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Liam was sitting at his chair on the bridge.
"Liam.." soarin said walking up behind him. Liam turned with a smile.
"Yeah?" He asked looking up from his monitor.
"I wanted to show you something." He said with a smiled taking Liam's hand. Liam let himself be led and soarin took him to the projector room. The alien then turned on the projector and an earth like planet appeared.
"Do you like it?" Soarin asked. Liam tilted his head. "I'm not sure what I'm looking at." Liam said.
"What you're looking at is a planet similar enough to earth that you can live on it...we can live on it..." soarin said walking in front of Liam and getting on one knee. In his hand was a beautiful ring.
"It's so beautiful!" Liam said.
"It's made of highly compressed earth rock..that we collected.." soarin said.
"You made me a diamond?!" Liam said shocked.
"I what do you say... Will you marry me?" He asked.
"Of course!" Liam said launching himself forward and kissing soarin.

Three months later.
"Do yoy soarin take Liam to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The two had decided to have two ceremonies one for Liam's customs and one for soarins. All of their friends and family were there. Most of them there for soarin.
Liam was snapped out of his happiness trance by the words.
"Take soarin to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Liam looked into soarins eyes.
"I do.." he said kissing soarin deeply.

Liam and soarin were married and they were now on what Liam referred to as "earth two" the two of them were building a house. Establishing a house where they and Calisto, the baby girl, could live.
"I heard your... Bek has been killing again." Soarin said chopping down wood.
"I know..we're going to have to face him again...aren't we.." he asked.
"Yes eventually." Soarin said.

And so the two lived happily ever after, well for a week or so. When they weren't at home they were traveling the universe fighting the union. Bek became one of the biggest overlords in history eventually taking over the union. It turns out that Bek had been brainwashed and no longer had the ability to feel love. Calisto, the baby girl, eventually joins the soldiers in hopes of beating the union. She is currently the best pilot in the Centennial army.

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