Chapter 75

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The three siblings rushed through the woods, breezing past any creature that wanted to attack them, and sometimes killing them instantly. It was like their rage was fueling them, giving them a purpose, a reason to find that man and murder him.

The wind ruffled their furs, their paws making no sound as they cruised through the midnight paradise that the forest had turned into. Harlan was familiar with Damien's plan to delay Everest's execution in order to do it in front of the whole pack. So even though he was ready to kill him, he would contain himself for the well-being of the pack. They needed to see he was actually dead this time.

So they followed their father's scent, finally zeroing in on his location as they arrived at a little clearing.

He wasn't hiding like he expected him to, and neither did he pop up and ambushed them as he feared. No, Everest was just there, laying against a tree, plotting something evil, surely. This was obviously a trap, no one ever considered it wasn't. But It was a trap they'd be willing to fall into.

Everest stared at them, eyes lit with amusement as he said "Hello there" Gemma and Harlan separated from Damien, making sure he couldn't escape as they surrounded him. "Overeager are you?" he said as the three of them pounced on him. He was still in his human form, but somehow he managed to jump higher than them and they had to physically shift their course or they would crash into each other. He sat comfortably on a tree branch.

"I was hoping you'd show up in your human forms so we could talk, but I see now you never wanted that," he said looking at the time "You want to fight? Let's fight." Just as he said that Damien jumped up to the tree and made to bite him but suddenly he wasn't there. "Behind you, bud," he said socking him right in the maw.

That made Harlan react and crush his ankle with his teeth but not before he was promptly kicked off with his father's other foot. But Gemma got a bite in while he was distracted by Harlan and she wouldn't let go until Everest punched her as well.

The three of them fell on the floor but got up immediately. "I think it's really cute you think you can defeat me" Harlan lunged at him while Damien attacked him from the back "I taught you everything you know" he only transformed his right arm as he swiped and hit Harlan in the face, almost blinding him. But it was worth it as Damien bit his shoulder and destroyed his collarbone.

Despite the blinding amount of pain, he must have been in, Everest did not make a sound. And there was still a smug smile o his face "You've gotten better" he mused "But there are some things I never taught you,"

Damien and their father were the same size, but Everest was stronger. And he was proving it by surviving a fight against three very powerful wolves. He looked all of them in the eye as he said "I made sure you'll lose, if not your life, the lives of the ones you love the most" he said this, particularly at Damien who, for some reason, wasn't using his powers.

'What do you mean?' he finally took the bait and spoke into his father's mind.

"Your mate is on the brink of death" he announced "I made a deal with an old friend of mine, and sold my soul but it is worth it," he said casually "It's worth it just to see you destroyed like you left me that day... If it weren't for one of my associates I would have died. You would have succeded in murdering your father!"

Harlan was amazed at the fucking nerve of this guy, after everything he'd done to them, did he really think he deserved to be loved? Or even respected? It was absolutely insane how delusional he was.

Harlan was about to say something when he felt it. That immense pressure he'd felt before when he faced Violette, that excruciating pain. They dropped to the floor as she appeared.

Brown eyes, hair so black it was blue, lips dripping with blood. "Children, meet Dahlia Bellerose" Harlan didn't need to hear her name to know she was Violette's sister, he could tell instantly by her features. She looked younger than her, slightly less powerful, and with less of a flare for dramatic clothing "Her father saved my life that fateful day," Fucking Vesper had a finger in every pie.

Her face was etched into a permanent scowl as she beheld them "Do you want me to kill them?" Her voice was squeaky but surprisingly even. And although her powers resembled her sister's he was beginning to understand why Vesper wanted Violette dead, because the strength of her dark energy could rival his. And Dahlia's, while powerful, was nothing like being subjected to even a twinge of Violette's abilities.

He was about to get up and kill the little bitch when he heard a voice in his head, and not just any voice, his mate's voice.

'Are you okay?' she asked and he closed his eyes, knowing that if she was near enough that he could see her he would give out her location. His father was observing them intently, so he had to keep playing the part.

'I'm fine, just pretending, what are you doing here?' he asked.

'Everest made a pact with a demon, Selene's life's in danger, you have to kill him as fast as you can to break it' he could tell by the growing anger Damien was feeling that she wasn't talking to just him. And although their father had just shared that information with them, it was the exact motivation Damien needed to go berserk.

'We got it, get out of here' Harlan said, he knew this would get ugly really fast.


'Go!' he said, and just as he said that Damien went for Dahlia, and faster than he could see it, he ripped off her head. Harlan used the second Everest wasn't looking to bite his ankle and crush it, making him fall to his knees.

Gemma then bit his other shoulder to keep him in place as Damien, after he finished with Dahlia, came prowling toward him.

Damien's anger was a living breathing thing as he shifted back into his human form "Damien, please," Everest started but before he could even say anything else he grabbed ahold of his hands. He placed a foot on his torso as he pulled and pulled.

The sounds of cracking bones and ripping flesh were almost louder than Everest's screams as Damien ripped out both of his arms without compassion. It was then Harlan was given silent permission to rip his head off, and he did so with ease and not a single feeling of dread or even remorse.

It was easier killing him the second time around, it turns out.

"I'm leaving, to see her," Damien said to Harlan "I trust you can handle the rest" Harlan nodded and Damien shifted again and ran like hell.

Harlan knew what came next, and so did Gemma as both of them ran back to the center of the battle and watched as the crowds parted. He had the head and Gemma was dragging the rest of the body by the legs as they paraded in the middle of the battlefield. 

The half-lings fell to their knees in relief, the vampires made a run for it.

He dropped his father's head in the middle of the clearing and as the sun rose he shifted back. 

And suddenly all was right with the world because the monster was dead.

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