Chapter 73

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It was already nighttime and Selene wasn't dilating anymore. Not a single inch. But her pains grew stronger and longer.

 We were pulled aside by one of the druids and they gave us some of the worst news while they sedated Selene again. "She's been cursed," the young blonde said, her sapphire eyes filled with worry.

"What do you mean 'cursed'?" I air quoted as I looked at Arden for guidance who only seemed more confused than me.

"Someone is prolonging her suffering on purpose, someone that wants to kill her and the baby," She said nervously "I wasn't sure that was it until I started tracking the spell," the druid, Tasha, looked down, there was something she was afraid to say.

"What is it?" I Arden sensed the same thing I did, but she asked her calmly and nicely.

"The magic..." she shook her head "It is not of this world."

My head spiraled for a while, What could that mean? "What?"

"It is likely a demon's doing, a high-ranking one for that matter" I didn't need to think twice to know who'd done this. Andras.

That fucking asshole was playing both sides. He gave us information about their plans but placed a curse on Selene, it was obvious, what other demon could have done it? "Andras," I said.

Tasha shook her head "The grand duke's magic feels different, it isn't like him to curse wolves, he has a strange affinity for canines" I wanted to ask how she knew that but she continued "This is probably someone else's doing, someone with a lower rank."

I didn't really know any other demon so I asked "How do we break the curse?"

"I need to inspect it further," she said "I am unfamiliar with demonic magic... But, I fear my worst suspicions are right and this is the result of a blood pact." She said sighing.

Arden who had been quiet putting everything together spoke "If it is a blood pact I need you to tell us who it is with so we can end them," she said with determination.

"Does a blood pact mean one person made a deal with a demon to end Selene's life?" They both nodded. I was starting to get the hang of it. "So, to end the curse, one must kill the person who made the pact so it is no longer valid?" They nodded again.

"I'll try to find out," was the last thing Tasha said before entering the tent again.


We waited for her to come out for what seemed like hours. And when she did, her grim expression told us everything we needed to know. One of her arms had blood dripping down from it. The warm liquid pooled at her feet.

"I asked," she started "And the person who made the deal is Everest Altain."

Arden flinched and I simply could not believe it. What kind of father would do this to his son's mate? What kind of creature could possess such an evil heart? My knuckles were white from the force I was using to keep my hands in a fist. The force of such action was making me shake.

Everest was playing with fire and someone needed to make sure he was going to get burnt.

"Who did you ask?" Arden spoke.

"To get information about a deal with demons you must ask a demon" she explained.

"Demons lie," Arden said, sounding a lot like Elowen right then. But she was in denial. I had a feeling Arden still didn't believe Everest was alive.

"Not when you entrap them the way I did," She said with a sad smile "I'm sorry."

I judged that, by her reaction, even the druids knew who Everest was. Tasha went back inside to guard Selene and give us space as we both processed the news.

"Someone has to tell Damien," I said "If we don't he will follow through with his plan and prolong his death so the whole pack can witness it" And Selene and the child would die. I simply could not allow this.

"Maybe they can send word," Arden proposed, referring to the druids.

"No, the message could be intercepted, I'll go" I knew it was the best option, that way Arden could stay with Selene in case something happened.

"Into the middle of a battlefield? Unprepared? Do you have a death wish?" she asked.

"I'll be fine, I've been training" I lied, I wasn't sure I'd be fine at all.

If Arden sensed the doubt in my voice I didn't notice, because she simply added "You'll never get there in time."

I knew it was a stupid and risky thing to propose, and that a message sent by the druids would be faster, but I couldn't sit here and wait any longer, maybe I could help.

 We went inside and told Tasha what we had decided.

"We can send her," Tasha said "We can use a tree."

Before she explained it - and even after - the idea sounded crazy to me. They would do some sort of ritual to send me through a hollow tree so I could appear in a similar one closest to the fight. It was some fairytale book shit. Weird and almost unbelievable. But at this point, there is nothing I wouldn't believe or nothing I wouldn't try when my friend's life was at stake.

So I stepped into the goddam tree and turned my back on them as she ordered me. She told me to count to ten, close my eyes, and then turn around. Really, could this be any more ridiculous? 

But I did what I was told, and my mouth hit the floor when I stepped out of the damned tree and looked around. 

I could smell Blaze and Violette fighting nearby. I could hear the pleas and screams of their victims.

And just like that, I knew I wasn't safe. I had to run. I was a sitting duck in enemy territory and I had a mission to fulfill.

I needed to find Damien.

A Wolf's MiracleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang