Chapter 39

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There wasn't a lot of light, but I found my eyes could see well as I examined the alpha in front of me.

I must admit that when I heard there were female alphas I didn't expect them to be feminine, I expected someone more...Manly-looking.

Terrible prejudice to have, I agree. But I imagined something completely different from the average-sized, dress-wearing woman I was witnessing. And she looked damn good in a dress.

She was leaner on the top and had rounder hips, which made the tight dress she wore emphasize the difference between her small waist and big behind. "I'm Coraline Giang," she said with a voice on the deeper side and I focused on her face. She was Asian, Vietnamese if I had to guess, because of her last name. But her features were extremely familiar, and not in a racist way, I felt like the way her nose curved slightly to the left was something I'd seen before.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Diana," I said with a smile. Gosh, even her eyes, they were so dark they were almost black. And they looked ancient and fierce, like those of a general I'd just seen. "I'm sorry if this is rude in any way, but are you related to Elowen?" I crossed my fingers hoping I wasn't offending her, my mother was Japanese and I still remember how much she hated when people confused her with someone else.

She smiled "You're smart" Her full lips curved into a smile and she swished her long, pin-straight hair back "She's my sister." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Coraline's beauty was feminine and delicate, while Elowen's was on the rougher side. They had different personalities but they both commanded any room they were in. It wasn't hard to imagine them as sisters.

"Let's go back, Callum is ready to examine you," Coraline said as she grabbed Selene's hand before offering me a smile. I focused on her hand, her long nails were stained with blood.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she smiled.

"We had a few trespassers, nothing to worry about," Coraline said as if it was the most normal thing.

"How is Ambrose?" Selene asked. But she went quiet, eyes focused on the water. I looked at the lake just as a blonde middle-aged man burst out and went to attack Selene. 

Coraline acted without hesitation, catching the man by the neck as he jumped towards Selene. Coraline didn't even flinch as she snapped her neck with one hand, face schooled in neutrality. 

I looked at Selene to gauge how I should react, but she only gave me a reassuring nod and went back to conversation as if what just happened was the most normal thing ever.

"He's fine, very excited not to be the only male Luna anymore" Coraline answered as she grabbed the man's arm and started dragging him.

"What? Did I miss something?" Selene's eyes were wide.

"Yes, Kyle finally married Josh" Selene's squeal was louder than a bomb.

I was having a hard time ignoring the fact she was dragging a dead person across the forest. I had gotten better with death and I had seen dead bodies in med school before. But it was different witnessing a murder. I felt because everyone was just so desensitized to it, I should be too. 

"Wait, is a male Luna not called any other name?" I interfered. Needing a distraction from my thoughts and trying not to look at the man.

"We proposed 'lune' but Ambrose said it sounded like 'loon'" Coraline burst out laughing.

"We're working on a term, having male lunas is a new thing" Selene smiled shyly.

"I see" I started thinking of terms. Suddenly, I started feeling the exhaustion that I had pushed aside earlier.

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