"Just kill it"

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As the ship docked at the union station Liam shivered. He was uncomfortable and worried. He trusted Bek but he also knew that he would kill a centennial with no regret.
"You're lucky you're a baby." Liam said and the child just cooed in response. As they walked from the landing platform into the building many stopped to stare at the child holding on to Liam's back. He gently reached back holding onto the child to make sure no one snatched her. As they rounded the corner a tall woman in professional looking attire stood there waiting for them. She was terrifying to say the least.

"You've brought them

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"You've brought them..." she clicked leaning forward to analyze Liam and the baby.
"Wonderful please join me" she said gesturing to a sort of conference room. Liam's heart dropped and he followed Bek into the room. Bek looked down seeing how nervous Liam was he kept his hand on the humans back. Liam took in some deep breaths
"Fuck..." Liam breathed out looking at the room full of aliens eyeing the baby.
"Bek I don't think this is a good idea. I think we should go" liam said with worry.
"Don't worry liam it's ok..." Bek said. Despite his words liam could sense a lack of confidence in the aliens voice. He sat at a table with the baby on his lap looking around the room. The woman walked in sitting as well. She was tall so even though she was sitting she towered over everyone. When she began talking everyone else did as well. They would scream and point at the human. Each gesture driving a knife into his confidence. His heart beat wildly at the worry of what was to come next. Despite all the yelling and pointing the woman who Liam assumed was the leader of the union. Liam swallowed thickly his hands staying on the girls back to protect her Incase things got rough. Not that he could do anything. He's small and soft compared to the rest of these aliens.

After what felt like hours. After his legs had fallen asleep due to the weight of the larger species on his lap. The dull hum of sound in his mind came to a halt when he heard the womens decree.
"Just kill it. It's simple" she said before getting up and walking towards the door. Liam's heart pounded and he gently stood up. He was shaky as the blood began flowing through his legs again. The feeling of the pins in his legs was nothing compared to the fear he felt. Liam walked to the door with his hand bracing the child. Once he was through the door he sprinted. Ever muscle in his legs forcing him forward. He skidded down the halls toward the docking bay. When he arrived he picked the first ship he could find and took it. Though Liam didn't really know how to fly he would figure it out. He pushed a few buttons that he recognized from Beks ship.

Bek rushed after liam calling his name. Why was he so mad about this. The centennials were evil they were doing this for the grater good.
"Liam please!!" He yelled as the human figured out how to start the hover mechanism.
"Fuck yeah!!" Liam yelled as the ship lifted. Liam looked out the window at Bek smiling weakly. He sucked in a deep breath closing his eyes.
"I can't let them kill her" he said and sped out of the deck hitting a few other ships in the process. He flew as fast and as far as he could. He didn't know what to do now.

Bek watched as Liam flew away. He was gone just like that.
"Bek!" The woman hollered. "Where is he?!" When Bek couldn't giver her and answer she huffed and pulled him to her with the gravity bracelet on her wrist. She could tell Bek felt something for Liam and she was going to fix that.
"Come" she said descending with Bek down the hallway.

Liam let the ship go on auto pilot so he could feed her. First he needed to figure out what she ate.
"Alright come on let's get some alimento yes?" He said with a smile and walked her to the kitchen. He eventually figured out the girl would only drink milk since she was so young. So he bottle fed her 7 times a day. He put aside time each day to read up on her species. Apparently 'centennial' isnt their species name. Her species is called "kekte" they are a semi aquatic species like Bek. The species varies in color, from green, to red, to blue. Their home planet mysteriously exploded. Thankfully they had an idea it was going to happen, and so now they live on a giant ship traveling the galaxy destroying other peoples planets. This is what the union documents said at least. They had been on that ship for almost a month when an alarm went off.
"Enemy vessel approaching" the alarm blared. Liam rushed to the cockpit seeing a centennial ship approaching.
"Shit" he cursed.

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