"Its me!"

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A year later
They were landing on a planet in the out rim of Beks solar system. They knew there was a mineral the union needed and planned to stop them from harvesting it. Liam sat at his seat on the bridge. He was now a weapons specialist. He monitored the screen.
"We are safe to land." Liam said looking over at Soarin.
"Perfect take us down Casit" he said to the co pilot.
When they landed on the planet everyone loved to set up camp.
"I'll set up the perimeter sensors" Liam said kissing soarins cheek.
Liam set out with his backpack. Two miles out he began setting up when he heard rustling. The rustling was followed by a voice. A voice Liam knew well. Bek. He stayed hidden. Reaching for the gun at his hip. But it was Bek he wouldn't need it. Right? Liam activated the two sensors he'd set up sending a signal back to the ship. Liam gently grabbed his backpack but unfortunately it cracked a leaf.
"Fuck" he mumbled.
"Come out! We know you're there" Bek hollered. Liam winced but slowly stood. Bek didn't seem shocked at all to see Liam. Liam's heart raced. Bek looked the same. Nothing had changed except the look in his eyes.
"Bek..it's me..." Liam said. Bek didn't say anything. He then looked over the man's uniform.
"On your knees Centennial!" He yelled. Liam flinched reaching for the blaster. As he did Bek shot at him. Liam dodged.
"He shot at me! He actually shot at me!" He said turning the safety off. He stayed ducked behind the tree for a moment before standing and shooting the soldier that was with Bek.
"Bek!! It's me!" Liam said desperately.
"Why would I care who you are." He said with a frown. For some reason despite not having seen him for a year and being with a new person it still hurt to hear Bek talk like that. Liam frowned. Bek then shot three times. Liam did his best to dodge but one hit Liam in the thigh. He groaned and held the wound shooting back. Just then the rest of the soldiers with Liam came running out of the tree with blasters. Bek took many hits. Just as he was nearing death a ship flew over them and lifted him. Liam watched as his first love retreated into the sky riddled with wounds.

"Liam!" Soarins voice cut through Liam's thoughts. The human hugged the alien.
"Are you ok??" He asked. Liam nodded.
"He got my leg that's about it." He said looking down at the blood running down his leg.
"Let's get you patched up my love." Soarin said lifting Liam and taking him to the ship.

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