Chapter 40

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The next morning we were woken up by the sound of cars. I had no idea exactly where we were but I was sure it wasn't far from Miracle. 

"They're here," Selene said with a small smile. Callum and I made sure her baby was okay, the little creature was doing just fine. And so far, so was she.

"I heard them," I said, shifting in the comfortable bed Coraline had assigned me. I stretched and quickly got up. "How are you already dressed?" She was wearing the same clothes she arrived at Coraline's pack house in, but now they were dry.

"Damien called and said he was on his way," she explained sighing. "We shouldn't leave Ambrose and Damien alone for too long," she made her way downstairs and I spotted my now dry dress at the foot of my bed. I wondered why they shouldn't be left alone while I got dressed.

The clothes they'd dried for us were comfortable and warm. The chill air hitting my newly exposed legs and arms made me shiver a bit. And I looked around the room to see the window was open.

I walked over to close it and accidentally heard the conversation going on in front of the house. It seemed like only Damien and Harlan came to pick us up.

"We took out most of them, some escaped because Arden got hurt" Damien explained.

"Is she okay?" Cora asked worryingly.

"She's healing, Elowen's with her" Harlan said getting out of the car. He was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans and as far as I could tell there were no injuries on him.

"And you?" Selene asked hugging her mate. "How many did we lose?"

"Our wounds healed quickly thanks to Callum's spell," Harlan assured her, and she gave him a relieved smile. "But still, we lost seven, ten are badly injured."

"Then we should hurry up," Callum said, carrying a bag on his shoulder with everything he'd brought.

"How's Diana?" Harlan asked.

"And the baby?" Damien added.

"Both fine, now will someone get that girl so we can go, lots to do!" Callum remarked and I started running down the stairs.

I got there so fast I was panting hard. Damien smiled when he saw me "Seems okay to me," he told his brother.

Who surveyed me and then nodded. 


Callum and I worked for a long time, helping nurse the wounds of the people who were harmed during battle. He taught me a lot about medicinal herbs you can find in the forest near us and I taught him the proper way to stitch someone's wounds.

I also evaluated the ones that seemed more affected mentally and talked to them for a while. Callum watched me attentively.

"I'm willing to teach you magic," he said, "In exchange for lessons on what you know."

It seemed like a fair trade.

And it was. For weeks after we helped each other at night and kept training with Blaze in the morning. 

I was finally able to predict his attacks so now he was teaching me basic self-defense moves and how to use my abilities in my human form. 

Violette was in and out of the house all the time. Always bringing more information and taunting Blaze every chance she got.

I think that was good for her, it provided a distraction from whatever was going on with her father, who apparently had discovered she'd spoiled his alliance with the wolves and was now hunting for her.

"You should stay, then," Selene said. She now had a baby bump. Damien was so proud of that, it was kind of cute. He was very excited. 

"I don't want to put you all in danger" she'd said over dinner.

"We can handle ourselves," Blaze said with a scowl.

"I'm aware, I still won't stay" she rolled her eyes at him "This is not your fight."

"You are always welcome here Violette," Harlan said seriously and she smiled at him. There was something there, something new. Something that shouldn't have bothered me, but it did. 

"Thank you, Harlan, dear. But really, I'm fine." She lied. I didn't know why I knew she was lying, but I could tell.

"If you ever need to talk..." I offered, I always offered even though I was still jealous, I recognized she must be terribly lonely. 

"I know, thank you, really" Violette abruptly stood up. "I have somewhere to be, If you'll excuse me" and without letting anyone say anything she vanished enveloped in shadows.

"That is so cool" I admitted. Momentarily letting go of the fact that she was clearly avoiding something.

"It is," Selene said with a smile.


The next morning, as I was training with Blaze I could tell there was something off with him.

"You okay? Who did your parents set you up with, this time?" I teased.

He stared at me for a long moment. "No one" he sighed "I'm just tired."

I nodded.

He took a deep breath and said "The full moon is coming soon, do you have a plan?"

"I have one idea," he waited for me to continue, but the truth was I was embarrassed, It was kind of dumb. 


"Chaining myself to a tree" I confessed, it was a half-baked plan, but it was better than nothing.

"Neither will hold, won't work" he rubbed his chin.

"Well, then I'm out of ideas. I just really need a place that can contain me, I don't want to harm anyone." The mere thought of it made me feel like throwing up. I wanted to avoid battle for as long as I could, I still hadn't recovered from that horrible instance.

Blaze thought for a moment and then smiled at me "I know just the place, but I have to ask first"

"Why do you have to ask?" and who did he have to ask?

"There is a sort of basement in the pack house, it will contain you, it was designed to," he rubbed his lips with his index finger "But Damien and Harlan never let anyone near it, I never knew why."

"I'm sure it would be fine to ask," I said having no idea what was coming.

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