Chapter 55

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I was in pain and suddenly I was not. 

I was alive and then I was not.

Why was it so dark in here? Where exactly was here?

I slowly opened my eyes and saw... water?

I was on a beach I realized as I got up, I no longer felt any pain.

The waters were crystal clear and the sand was white as snow.

Something landed a few meters from me, the sun was so bright I couldn't look in that direction, I was suddenly blinded.

"You should leave the way you came back, Diana, your time has not yet come," a female voice said and before I knew it I was back in the darkness, back in the abyss.


Harlan cried for what felt like hours but was probably minutes. He laid his head on her stomach and prayed this was a nightmare, prayed he would wake up and she would be okay. 

The pain he felt was more than he could ever describe, it was like his heart being mangled. Like all the happiness and color from the world had died with her. Like someone had ripped out a piece of his soul and crushed all of his dreams. He wept as he held her close. 

He knew he would never be happy again, knew that in all the ways that mattered, he had died with her.

But suddenly he heard something cracking. The sound was so loud it almost deafened him, so in instinct, he jumped back. He looked at Diana and realized that was where the sound was coming from.

Diana's wounds were no longer bleeding, they were no longer there. But somehow, her bones were snapping in half. He was caught between utter bliss and immense fear as he threw himself back on the floor and tried to hold on to her. But it wasn't until she opened her eyes he truly understood. As the warm brown color had disappeared, being replaced by a glowing yellow.

He knew what this meant. She was turning. She was back, she was okay and she was alive. He repeated this to himself hoping this would make him believe it. Harlan almost sighed with relief as she turned, her body had grown more used to change so it was faster and less painful. 

 There she was, a little black and brown wolf.

Well, not little, just slightly smaller than him when he transformed.

The wolf shook her head as if clearing her mind. She then looked at him and brushed her head against his hip. "Hello to you too," he was so happy he couldn't stop smiling, she was back, and she was a wolf, she was his mate. 

And she was not dead.

And she was not dead.

And she was not dead.

He guessed that the lack of a voice inside his head was her not having discovered her ability to do that yet. But he didn't need words to communicate with her, he could feel what she felt, it was amazing, it was like being one in every single way.

She was not dead.

The wolf looked down and started to shift back into her human form. He looked away, knowing that if he ever saw her naked again he wouldn't be able to hold back. His positive feelings weren't the only ones that got heightened by the bond, his primal instinct as a wolf was there too. And he was so happy, sad, angry, afraid and confused he had no idea what he was feeling-

"Harlan?" her voice made him weak in the knees.

"Yes?" he asked, taking his shirt off and giving it to her without looking behind, it wasn't much so he prayed they wouldn't run into anyone or he would have to murder said person. Because Diana was tall and this was a tight T-shirt. Fuck, she was beautiful with those long legs and- 

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