Chapter 19

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H a r l a n

Harlan couldn't stop thinking about the way Diana had calmed that child down. He had never anyone manage to calm a person down that way. She was firm, in an unwavering way, but she was kind and soft.

The way she acted reminded him of his mother before she died. She always knew what she needed to do to chase his nightmares away, she used to cure his wounds, and her voice was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. 

He wondered where Diana had gone. He didn't ask because it was none of his business, besides, she looked like she wanted to be alone. He understood that better than anyone. 

He needed a break from Gemma after she had gotten him drunk. Also, he was there to make sure she didn't hurt herself or others. 

He was about to text her when his phone rang. He sighed as he saw she was calling him.

"I told you not to call me--" he heard the phone hit the ground as she screamed.

"Stop squirming bitch" someone said and he started running.

He didn't have time to have the call tracked so he hunted for her himself. He didn't know why, but he had memorized her scent. And if he focused it was like the only thing he could smell.

He must have risked revealing what he was because he ran so fast but he didn't care. She was in danger and it was his fault. He never should have left her alone, what if she's raped again? What if she dies? He had no idea why that thought nearly had him on the verge of tears.

It would be faster if he transformed, but a wolf in the middle of the city would draw too much attention. He was about to throw caution to the wind when he heard her crying.

His heart splintered into a million pieces at the sound. He knew he could never recover after hearing it. 

He quickly assessed the situation. She had taken care of one of the men, only two remaining. He didn't even dare to glance at her, knowing it would absolutely destroy him seeing her like that again. So instead he focused on the men. 

He felt the anger rise inside of him at the mere thought of what they did - or could've done- to her as he felt all of his muscles tense, he was going to absolutely destroy all of them, he was going to make them wish they were dead.

He didn't really register what he was doing until he heard her pleading. All he knew is the first guy was lucky the second one was making a run for it or he would've taken his sweet time. He could smell her all over his hands. That flowery scent she always had was accompanied by a twinge of carnation. She smelled like a garden.

"Harlan please" It barely came out like a whisper but the fear and pain in her voice made him feel things he'd never felt before. He looked at her, finally looked at her crouching in a corner and all covered in blood. God, he couldn't take this. Why did this hurt so much?

"It's okay, you're safe" was all he could think to say, copying what she did with the child as he folded her in his arms. She hugged him back, confused as if she had woken up from a dream."It's okay, they can't hurt you now."

"Did you--" he knew what she was going to ask, he pulled away to look at her eyes filled with fear. 

"Only one," that reminded him, he had to finish off the other one. Oh, he was definitely going to enjoy that. It was at times like this he loved being a monster.

He saw her reaction then and realized he'd made a mistake. Killing obviously wasn't something she had done before. He should have let her believe he was a monster, he was, maybe the furthest away she was from him, the safest she would be. 

He thought back to the first person he killed. A man that had refused to let his daughter work in the pack house, he'd obviously heard the rumors. His father had always been a beast in every sense of the word.

He'd killed the man without a shadow of hesitation. Knowing that what he did was wrong, this wasn't wrong, this was self-defense. "You're not a monster, they deserved it," he said but her eyes were glazed as she looked at her hands. She was in shock, he needed her to get out of it so his chest would stop hurting so much. So he gently grabbed her jaw, making her look him in the eye "You did the right thing."

The other alternative was her dying and that was something he couldn't even fathom. He would think why later, now it didn't matter. Not as she hugged him so tightly and crumbled in his arms. She was so strong before, but now she seemed so fragile. He could feel her calming down. He felt calmer as well, being around her, surrounded by her scent, made him feel safe.

He used one of Callum's spells hoping she would get sleepy and it worked, he could tell by her heartbeat and breathing she was asleep. He hoisted her up in his arms and as he turned around he saw one of the guys had escaped. He was too worried about her right now, he would deal with that later.

Now he had to call the only person that could help him clean up this mess.

"Gemma," he said as he picked up the phone, she must have picked up on the gravity of the situation by his tone.

"What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"I need you to send a car to the address I'll text you, Diana was attacked. One of her attackers escaped but we made quite a mess." he looked around "I need you to send your best tracker."

"On it" was all she said as she hung up. 

10 minutes later she'd sent a limo. There were four guys in the back seat, two cleaners, and two trackers. 

"The bodies are over there" he gestured with his head and two of the guys disappeared.

The chauffeur got out to help Harlan carry Diana but he nearly bit his hand off. "Don't touch her" he snarled and the chauffeur only nodded as he closed the door once they got in.

Harlan sat down and was about to move Diana but she was clinging to him, even in her sleep. So he held her throughout the trip to Gemma's house in Shaughnessy Heights.

"Oh, she's so beautiful!" Gemma said as he carried her to one of the rooms.

"Not the time Gemma," she stared at him and Diana for a long minute and then smiled. "What?"

"Nothing" she again said with a knowing smile. God, he hated her sometimes. "Put her down, Harlan"

Why was he reluctant to put her down? She was safe, and now he had to deal with the man that got away. That was the only thought that helped him place her gently on the bed and this time she let go.

"Take good care of her" was all he said before he left, feeling like he abandoned a piece of himself with her.

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