Intergalactic home-wrecker

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Liam's eyes fluttered open as hot breath hit the back of his neck. His head was pounding from the alcohol and his entire body hurt. Despite these things though at least he was warm. He looked around the room he was in suddenly realizing that it wasn't his room. He tried to move but two massive arms kept him in place. He turned his head a little and was greeted with Beks sleeping face. His eyes widened and he blushed furiously. he suddenly realized why he was so warm, and then he realized why he was naked when he felt his legs squish together.

"B-bek can you please get up" Liam mumbles but Bek remained happily unconscious. Liam pulled himself out of Beks arms and stood up walking over to the bathroom. Despite his leg muscles best effort to not move he made it in time to throw up. This always happened when he got drunk. He'd sleep with some guy and then throw up the next morning as a result of his hangover.

"mmmng" he groaned a little as he rested his head on the toilet seat, ready in case he needed to throw up again. The lights of the ship blinded his half asleep eyes.

"Liam?" Beks deep voice rang through the door of the bathroom.

"Mmmm" Liam responded.

"are you ok?" he asked in a worried tone gently resting his hand and ear against the door.

"Mhm" was all Liam said before standing splashing some cold water on his face and walking to the door. when he opened it he was greeted by Beks chest. He looked up at Bek and smiled a little bit. Bek smiled back he was about to say something but Liam started first.

"I'm gonna go to my room and shower" Liam rushed out of the room and down the hall to his own. When he walked into the bathroom he looked at himself in the mirror examining every bruise and mark left on him from the night before. He hated that he loved the way they contrasted his skin. He hated that he enjoyed what they did last night. He hated that he wanted to do it again. He really hoped that his Fiancé was a horrible person so that he could feel less guilty about all this. Liam turned on the shower and stepped in. The hot water felt amazing on his skin. After thoroughly washing his body and brushing his teeth he got out and dried off pulling on some shorts and a t-shirt. He walked out of his room and to the kitchen.

"Bek?" he said as he looked around. Out of no where someone grabbed him by the waist and bound his wrists.
"what the hell! who the hell are you!?" Liam yelled as a man dressed in all metal walked around him as if inspecting him.
"where is Bek!" he demanded more than asked.

"is that what you call him?" The alien in metal taunted.

"BEK!" Liam screamed hoping Bek could still hear him.

"Liam!?" Bek called from another room. Liam teared up a bit in fear.

"don't worry. soon you won't even remember him" The alien said and began to walk away. Liam moved quickly kicking the guy in the back of the knee he knelt for a moment and then Liam kicked his head into the ground knocking him out. Liam rushed toward the room Beks voice came from when he opened the door there were two guys and Bek. Bek looked up at Liam and smiled.
"You're ok!" He said and then notice the knocked out alien behind Liam. Bek was proud. He looked up at the two guards in front of him and quickly stood head butting one guy and kneeing the other in the stomach. Liam run up behind Bek and cut the bindings before turning to let Bek take his off.

"Who are they?? What's going on?" Liam asked looking up at Bek with a scared look.
"They are very low ranking centennials. I forgot to activate the alarms last night that's why we didn't know of them getting on the ship." Bek said as Liam turned and hugged him tightly resting his face in Beks chest.

"I'm scared Bek" Liam mumbled

"I know" Bek said hugging back before slowly pulling away.
"Cmon I'm gonna go report these guys to the union why don't you eat something" Bek said Lovingly as he tied the centennials up. Liam nodded and let Bek walk him to the kitchen. He grabbed a fruit and then followed Bek to the cockpit.

"How many more object do we need to collect for the union?" Liam asked.

"2" Bek responded as he put in a transmission to the union they picked up almost instantly.
They began talking to him in a langue Liam couldn't understand. Bek then explained the problem and the union member responded in a shocked and then serious tone. The union member noticed Liam but did not address him. Bek look very serious and professional when he spoke to the union. Liam liked seeing Bek like this. It was hot. Bek did a farewell gesture and then hung up the call. Bek sighed a little.
"We're going to drop these guys off at the union before we continue to collect the items" Bel said.

Liam smiled
"I'm gonna get to see the union??" He said excitedly.

"Yeah, the planet is only a few solar systems over" Bek said. Turning on autopilot and camouflage. Liam stared at Bek for a minute and when the Alien stood he  was rather close to Liam.
"Are you ok? know. You seemed really upset earlier"Bek said. Liam was kind of shocked by his question.

"Yeah I'm...ok..I just..what about your fiancée.." he responded.
Bek kind of stared at him for a moment before genlty sliding his hand onto the back of Liam's neck pulling him in for a kiss. Liam had to prop himself up on the control panel to be tall enough to kiss the alien. Bek positioned himself between Liam's legs kissing him intensely.
That was the end of that conversation.

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