Chapter 10

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--At the Boar Hat--
"Captain, did you find her?" Merlin asked. It was very early in the morning but everyone was up in anticipation. "Yeah...I did. She wouldn't come back with me," he replied quietly, "What pisses me off though is she gave him her sin tattoo, he doesn't deserve to bear it." "Sir Meliodas, Lady Lilith will be okay, won't she?" Elizabeth asked him. He looked at her and smiled, "I don't really know, but I hope so. I won't stop fighting till she's back here with us." King spoke up next, "Captain, you've known her most of your life. Will she fight with him?"

He sighs and looks at the floor, unsure if he should tell them what happened in the first Holy War but he wanted to temper their expectations, "Lilith abandoned the demon realm with me and fought with Stigma against the demons, Zeldris was obviously our enemy. She found him wounded on the battlefield and saved him from a couple goddesses. One of them escaped to get reinforcements, I tried to persuade them from attacking her but they didn't listen. She used one of her deadliest moves towards the goddesses, Light Liberator." He stopped for a few seconds before finishing, "The goddesses, because they use light magic, instantaneously vanished and became light, which Lilith absorbed. It's why the Demon King wanted us to rule together, she was a huge threat to the goddess clan. That's why she's the Sin of Impiety, she serves no Gods."

"And not so coincidentally, Zeldris is the Commandment of Piety, able to make anyone a devout follower for the Demon King and do his bidding," he finally finished and looked up at King and the others. "Captain, it sounds like really bad news if she helps him," Diane commented with worry. Merlin reassured her, "Well, Lilith's God and Devil Slayer magic's are most useful against the goddess and demon clans, so we shouldn't have to worry about those much unless she turns against the Captain." Meliodas chuckled, "Lilith has one more type of magic she rarely uses because it's difficult to wield and is devastating to everything: black magic." Even Merlin was surprised by this, apparently you had blocked that out so she couldn't see it in your memories when studying you.

Everyone was speechless. "Did she say whether she'd come back soon?" Diane asked, breaking the silence. Meliodas shakes his head, "She said she'd stay by my brother's side. That she picked me 3,000 years ago and it was time to go with her heart and pick Zeldris instead."

--Back to you & Zel--
You finally made it to the 'castle' the Commandments were resting in. Galand saw Zeldris first, then your hand in his. "Is that you Lilith?" Galand questioned. Zeldris was wary and kept you behind him. "It is me, tin can!" you called out from behind Zel. "What're you doing here with Zeldris!? What've you been up to the last 3,000 years?" you and Galand had been friends for a long time, and he was still as boisterous as always. He already knew why you were with Zel because you couldn't lie to him due to his Commandment, but you smiled as it was clear he had kept the secret safe with him for this long. Melascula, Estarossa, Derieri, and Monspeet were now gathered behind Galand.

"Well if it isn't Meliodas' bride? What brings you here, finally realized he's a worthless traitor?!" Estarossa chuckled darkly. "Don't call her that!" Zeldris growled. Estarossa holds up his hands like take a chill pill. You pipe up as you step next to Zeldris, "Fuck off Estarossa. I've been with Zel the entire time, I'm surprised you didn't overhear the time we got caught in bed together by the maids," you smirk at him. There's a slight blush on Zeldris' face but he doesn't say anything. Melascula was noticeably angry, she had always had a thing for him. Estarossa looked dumbfounded, apparently he really was that dense. "To answer your questions Galand, I chose to go with Meliodas 3,000 years ago, but I should've chosen Zeldris. As for all this time, I've been hanging around Meliodas the entire time and helping protect Britannia," you interlocked your fingers with Zel's as you said this.

"Does that mean you're going to help us get revenge?" Derieri asked, eyeing you. You chuckled, a little menacingly, "Not at all. I'm here to protect Zeldris and that's it. I don't serve the Demon King or Supreme Deity. That's why I'm known as the Crow Sin of Impiety." Estarossa was angered by this and started towards the both of you, "Brother, we can't possibly trust her-" "Devil's Laughter!" you yell, causing sharp shards of dark magic to surround him in the air. He was going to continue moving before you spoke again, "I wouldn't do that. This is Devil Slayer magic, extremely effective against demons." Estarossa looked at his brother incredulously, you smirked at his stupid face.

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