The Baby

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Liam stopped swimming causing Bek to stop.
"Bek. Please...just think about this...the planet isn't toxic. It is healthy and safe....why destroy it...?" Liam said definitively. Bek frowned and looked down at the core then back up at Liam. He seemed to be contemplating a lot.
"Fine...let's head back to the ship" he said gently grabbing Liam and tugging him up.
Back on to the air lock of the ship. Liam pulled the mask off.
"I just don't understand why the union would need this planet specifically. I mean look around it's alive thriving....why kill all of these animals..? Aren't you guys supposed to be the good guys?" He asked sitting down next to Bek who still hadn't gotten out of the water.
"I don't know..hell I don't even know why they need the core.. I don't know what it's for. I just know they said it could help defeat the centennials and that it was my job to get it.." Bek said.
Liam frowned and looked down at him.
"How long have you been working for them?" Liam asked.
"My whole life. We'll sort of. I was still in my pod when they found be but I couldn't see. So I was probably around 6 or 7 when they found me...all I can remember about life before the union was the cold water flowing through my gills." He said
"Maybe we should just ask the Union why they need it" Liam said. Bek thought for a moment and then nodded.
"Okay.." he said and got up walking back into the ship. Liam followed with a smiled but he had a really bad gut feeling. Chills ran through his body as he got on the ship and that woman from the unions voice rang through the ship. Bek seemed to be speaking to her in that language that he didn't understand. He seemed upset and she seemed annoyed. After shouting he hung up resting his head.
"Bek...?" He whispered and walked toward the other.
"They won't tell me. They say it's confidential." He said and turned toward Liam. Liam turned and watched as the alien walked past him into his room.
"Bek come on.." he said
"I need alone"he said as his door slid shut. Liam sighed and sat at the control panel as the ship slowly rose to the surface. When it was docked Liam got off the ship and walked out. His foot genlty pressed against the soft earth of the planet. He smiled as little glowing bugs flew up from the earth. His head then whipped to the side hearing something move in a bush. Liam slowly crouched down and held out his hand thinking maybe it was an animal. Next thing he knows a baby is holding onto his arm. She has metal covering her ears and is red with red eyes. He smiled a little.

Liam laughed as the girl clung on to him

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Liam laughed as the girl clung on to him.
"Well hello what's your name" he asked thinking the girl was maybe a toddler. Just the pain heard beks voice shouting at him.
"LIAM!! Put that thing down!!" He yelled. The girl clung to his back like a baby gorilla terrified of the yelling alien.
"Stop yelling you're scaring her" Liam said. Bek stoped and frowned.
"Liam that thing is a Cornan" Bek yelled. Liam just blinked in confusion.
"I'm sorry a what?" He asked. Bek sighed in annoyance.
"It's a centennial!" He hollered. Liam just looked back at the little one.
"No it's a toddler." He responder putting his hands on his hips.
"It's actually a hatchling. They are a large species." Bek said before sighing. "We have to take her to the Union." Bek said turning toward the ship and walking over. Liam bit his lip, a little worried what they would do to the girl seeing as she was of an enemy race.

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