Chapter 59

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I woke up at 9 pm, having slept through most of the day. It was weird to think I had instant ramen for breakfast but it was weirder to think where I was now.

I can not describe to you what sex with Harlan was like. It was mind-blowing, hardcore, and sweet at the same time. I now understood what he meant about the bond, it was indeed stronger and I just couldn't help but want to wake him up for round two. I decided against it because he'd been through a lot, I could not imagine what it felt like to watch me die. I don't think I could survive it if the situation was reversed. 

You should leave the way you came back, Diana, your time has not yet come.

I still needed to ask him about that.

But I did my best to contain myself, grabbing the borrowed clothes off the floor and heading to the bathroom when I felt him stir and say "Where are you going?" The roughness of his voice did something to me. 

I needed to stray away from the fact I could see his body, bare in front of me so I asked "Where did you get this hoodie?" I showed it to him.

"I got it back in college," he said as I put it on me and climbed back into bed.

"You went to Princeton? In the US?" I asked surprised, I went to the University of Vancouver, Canada has really good colleges, but I guess the US does as well.

"Yep," he put his arms around me and kissed my temple "So did Gemma and Damien, and every Altain as long as my father remembered."

"So you lived in the US?" I asked, hugging him back.

"I was born there," he said calmly tugging the hoodie up and discarding it. "It's not fair you have clothes on and I'm naked," he said with a cheeky smile.

The hairs on my body stood up because of the cold air coming from the window that I don't remember having opened. I found myself snuggling into him, his body was so warm.

He threw his arm around me, kissing my shoulder and then me. This was heaven, having him near me, inside me, was heaven. I couldn't think of anything better. He was the part of me I always thought was missing. He made my life so much better, so much brighter.

He'd told me once I keep the shadows away, but he's the light in my life. The one person that can make me feel loved, safe, and challenged at the same time. So as we joined once again, and we both reached our peaks as our breathing synchronized I knew a life with him would go by in an instant.


"When I died," I started the sentence and I could already feel him stiffen up. We were tangled in bed. Naked, warm, and happy, that was until I ruined the moment. "I heard a voice."

His eyes widened "What did it say?"

"It said: You should leave the way you came back, Diana, your time has not yet come," I said in a mystic tone, hoping to add a little humor. "Was it an angel?"

Harlan shrugged "We don't really know if angels exist" he explained something I already knew "But it definitely sounds like you heard one... especially because the goddess has an affinity for scaring people to death when she appears," he smiled but it was forced "What was it like?" I could feel the pain in his voice.

"It was peaceful, it was a beach with white sands and clear water... But I was alone" I took his hand in mine "I'm glad I came back to you."

 "You took the words right out of my mouth" he kissed me again, I could never grow tired of his kisses. He was such a good kisser. He stopped and looked at me, then at my shoulder "Did it hurt?" he was actually deeply worried he had hurt me, it was adorable to think he couldn't stand the idea.

I realized he was talking about the marking a second too late as I said "No, even though I hadn't done it in a while it felt amazing"

Harlan burst out laughing and hugged me tighter "I'm glad," he said, so full of himself, so annoying. I corrected myself.

"The marking doesn't hurt anymore, the first time it did" I explained, still a little flushed. "Did it hurt for you?"

"No, actually, it felt amazing" he mocked me so I turned around with fake anger. "Hey," he started kissing my shoulder "Turn around" he whispered in my ear and I felt my whole body shake with anticipation.

But I stayed strong as I crossed my arms and said "No" I was merely teasing him, but I guess he decided to tease me right back.

"Fine," he said, and before I knew it his hands were kneading the flesh of my exposed behind. A move that had me moaning so fast I uncrossed my arms just to hold on to something. Then, as if I had done just what he wanted he snaked his hands up to my breasts and started rolling the center with his thumb.

Then he pulled slightly, sending jolts of pleasure all over my body and making me instantly ready for him. It was almost embarrassing. A knee went to separate my legs enough for his other hand to go in between them, caressing softly, teasing me, making me want him so much I threw my head back, and rested it on his shoulder.

"I don't really need you to face me, Di" he whispered "I can always make you turn around" to emphasize that he introduced a finger into me, making me gasp. And that had me turning around because I wanted to kiss him so badly. I was always going to be surprised at the length of him, at first I was even nervous. But we fit perfectly like we were made for each other.

He smiled and indulged me as he spread my legs wider and drew lazy circles on my center. But I was done with the games. I had no idea why, but I needed him more than ever. And I had a feeling this was going to happen every time.

"I need you," I said, and that had the playfulness of his eyes turn into pure lust as he seemed to have lost himself once again. I like this other side of him, the instinctive one, the feral one. It had me on the edge of my seat, never knowing what might happen next.

So he kissed me one last time, removed the hand that was caressing me, and used it to guide himself. I couldn't think for a few seconds as he stretched me out. It was the most amazing and addicting feeling I'd ever experienced. I knew I would never have enough of it.

He went slow at first, the warmth returning to his eyes, but the louder I moaned the harder he went, and it felt so good I think I was screaming. I closed my eyes because my senses were overwhelming me as he put my legs up on his shoulders, going in deeper.

"Open your eyes," he said softly as he kissed my neck. And I knew that even though he said it softly it wasn't a suggestion. So I did and he slammed harder into me. I studied his toned body and absentmindedly ran a hand along his hard abdomen. I had no idea one could have so many muscles. He slammed into me again.

"Harlan!" I gasped and he did it again and again because I kept repeating his name. I was so close I squeezed him tighter and he groaned with pleasure as we both came. His name being a mantra I used for something I could not name.

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