Training, Freezing, Breathing

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*beep* *Beep**BEEP*

The sound of the alarm slowly filled Liam's consciousness and he was forced to wake up.
Liam groaned an ran his hand over his face. The boy sat up and flinched all his muscles seemed to hurt. he slowly stood up and walked over to the bathroom getting ready for training. he tied his increasingly growing hair up into a low man bun.

"Liam?" Beks voice rang from the other side of the door. the aliens voice spurred Liam to move faster. He pulled on his shorts, t-shirt, and shoes. the human ran to the door and pushed the button to open it. He was immediately greeted with beks pecs.
"um.." Liam couldn't find the words. The alien was shirtless but wore shorts and shoes.
"ready?" he asked. Liam couldn't really speak because he was blushing so much, so he just nodded a little.
"good" bek replied and began walking off. Liam assumed the alien wanted him to follow, so he did. They walked down the hall to the entrance of the lower deck of the ship. Liam hadn't been down there before so he was excited. bek raised his hand to a screen that promptly scanned his hand and it opened the door.
"welcome to the lower deck and gym" Bek said.
"wait the entire lower deck is the gym?" Liam asked
"yeah how else would we run?" he asked. Liam nodded
"of course how stupid of me" he mumbled.
"lets warm up and then run" Bek said.

The two did a series of stretches that took around twenty minutes and then began running the track. The walls of the gym were all glass type material so you could see through. Liam watched the stars pass by to distract himself from the exhaustion of having to keep up with Bek.

At this point the alien had lapped Liam multiple times but it wasn't exactly Liams overall health that was the problem. Bek had noticed how the humans physicality had diminished significantly since boarding the ship.

"Liam how do you feel" bek asked as he jogged up to the human. Liam looked up at him with a 'how do you think' look, his breathing heavy.
"my muscles...*huff* hurt...*huff* *huff* more than normal." he said as he stopped running. Bek nodded with a Knowing look.
"the change in gravity is straining your muscles. We'll have to make sure you work out a lot to keep your muscles activated.we should also consider some gravity therapy." Bek said. Liam sighed and nodded.
"alright I was gonna have us try some hand to hand combat but I see now that may overwork you. we'll try tomorrow. for now lets-"
"get breakfast?" Liam finished in a begging tone. They still hadn't eaten. Bek chuckled deeply and nodded
"yes sustenance seems to be required."

-In the Kitchen-

"ok so is this sweet?" Liam asked inspecting a bright purple and orange fruit(?)
"Yes." bek said. Liam smiled and began peeling the round fruit. It reminded him of a mango but when he tasted it, it was more akin to a banana. He blended the fruit and a couple other things into a smoothie and handed it to Bek.
"what is this?" bek asked inspecting the dark purple drink placed in front of him.
"its a smoothie. try it" Liam said. Bek listened and brought the cup to his lips drinking it.
"It's!-....I'm not sure the word in your language."
"Delicious?" Liam said in a hopeful tone
"if that means I like it very much then yes" Bek replied. Liam smiled and sat down on the counter. He sipped his smoothie and then looked up at beck. even with beck sitting on a chair and him sitting on the counter he still had to look up at the alien.

"so... you have a partner.." Liam said trying to get Bek to talk about her.
"Yes." he Said
"You don't sound very happy about this" Liam noted as he licked the remanence of smoothie off his lips. Beks eyes were glued to him.
"I'm not" He replied
"Why? is she not what you expected?" Liam asked. Bek sighed and set his empty cup on the counter beside Liam.
"its not simple. After the death of my planet, my species, like yours, is all but wiped out. so in order to keep my species alive my adoptive parents set me up with continue the blood line" He explained. Liam frowned a little he definitely understood the reasoning but it didn't make it any less tragic.
"I see..." Liam mumbled.

"Bek we are approaching lemia" the AI pilot informed Bek.

"thank you.. come Liam lets get you dressed. Lemia is frozen you wont survive in your current attire" bek said in an overdramatic tone.

-30 minutes later-

Liam was dressed in a three layer uniform. the first layer was a skin tight, black, turtleneck, body suit. the second layer was a dark blue sweater and a pair of what felt like sweats. the final layer was socks, boots, and a large white insulated jacket. Bek simply wore a pair of pants, boots, and a jacket. Liam chalked this up to the fact that Bek was a cold blooded creature.

The ship landed right outside the town that lay buried inside a frozen waste land. The lights of the town they were going to enter were highly visible through the clouds of snow. Just before the back hatch of the ship opened up Bek placed a mask on Liam's face.
"you won't be able to breath on this planet without this" Bek said. The hatch fell open and a cold breeze flooded in rustling Liam's brown hair.

Liam's breath made a tiny fog cloud on the glass of the mask.

"it's beautiful!" the human commented. Bek nodded a little
"mmm beautiful but dangerous" the alien said. he began walking down the ramp and into the snow, Liam promptly scrambled after him.

"the merchant we are meeting is not the safest acquaintance. Do not leave my side for even a moment." Bek said as he pulled up a map and led the two of them to a bar (pictured above) located at the center of town. The two of them walked into a small box that encased the actual door and the door behind them shut and air locked.
"once we get inside you can take off your mask" Bek said. the door to the bar then opened and Liam slowly took off the mask. He took a deep breath and sighed in relief. He half didn't believe the air would actually be breathable for him.

"come on that's our guy" Bek said point to a suspicious blue looking fellow.
"I thought the union was an official organization why are y'all doing business with such shady people?" Liam asked
"well technically we are a rebellion organization so we use what means we can." he said as he approached the table and took a seat across form the merchant. Liam watched for a second but when he felt some ones hand brush against his ass he rushed to sit next to Bek. Liam sort of clung to his side as he began to notice aliens starring at him. He could tell Bek was talking to the merchant but his voice was muffled as Liam's eyes darted around the room. He felt like a piece of meat in a room of hungry dogs. His heart rate seemed to be increasing and his breathing slowly picked up.

Did he always feel this vulnerable......

this weak?

He closed his eyes and hugged onto himself but everything slowed as he felt Beks hand slide down his back and around his waist.

Bek had finished the transaction and stuffed a small glowing piece of tech into his pocket.

"thank you for this the Union appreciates your cooperation." Bek said and gently nudged Liam up. He then guided the human to the bar and ordered them drinks.

"I don't really feel like drinking" Liam said. He didn't want to be drunk in case one of these aliens tried to make a move.
"I won't leave your side for a moment there is nothing to be scared of. " Bek whispered in Liam's ear earning a blush from the pale human.
"promise?" Liam says as he looks down unable to maintain eye contact with Bek.
"Yes I promise" The alien said and slid a bright green drink over to him.

"Just Breath"


This chapter was a tad longer than normal as an apology for taking so much time off. The next chapter will have smut so here's your warning.

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