Space suit

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Before things could escalate any further Liam pulled away and walked out of the room. He went to his bedroom and closed the door. When he looked out the window the sight of a sun made him smile. A soft purpleish blue glow cast itself along the metal wall. Liam turned to look at it and smiled it was a flower. A glowing flower. He walked over to it noticing the note next to it.
"I'll break things off with her I promise. Just give me time" in Beks hand writing. Liam blushed a little and sighed looking at the flower.
"Why is everything so complicated" he sighed to himself.
-Next morning-
Liam was awoken to the rattling of the ship. He hated "turbulence". The human quickly stood up and ran to the door while also pulling on a jacket so he wasn't just running around in his underwear. His bare feet pattered against the floor of the ship as he ran.
"Bek! What's going on?" He hollered, as the ship shook more.
When Liam made it to the cockpit bek was no where to be seem and the lights flickered endlessly.
"B-bek?" He whispered with a tinge of fear. This time the ship hit a piece of debris, and tipped to the right causing Liam to fall. The dash began beeping to alert the pilot of damage to the outer layer of the ship. Liams heart beat wildly, and he closed his eyes trying to take deep breaths. His ears filled with the sound of his own heartbeat, and the recurring beeping. The humans shoulders shook as tears cascaded down his tinted cheeks.
"Bek.." he cried out.
In that moment footsteps could be heard against the metal and Bek ran into he room.
"Liam?! Hey what's wrong my love?" He said turning off the alarm, stabilizing the ship, and then rushing to kneel in front of Liam. The alien moved his large hand to Liams cheek moving the boys head to look at him.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Clearly I'm not " he huffs a little. "Where were you?" He asked.
"I had to fit something on the lower deck, and the autopilot didn't know how to handle the asteroid belt thats all."
Liam stopped shaking as the deep breaths began serving their purpose.
"Ok. Good ill um go make breakfast" Liam said, but bek just shook his head.
"No you wont. I already did. Go eat and meet me by the armory so I can get you set up in a more practical space suit. Not the large one you wore before." Bek said and Liam nodded. The smaller got up and walked to the kitchen to eat. Bek watched the boy leave and then turned to the dash. He enabled the AI and let out a breath.
"Please search human distress disorders"
~30 minutes later~
Liam walked into the armory and smiled at beks bare torso being displayed to him, as the alien changed.
"Im ready" Liam said looking around at all the suits.
"Perfect come here" he said pulling a small looking suit from a display rack. as the suit got closer it was obvious it wasn't actually small, and in fact just looked small next to Bek.
"It looks like it's gonna be tight.." Liam said.
"That's the point" Bek said and Liam blushed nodded a little. Liam took off his clothes and tugged on the suit. The white and black combo really helped hug his ass. A feature he knew for a fact was beks design.
(Pic of the suit at top)

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