Chapter 20

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"Let's get you back to everyone else," you suggested to Elizabeth cheerfully. "Okay!" she smiled a truly happy smile at you. The four of you spread your wings, three of darkness and one goddess, heading towards where you felt the rest of the Sins and the Holy Knights were gathered. You soon realized they were heading towards you as well, they must've felt your power when you returned to Earth. "Get ready for a fight," Zeldris warned.

In the moonlight, you saw their faces staring back at you. Surprisingly, they weren't looking at you with hatred, maybe a little anger but not hatred. You smirked, you knew Merlin would figure it out. Elizabeth flew towards them, "Elizabeth!" they cheered happily. The three of you landed on Hawk's mom's back, keeping your distance from the group before you. "Why didn't you tell us the truth Captain?!" Ban yelled at Meliodas. "Yeah, you too Lilith! We were so confused and sad," Diane added, starting to cry. The rest of them waited for your explanation.

Meliodas put his hands behind his head in his true relaxed fashion, "I'm sure Merlin already filled you in, we thought it'd be best to make you think we turned on you so you wouldn't miss us." Ban came up and punched his Captain, who barely reacted except for a giggle and a grin at his friend. "Ban, we're sorry. It was actually Zel who told us you wouldn't believe it," you apologized. Hawk came up to you, "I can't believe you two would scare me like that!" he yelled, tears flying out of his eyes. You smiled at the pig and patted his head, "We're sorry Hawk! We thought we were doing the right thing!" King looked at the three of you, then to Merlin and asked, "How long until they have to leave Earth?" She was about to answer then looked at each of you with shock, "How? How is that possible?"

You stayed quiet, and Escanor asked, "What is it Lady Merlin?" Her eyes met yours, then Meliodas', then Zeldris' trying to look for answers, before turning to Escanor and responded, "Their power levels are each 825,000." Everyone looked like they'd been punched in the gut. "They have a day, maybe two before our world is destroyed from it," she told the group around her. "And there's nothing we can do?" Diane sniffed. You spoke up and reiterated what you told Elizabeth in the cave, "Don't mourn our loss, we won't be dead. We'll just be back in the demon realm." "With the Demon King gone, someone needs to lead them," Zeldris added. Meliodas giggled at their shocked faces, "Oh yeah, we killed our old man!" "What?!" some of them yelled in unison. That's when Merlin knew what you had done to get this much power, "Why? Why would you absorb his magic?" You looked at her and smiled, "We wanted to make sure we had enough power to break the curses AND destroy the Commandments."

You suddenly felt 4 powerful energies behind you, "You were right, Ludociel, it is the Triad of Death." You turned to see the 4 Archangels before you. "Their powers are immense, when did this happen?" Tarmiel asked. "They weren't nearly this powerful in the first Holy War," Sariel commented. "Regardless, we must dispose of them before they destroy this realm and it's inhabitants!" Ludociel exclaimed. "Wait!" Elizabeth stood in front of the three of you as if to shield you. "You protect these vile demons? Why? The one that supposedly loved you left you for another demon. They'll always only have loyalty to their own kind," Ludociel criticized her.

"I knew Meliodas didn't return my feelings fully! I saw when Lilith was around how he looked at her, I just want him to be happy!" she shouted back, "They just saved me from the curse my mother bestowed on me and destroyed the Commandments! They aren't here to harm anyone!" Ludociel spit in your direction, "Nonsense! Monsters can't change, they'll always be nothing more than heartless beasts." Zeldris unsheathed his sword, flying up to be eye level with him, "Do you want me to show you how heartless I can be?" he threatened. "Ahh, The Executioner who was sealed away. You must be excited to get revenge," Ludociel hissed at him.

"I was. I was going to destroy Britannia and force the remaining clans to serve my throne," he started, "But I don't want war. There's been enough bloodshed." Mael hadn't said anything but he had a look of fondness in his eyes for Zeldris. They weren't actual brothers but they'd spent a long time around each other thinking they were. "Lies, all you demons do is lie," Ludociel responded angrily. Meliodas joined his brother's side, "Enough Ludociel, we don't want to hurt you." This made Ludociel, Tarmiel, and Sariel laugh, "You really think you can take us all on at once, Destroyer?!" Tarmiel asked him. "You betcha!" was all Meliodas said. You joined your lovers in the air, "This is your last warning to stand down," you growled at them.

"The infamous Slayer, who betrayed everyone with her lies," Ludociel addressed you, "I see the sanctity of monogamy is lost to you demons, befitting for animals like yourselves." You activated your God Slayer magic, ready to attack when Mael and Elizabeth jumped between your groups. "Brother, get out of my way! We must rid this world of this filth before they obliterate everything!" Ludociel shouted, enraged by his brother's actions. "Brother, you've been blinded by rage. If they wanted to destroy this land as you say, wouldn't they have done so already?" Mael tried persuading him. "They helped a goddess like me to end my curse!" Elizabeth added, "They aren't animals, they have feelings just as you and I do!"

Ludociel scoffed, looking at the three of you with your black eyes devoid of emotions except rage. "Look in their eyes, and tell me you see anything but hatred for me right now!" he instructed them. It was true, you only had hatred for the goddess, but it was well earned the way he looked down on you as if you were a plague by your very existence. He then focused solely on you, "You are the worst of all. Betraying your own clan, then immediately betraying those you aligned with. Sleeping with two brothers, at the same time even." You look a little stunned, how did he know? Tarmiel and Sariel were also looking at you in disgust and you could feel the uncomfortable tension of your friends behind you. He chuckled seeing that he was getting to you, "How do I know? I can sense their magic all over you, the signature for both are equal in intensity. It's obvious, you're an abomination. A demon with the power of light that's a filthy whore!"

Zeldris and Meliodas instantly went into Assault Mode and attacked Ludociel without a shred of mercy. Any magic he tried to throw at them was countered by the older brother while the younger brother was in his face with his sword. Ludociel didn't stand a chance so Tarmiel and Sariel were about to help him when you got in their way, now also in Assault Mode. "Where are you going? You get to play with me," you had a sadistic grin on your face. Despite it, your voice had no emotion, just cold and empty. Mael called out to the three of you, "Wait!! You're only going to prove him right by doing this!" His warning fell on deaf ears, you'd been dealing with bullshit the last two days and none of you had a shred of restraint left in you. You looked at the two Archangels before you, "Dual Element: Fallen Angel," you murmured, light and dark magic flowed around you.

Merlin looked at the group, "I know that each of them is ungodly powerful, together they're twice as powerful as the Demon King. But if we don't try to stop them now, I don't think they're going to stop after they kill the Archangels." Diane looked at her with shock, "But Merlin, they were fine just a few minutes ago and had no plans to destroy Britannia!" Merlin glances back to the three of you unleashing close to everything you've pent up in the last three millennia then back to Diane, "Everyone has a breaking point, and Ludociel's antagonistic words were it." "What the hell are we supposed to do about it Merlin? We don't hold a candle to their power," Ban asked incredulously. "Try whatever you deem necessary except killing them, play to their emotions," Merlin explained. They nodded before deciding who they wanted to try to not get killed by.

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