Chapter 11

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As Meliodas screams from Estarossa crushing his chest with his foot, you feel sick to your stomach. You can feel you're being watched and you know in your hearts it has to be the rest of the Deadly Sins. They'll never forgive you for just standing there and watching. After Estarossa is finished with his little speech, you hear him say, "You have a new group to betray. You're vile." Melascula asks to end Meliodas' life since the Sins had beat the shit out of her. She tries to start the chant to remove his soul, but you weren't going to let that happen. "Devil's Laughter," you yell, surrounding Melascula with shards of dark magic, penetrating all seven of her hearts. Zeldris must've anticipated you'd do something because he didn't react in the slightest.

Estarossa turns to you and says with a creepy grin, "Thanks for that Lilith. She had no right to consume his soul without my permission." You don't acknowledge him.

"Yes! I told you she wouldn't betray us," Ban exclaims to King. King glances at him then back at the projection, "Are you so sure?" Ban looks back to see you watching Estarossa stab Meliodas through his hearts. Estarossa had already stabbed three of them.

You wanted to make sure Estarossa was caught off guard before you attacked him directly, even though it broke each of your hearts as you watched Meliodas' be stabbed. Just as he was about to stab Meliodas' fourth heart, you jumped towards him yelling, "Devil's Zeroth Long Sword!" slashing Estarossa with a dark magical sword that sprung from your hands. He was knocked away, with a severe wound in his back. Before any of the other Commandments could react, you looked at Zeldris and choked out, "I'm sorry!" then yelled, "Immobilization!" Everyone on the battlefield but you, Meliodas, and Zeldris are frozen in time.

"What the hell was that?" Ban asks, "Why aren't the rest of them moving?" Merlin smirks, "That's Lilith's black magic that she rarely uses except when desperate. It's difficult to control and takes a large toll on her body." "Okay but why didn't she freeze Zeldris too?" Ban could see Zeldris approaching you and the Captain. "She probably meant to, but her heart wasn't in it. My theory is if she isn't 100% sure about using her black magic on someone, it won't work. She loves him deeply, meaning she'll likely never be able to use that sort of magic on him," Merlin tried explaining.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Zel asks, approaching you and his brother. You ripped the swords out of Meliodas' body, causing him to cough up blood with each subsequent one. "I love you Zel, but I'm not going to let you or them kill Meli either. I know you still love your brother deep down," you say to him softly. You grab his hands and pull him into a hug, "Please come with me. We can stop this war together, we can live peacefully for once." He looks into your black eyes, you could see in his that he was fighting with himself inside, you know it's his Commandment causing him this torment. "Do you trust me, Zel?" you ask him quietly. "Of course, Lily, always," he smiles at you. You cup his face in your hands and kiss him deeply. When you pull away, you put your pointer finger on his forehead, "Suppress." He grunts a little bit before asking, "What'd you just do?" "I suppressed the hold your father has over you with your Commandment. I have no idea how long it will last for now."

He looks at you, surprised. "Come with me," you plead with him again. He nods and grabs your hand. You pick Meliodas up with your other arm, he's passed out by now. You look through where you sensed you were being watched, trying to communicate to Merlin to teleport you to wherever they were.

The group watching the projection saw the events unfold between you and Zeldris. "What did she just do to him?" Diane asked. "I think she just used Suppress on him," Merlin commented. "What does that do?" King asked. "Well, you can mentally block out whatever you want but my guess is she blocked his Commandment." Merlin replied. "Wow, Lilith is really powerful..." Diane murmured in awe. Merlin noticed you had picked up Meliodas and were holding onto Zeldris, looking directly into her projection. She smiled and snapped her fingers.

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now