Chapter 23

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The cave looked the same as it did the day you three went to fight the Demon King. "Ready?" Zeldris asked you, to which you nodded. You weren't sad anymore, the two people you loved most were coming with you so you wouldn't be alone. You jumped down to the cavern, blushing as you thought about what happened last time you were there. Meliodas saw you blushing and giggled. "Do you think they'll try to run us out?" you asked, mostly kidding. "There's no one here that can challenge us, so they couldn't if they tried," Zeldris smirked.

You made your way to the castle, no one seemed to recognize you, likely because most demons don't live to be over 3,000 years old. It was strange how little the demon realm had changed but it was nice to feel at home again. The closer you got to the castle, the more stares you received followed by whispers. You realized then time was likely frozen when the demons were sealed, which meant they were the same demons inhabiting the realm as 3,000 years ago. "Is that Lord Zeldris with the traitors?!" you heard one of the demons gossip to another. In true Meliodas fashion, he decided to address the gossiping, "This IS your Lord Zeldris with the traitors! Anyone have a problem with it?" A couple of the demons approached the three of you. Zeldris had his arms crossed and rolled his eyes, his brother was such a pain in the ass. "What if we do?" the demon asked Meliodas, trying to intimidate him. 'Did these demons forget how terrifying Meliodas was? Idiots.' you thought to yourself.

"Did you forget what we used to be called? The Triad of Death! And you know what the infamous Triad did?" he had a sinister grin on his face, his eyes now black. The demons waited, disturbed by the look on his face. "We killed the Demon King!" There were gasps all around the three of you. "Lord Zeldris betrayed the Demon King?" "As expected of the two demons that defected!" "Why are you here?!" Zeldris stepped in front of you and Meliodas to address the demons that had tried to pick a fight, "I'm here to be the new Demon King," he told them. More gasps and angry chatter. "You're all traitors!" "Why should we follow you?" "We should get rid of them!"

The last phrase you heard made you all smirk. "Do we really need to show you the clear difference in power between us and you?" you asked the crowd. The demon clan were proud and stubborn, so of course they wouldn't back down easily. A couple of them got into an offensive stance, you chuckled darkly. 'Should we just go over the top to shut em up?' you asked the boys in your head. 'Duh!' you heard Meliodas' voice. The three of you went into Assault Mode, eyes void of emotion and evil grins. The crowd backed away a bit. "Anyone want to challenge us now?" you asked, voice filled with malice. None of the demons around you dared speak, let alone move, but you did feel a powerful magical presence heading to you from the castle.

It was two beings that landed abruptly outside the crowd surrounding you. They shoved their way through to see who had such a menacing presence. "Young Master Meliodas! Lady Lilith!" Chandler yelled with glee, tears in his eyes, "You've finally returned!!" He was full on bawling now. Cusack was also moved to tears, but for the other brother, "Young Master Zeldris! Lady Lilith!" They both had a soft spot for you, you were like their daughter. Once the demons in the crowd saw you being received by Chandler and Cusack, they dissipated.

"Have you finally come to take the throne Young Master Meliodas? And rule the realm with Lady Lilith by your side?!" Chandler was trying to hug Meliodas, who was holding him away with one arm. "Nope!" he yelled back, walking towards the castle with his hands behind his head. Chandler was dumbfounded. "Zel can do that, I might open a tavern though. Lil can help me run that as my wife," you heard him yell again. You and Zeldris caught up to him, Cusack and Chandler following trying to dote on the Demon Princes. "Young Master Zeldris is going to be the new Demon King?! He is the truly worthy one after all!" Cusack was overjoyed, "We need to find you a queen Young Master!" Zeldris waved him off, "I have one." Cusack couldn't contain his joy, happy tears overflowing again, "Who's the lucky demon?!" Zeldris huffed, Cusack was always suffocating him. "It's Lily," he replied like his brother hadn't just said you'd be marrying him.

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now