like this because of my humanity-- or former humanity for that matter.

"Everything okay?" Violette said, walking over with a glass of wine. 

And just like that, without warning, Silas made to lunge at her but was stopped by a single hand on his chest. Damien's.

He pushed against it harder and harder while Damien just looked at him bored. "I gave you an order," he said with eerie calm. But he wouldn't budge and it wasn't until Damien's eyes glowed red that he suddenly, like in a trance, stopped. "Leave," he said and the man started walking toward the door and disappeared.

Violette took one look at Damien and walked the other way. Smart.

I had so many questions, but Damien took Selene's hand and guided her away from the party and into his study.

I looked at Harlan "What was that?"

"The alpha's innate ability," he said, still trying to calm down "It's a sort of command that no one, except other alphas can refuse."

"But isn't Silas an alpha?" He smiled.

"Yes, but that is what makes Damien special," he started "My father used to kill every other alpha, he had to fight them to prove he was stronger. Damien is the first alpha in history to be able to do that, he's a pure alpha" I nodded finally understanding why everyone I've ever met refused to make eye contact with Damien. They were too afraid.

"Well, that was a lovely start to our engagement party," I said with a smile and Harlan laughed, hugging me from behind. I looked at the door and realized I had one more doubt "Why was he such an asshole to Selene anyway?" 

Harlan looked down and separated "It's an old rivalry pack thing" he tried to leave it there.

"But isn't she from this pack?" I asked, maybe pushing a bit too much.

"No," he sighed "She was born to Argentinian parents, who later sold her, on South American pack territory" he started "The pack disintegrated, collapsed from within and now there are at least more than fifty packs in its place." I couldn't believe I had no idea.

I suppose I never asked what her maiden name was... So much new information, I wondered how much more I didn't know when it came to my own friends.


There was a lot of dancing, drinking, cursing and eventually fighting. So, they had a great time. And surprisingly, so did I. I enjoyed meeting my mate's friends and listening to their stories. 

I mostly enjoyed seeing how happy this made Harlan and also loved the fact that people were so happy to welcome me into their pack. Is that normal amongst werewolves?

I loved the fact that I would have so much time to find out.

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