Core Memories

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As the ship got closer and closer to beks planet he grew quiet. It was obvious from the way he'd talked about it before, and his suddenly coldness, that the planet, and its destruction, left burning scars in the aliens mind.
The intercom breaks the silence.


Bek flinched and then finished getting into his own suit. Liam on the other had wanted to see the planet. He had seen photos of it before the centennials, but it looked nothing like it now. The planet was blown in half. What was left of it was mostly water. The celestial bodies blue and green coloring was stark agains the Darkness of space.
"Bek... its still so alive" Liam mumbled. He didn't understand why Beks people couldn't still live on the planet.
"She is still alive. Just barely, after we leave she wont be " Bek said in a dark tone.
"I don't understand if the planet is still alive why cant you and your people still live here?" Liam asked.
"Well if it weren't for the fact that the air is now toxic, there are no people left alive to live here. Other than Miri and I" he said, and then turned to look at Liam.
"What..?" Liam paled.
"The ones that weren't taken as slaves for the centennials were killed; those who are slaves have no chance of survival. The planet has no one to provide for, but her core can do so much for the resistance." Liam just listened to Bek unable to form a response. The ship descended into the atmosphere and to what looked to be a large lake.
"The core rests under water and so we will have to dive to retrieve it." Bek said. Liam nodded and smiled. He loved swimming, so he had no doubt this would be a problem for him. Liam put on his mask as the ship anchored itself to the bottom of the reef. The air lock secured behind them and the doors opened letting the two out.
"BeK this planet is beautiful..." Liam said in awe. Fish of every different color swarmed around the two of them in interest. Bek smiled a little. He forgot how much he loved home. How much he missed living under water. His gills opened a little for the first time in a long time. The two swam deeper, and as a result the light began to dampen around them. Sunlight was replaced by the dull glow of the core. It amazed Liam. The structure of this planet was nothing like earth and it baffled him. Liam's eyes traveled around taking in the rich ecosystem.
"Bek I don't think this is right. I don't think we should take this core. Why kill a planet that could potentially house millions of centennial survivors? There is food hydration, plant life, it's such a rich ecosystem. I can't justify killin it for no good reason."
Bek seemed to look at Liam as if he had just said the most outlandish thing in the universe.
"The Union needs it." Bek said simply.
"But WHY? For what? Why THIS planet? Is there no other planet core the could take?" Liam said
"No. Planets like this don't just blow up every day. This is a very special circumstance in which the core was exposed thanks to the destruction of half of the planet, and the extinction of it's inhabitance." Bek explained.
"How convenient." Liam mumbled.

- years ago, Just after the destruction of half the planet-
Union ships land on the sands of Anex.
"Quick search out any survivors. Check the shore line for guppy pods." (Guppy pods: a pod guppy's will sleep in until they are around 8 years old) The union leader ordered. The scouts immediatly did as they were told, and after a few days they returned to the union ship with only two surviving members of the species. Both too young to see. (His species can't see until they are in their teens)
"This one give him to me." She said gently pulling one of the pods from the scouts hands.
" he is perfect" The union leader said before getting back on the ship.

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