Chapter 2

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In roughly an hour later, you and Zeldris were summoned by the Demon King. He was already in front of his father's throne when you arrived. You didn't look at his father at all, but gave Zeldris a quick glance. He looked at you with guilt in his eyes, he must've blamed himself for not getting out of your room this morning. "Zeldris! Lilith! Is what I have been told about this morning true?" the Demon King roared at us. You started to answer but Zeldris talked over you quickly, hoping to save you from whatever punishment you both were to receive. "Father, it's my fault. I seduced Lilith, she wanted to stay faithful to Meliodas," he began but his father cut him off. "That is no excuse! You both have embarrassed me and from what I have heard you alone are not to blame," the Demon King looked to you, "You betrayed the eldest Prince by poisoning the mind of the youngest."

You didn't say anything, but you noticed Meliodas was standing next to his father looking pissed. You were so anxious you hadn't noticed him at first, but he was staring daggers at Zeldris. Why is he looking at him like that? He knows we were together, you thought to yourself. "Lilith, from now on you will be going with Meliodas on all his missions. You are not to be alone with Zeldris," the Demon King growled. "But father," Zeldris started. "Enough! Zeldris, I forbid this. If you do not stop this silly relationship, I will send Lilith to the front lines!" the Demon King threatened. Zeldris stopped talking, looking defeated and angry. "You three are dismissed. Meliodas, take Lilith with you," the Demon King demanded. You looked at Zeldris but he was staring at the floor. "Let's go Lil," Meliodas ordered without any emotion.

Once you were far away from the throne room, you grabbed Meliodas' wrist and stopped him. "Why were you glaring at your brother? You know we were together, you shouldn't have been shocked," you asked in a hushed tone. "If Zeldris hadn't been so irresponsible, this wouldn't have happened. We'll all be watched closer, you won't be able to stay with him and I won't be able to visit Elizabeth as easily," he explained angrily. "Meli, I asked him to stay with me last night, it's not his fault alone," you tried to relieve some of Meliodas' anger from Zeldris onto you. "It doesn't matter, he should've known better!" he argued, grabbing your wrist and leading you to your room, "We're leaving soon, so grab your stuff."

Once Meliodas walked away to his room to gather his own things, you snuck through your window and out to the gardens. You and Zel used to come here together often when you weren't quite old enough to be sneaking off to the human realm. There was a spot in the garden that you couldn't see from the castle, it was the perfect hiding spot. Once you got there, you saw Zel sitting against the wall looking helpless. He noticed your presence and gave you a smile but his eyes were still sad. "I'm sorry Lily, this is my fault," he started but you put your finger over his lips to hush him. "Zel, I asked you to stay last night, it's my fault we were caught," you reassured him.

He pulled you into a tight hug, his warmth and scent still made your hearts flutter. You pulled away and kissed him passionately, it was going to be so much harder to sneak away. You didn't realize until Zeldris wiped them away with his thumbs, but you had tears streaming down your face. He tucked a strand of your white hair behind your ear and looked into your hazel eyes. "I'll always love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find our way back to each other," Zeldris promised. You smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, when you heard someone clear their throat.

"Yo!" Meliodas scared the shit out of both of you, earning glares from his brother and you. "I can't believe you guys are already sucking face after what just went down with father," he teased. "Shut up Meliodas," Zeldris wasn't in the mood for his brother's antics. Meliodas giggled and looked at you, "We have to go now." You hugged Zel tightly before getting up, whispering in his ear, "I love you Zel. You better keep that promise." You left to go grab your things, but Meliodas stayed behind to talk with his brother. "Save it, I don't need your lecture," Zeldris started but Meliodas wasn't going anywhere without saying something. He had a serious look on his face and growled lowly, "How could you be so stupid? You're lucky father sees Lil as an asset or he would've just had her executed, likely by you."

Zeldris stood up and got nose to nose with his brother. They were the same height so their eyes matched perfectly, Zel's black ones burning holes into Meliodas' green ones. "Watch it Meliodas. This wasn't intentional and you know it. Why don't you run off to your little goddess and leave Lily with me?!" Zel spat out. Meliodas was taken aback, though he should've known you'd tell his brother about Elizabeth. Instantly, Meliodas' eyes turned black and his demeanor was that of the cold and ruthless leader of the Ten Commandments that he was, "I know this isn't easy for you but get this through your head, father WILL kill her whether he wants to use her for her God Slayer magic or not. Her blood will be on she your hands." With that, Meliodas left his brother fuming in the gardens.

"Ready to go?" you heard from your doorway, Meliodas had already cooled off by the time he got to your room. He clearly didn't blame you at all for this, and you felt immense guilt to be the reason he and his brother were at each other's throats. You turned to face him, eyes sightly puffy and red from crying. Meliodas pulled you into a hug, "Lil, I get it. I'm upset myself but honestly this is probably the best outcome we could've had." "Meli, I know that but it doesn't hurt any less. I love Zel with all seven of my hearts!" you cried into his shoulder. He grabbed your hand, "Alright, let's go." You made your way to the portal to the human realm, but Meliodas stopped abruptly.

"Lil, were you serious that night that I told you about Elizabeth? About leaving the demon realm
for good?" he turned around to look at you but he had a blank look on his face that you couldn't read. "Meli, I want to...but I can't leave Zeldris," you started, looking away from him. "Lil, look at me," he grabbed your chin to make your eyes meet his, "Even if I leave, father will never let you and Zeldris be together. Maybe if you hadn't been caught and I left, but now it's not going to happen. We could bring Zel with us." "I don't think he'd betray the demon clan like that Meli..."

"Will you come with me, even if he doesn't? I need my best friend with me. I know he's your lover, but if we leave you'll no longer be my father's pawn for the impending war." You hesitated for a second, but nodded your head slowly. "I'll go...I don't want to fight the goddess clan," you answered. "Lily..." you turned around to see that Zeldris had followed you and Meliodas. He had a hurt look on his face, "Lily, please don't go. We can work something out here..." You ran up to him and grabbed his hands, "Zel, please come with us. I don't want to be your father's toy in this game. I want to live a peaceful and happy life with you. I love you so much," you pleaded with him, then kissed him lovingly.

From the look in his eyes, you could see he was considering it, but he pulled his hands away from yours. "I can't...I can't just leave the demon clan for those who hate us," he finally answered. Tears started rolling down your cheeks, you had already decided to go with Meliodas. War was the last thing you wanted, and you especially did not want to be some tool for people to use. You cupped his cheeks with your hands and kissed him deeply again, resting your forehead on his you whispered, "You better keep your promise. Make your way back to me." Your hearts were shattering, you knew he wouldn't come with you. You could see his point of view but you couldn't take being a pawn to play with.

"Lil, we should go.." you heard Meliodas call for you. "Lily, please..." Zeldris was begging, tears flowing down his cheeks, he didn't know what to do without you. It took everything you could muster in your body to turn and walk towards Meliodas. "Meliodas!" Zeldris yelled. You turned to look at your lover, his eyes black with a hint of red. The hatred spewing from him filled the small cave. "I will never forgive you for taking Lily away from me. You're dead to me!" he spit at his brother. His eyes softened to look at you again, but you couldn't take it. If you stayed here any longer, you wouldn't leave at all. Meliodas looked at his brother, nearly equally as sad as you. He knew how much you loved Zeldris, and his heart broke for you.

You and Meliodas began leaving for the human realm, the last thing you heard was Zel yelling, "Lily!! I'll keep my promise!"

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now