Chapter 32

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I examined the figure in front of me. She had the body I always wanted, thin but curvy in all the right places. She was dressed in a little black dress with high-heeled boots that reached her thigh. A long cloak with the hood pulled back adorned her body. Her jet-black hair was glossy and was styled in curls so perfect they had to be fake. I couldn't see her eyes or the top half of her face as she was wearing beautiful designer sunglasses, but her lips were plump and painted red. She stood calmly in the shade.

This girl was a portrait of elegance, from her style to her attitude. A girl so beautiful caused anyone to gawk, but Harlan was only growling.

She laughed "Down boy," she said, not looking scared of him at all. Weird.

 A normal human would have been terrified the moment his eyes started glowing.

 I looked closer, she didn't look like a wolf and didn't smell like one either.

She didn't smell like anything.

And she was pale, so, so pale.

She was standing in the shadow produced by a large tree.

Could it be?

"What are you doing in werewolf territory? Your kind aren't welcome here" Harlan said before he lunged at her but she avoided him effortlessly moving supernaturally fast, much like a wolf, but dare I say, a little faster.

"Is that how you treat your guests? How rude!" she removed her glasses revealing the most beautiful ice-blue eyes. She had long luscious lashes and perfectly groomed eyebrows. She knew how to do makeup to accentuate her already beautiful features as it was flawless, much like her skin. She looked like an eighteen-year-old. She looked at me "Why, thank you, darling" She smiled, and  I might have been caught up in the fact she just read my mind if that wasn't when I saw them, sharp-pearly white fangs instead of upper canines.

The only set of fangs I had seen were Damien's and his were different, she only had two. Damien had sharp canines on the bottom as well. There was no doubt in my mind as Harlan shifted and attacked her again. She was a vampire.

"I said down, boy!" she extended her hand and Harlan collapsed, wincing with pain.

"Harlan!" I ran toward him but I stopped as I heard his voice in my mind.

'Stay put, help is on the way'

"You wolves are so aggressive" she tutted, lowering her hand but whatever she was doing didn't stop, "I said I meant you no harm, and yet here you come--"

"Stop! Please!" I begged, seeing how he contorted with pain.

"I would but he'd attack me again," she said "I just have to keep him down until your friends are here, I'm sure they would be more coopera--"

"Violette Bellerose if you do not stop that I will be forced to attack you!" Callum yelled as he ran as fast as he could followed by everyone but Selene, Arden, and Elowen.

"But he attacked me first" she pouted.

"Stop it!" Callum said.

"You know her?" Blaze yelled enraged as he ran to my side.

"Fine," she said, and without making any sort of gesture the pain just stopped.

"Harlan!"I ran leaving Blaze behind. He had shifted back the moment she stopped so I kneeled and gently placed his head on my thighs and checked him. Damien was soon next to me, but Blaze made to attack her.

"Blaze don't! She's here to help" Callum put himself in front of her and Blaze tackled him instead. "Get off me you fleabag!"

"What do you mean she's here to help? She's a vampire!" he exclaimed.

"Harlan, are you okay? Harlan!" I had no idea when I had started crying, but I only calmed down when I felt him stir.

"I'm fine Di," he said calmly as he started getting up. Di? He had never called me that before. "But the bitch has five seconds to explain before I rip her to shreds." He got up and that is when I noticed he was completely naked.

I was so worried about his safety, so overwhelmed fearing something would happen to him that I didn't register what I was seeing. And I don't know how I missed it because it was so big I had to do a double-take.

The vampire, Violette, if I had heard correctly, gave him a coy smile that had my blood boiling. "Wow, I have to say, I'd heard the rumor but damn, you wolf boys are big" She crossed her arms and Callum pinched his nose bridge in frustration and snapped his fingers and a pair of jeans appeared next to him.

Harlan put them on.

"You heard my brother, you have five seconds to explain before we rip you to shreds," Damien said as his eyes started glowing red.

"I called her!" Callum said "She's a friend, she's from the council" Damien's face softened "She's here because the rebels went to the palace"

"Vampires are arrogant and selfish, she's not here to help, she could kill us!" Blaze said, fuming.

"And werewolves are emotional and impulsive, but I came here anyway." Her accent made everything she said sound then times more poetic. She looked at Damien and Harlan "I am not your enemy. And if you would hear me out" she threw a pointed glance at Blaze "You would be able to tell why."

"Let's hear her out" Selene suddenly appeared and Damien frowned at her.

"I told you to stay at home," he said, suddenly having moved to her side. He placed a hand on her cheek "She could be dangerous."

"But she isn't," Callum said "Not to us."

"I don't understand how she can be useful, she's a vampire, we're after werewolves" Blaze crossed his arms.

"Let her talk!" Callum said annoyed and Blaze looked extremely on edge. As if there was something about her that deeply bothered him. He had to take a few steps away as if her mere presence disturbed him.

Maybe it was a wolf thing, but none of them were reacting like that. And whatever that aversion was, it seemed mutual. 

The woman examined Blaze and something flashed in her eyes. Something I couldn't quite catch. But it wasn't until Callum cleared her throat that she returned to reality. That flash of emotion was deeply buried by her arrogant and cold demeanor.

She sighed "My name is Violette Bellerose, please call don't butcher my name, just call me         Vi-o-let." The equivalent of her name in English " I am the third daughter of Vesper Bellerose, the vampire king." she sighed "And I will tell you everything you want to know in exchange for something"

"See? I knew a vampire could not be altruistic" Blaze mumbled.

"What do you know?" Damien said, hiding Selene behind him.

"The rebels went to my father to ask for an alliance, they told us his plan, I know everything about their operation." she sighed "I know when they will strike, how, and where."

"And why should we believe the information you are to give us?"

"You shouldn't. But beggars can't be choosers" she smiled "Besides, I need you alive and them dead for my plan to be successful"

"What is your plan? What do you want?" Harlan demanded.

"I want you to offer me a save haven for a while, and after I've done something I have to do, I want you to kill me."

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