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In beks voice
The centennials appeared around 100 years ago. No one knows why they came, or how their forces were able to garner so much power, and what they were willing to do to get more

Liam sat quietly. Fractured memories replayed through his mind, and the scent of ash filled his nose as he listened to Beks graphic depictions of the tyrannical centennials . His mouth ran dry but he wasn't sure if it was the story, or the fact that he hadn't
eaten or drank anything since waking up.

"Your planet was their next target...." Beck said
"It's gone isn't it...earth.."
Bek seemed almost shocked by the question.
"Yes.." he answered.
"Where are we going? Where are you taking me?"
" to the Union" bek said.

The two sat in a shining cockpit the ship seeming to fly itself. Liam still only in underwear and wrapped in a blanket from the med bay.
"You're healed but now I need to take you somewhere safe. I'm part of a rescue team you could say. I collect survivors from dead planets" he said as his seat swivels, and he took control of the ship.

"So...your planet.."
"Gone" bek replied blankly
"Do you have..water ?" Liam asked
"Ah yes sorry I forgot humans must hydrate" he said and grabbed out a bottle of liquid but Liam wasn't sure it was water.

Liam took this moment to look out the large floor to ceiling windows that framed the glittering  expanses of the universe just for his eyes to see. Bek smiled a little he was glad to see the human have some sort of peace.
Liam could feel beks eyes on him and it made him blush.
"Hey Um..bek could I get some sleep?" Liam asked in a timid voice. Beks eyes darted away from Liam.
"Ah! Yes, let me place the ship on autopilot" the alien said. The ship buzzed a bit as autopilot was initiated and bek led Liam down a series of hallways. With each step the two took their steps made a soft pat sound against the metal interior of the ship.

"Do you ever get lonely?" Liam asked. Bek looks down at the human with a slight confused expression.
"Lonely?" He said as if he'd never heard that word.
"Yeah like said you are not with another person on this ship" Liam said trying his best to explain.
" oh. No I do not feel the 'lonely'" he said in an awkward way. As he said that they arrived at a door.

"This is where you will sleep. There are clothes in the box under bed" Bek said and opened the door. The room was fairly small but fine for Liam. There was a bed a desk, and a door leading to a bathroom.
" thank you!" Liam chirped and walked in siting on the bed with a sigh. It was extremely comfortable.

"Sleep well Liam" bek said

"You too...and thanks...for ya know saving my life"
Bek just nodded at Liam's words and turned to leave. The door closing behind him.

Liam sat on his bed pressed agains a cold window that gave him the perfect view of a star cluster they were passing. Before he had the chance to form a coherent thought about everything he had experienced that day his mind was already forcing him into unconsciousness and he could do nothing to fight it.

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