Earth... is Gone?

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The door of a room opened. Inside a bed. A table and a hanging basket of some kind. He walked in and looked around. It looked comfortable.
"Is Everything to your liking? I know little of your planet as our library's were destroyed with our planet. If you need anything at all don't hesitate to bring it to my attention." Sorin said. Liam nodded and looked at the basket. He walked over and gently touched it and the basket lowered itself.
"Woah..." he murmured.
"What's this for?" He continued.
"Ah it's the bed for the baby. Our species used to reside in trees she'll be happier higher up at night." The man said.
"No wonder I haven't been able to get her to sleep." He said "it could also be that I have no experience with children" he said with a laugh. The man laughed a little too.
"Do not worry we will find a replacement housing unit for her when a parent becomes available." He said gently playing with the girls hand.
"Well I suppose I should leave to two of you to settle. Should you need me I'm in the cockpit but if you don't want to go there just push this button" he pulled out a little box with a green button. "And I'll come to you" he finished walking to the door. For the first time since he boarded the ship he had a chance to look at the man. He had to be at least 7 feet. For the first time since earth exploded he felt embarrassed to be so short. He remembered reading that members of this species can get to be around 7'4. He blushed at the thought of Sorins ~appendage~.

A couple hours later Liam had fed the child and put her to sleep in her cradle. He was starving so he decided to venture out of his room,m. He figured ringing for the captain just for some food would be rude so he took the chance to wander. Despite their kindness to him this far his heart still jumped into his throat when he saw a couple soldiers. They just smiled and waved before going about their day. It was so strange and opposite to what he was expecting.

He looked to the side of himself out the window. He took this chance to marvel at the universe. At the beauty of the star nursery's and the total void of empty space. It really made you think. He was pulled out of his trance by a hand on his shoulder. Liam flinched and instinctually hit the man's hand off reaching for a weapon on his hip that wasn't there. He then noticed it was just sorin.
"I am so sorry..I'm just..a little on edge. Bek and I would train constantly so it's..sort of in my head." He said relaxing.
"Do not apologize I'm aware of Union training. I know it's rough." He said. He seemed rather fluent in English. Unlike Bek who had to read his mind to fully understand.
"If you don't mind me asking how do you know English?" He asked
"Ah yes. Well my species and yours have come in contact before actually recently in our years. Less so in human ones." Sorin said.
Liams heart sank. Yeah when you destroyed my planet. He thought to herself. He had almost forgotten. These are the bad guy. Your family is dead you dunce how could you trust them.
Sorin could see Liam loosing himself to his thoughts.
"Come back to me.." he said gently touching Liam's shoulder.
"I'm sorry sometimes I get lost in thought." He said looking up at sorin.
"When did you come In Contact with us?" Liam asked.
"Nnnhmmm well the last time we were in the Milky Way was during the civil war. We supported the northern states." He said with a small smile.
Liam frowned that was hundreds of years ago. Of course he wasn't going to admit to what he did.
"You're thinking a lot again. What's on your mind." He asked.
"It's just how could your centennials lie about destroying my planet!? My family was there! I..I.." he couldn't continue but what really angered him was that Sorin looked wildly confused.
"What are you talking about...? gone?" He said looking completely confused.

Star Dust:AlienXHumanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ