Chapter 25

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--3 and a half years later--
Your second baby was a girl who Meliodas named Luna. Of course, she was the spitting image of him except she had your hazel eyes. Zeldris was overjoyed that the baby was a girl, and she had both her Daddies wrapped around her little finger. The years came and went and you had been back to Earth only a handful of times, raising two little ones, being the Demon Queen, and helping with the tavern was a lot of work. You weren't upset about not being back for a while, all of your hearts were here.

Nova inherited both your God Slayer magic and his father's Ominous Nebula, he'd be a fearsome opponent if he ever had to fight

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Nova inherited both your God Slayer magic and his father's Ominous Nebula, he'd be a fearsome opponent if he ever had to fight. Luna on the other hand showed affinity for Devil Slayer magic and her father's Full Counter. They were little minis of Zeldris and Meliodas and it made you so happy to see their faces in the tiny faces of your children.

Your friends had also been back only a handful of times, everyone was busy nowadays but it was expected. Ban and Elaine had a boy shortly after Luna had turned one who they named Lancelot, he looked just like Ban. King and Diane were married but you weren't sure what the rest of your friends were up to. Keeping in touch was difficult between realms.

"Daddy, what's wrong with Mommy?" Nova had been playing in the throne room when he piped up to Zeldris, who was doing paperwork. Zel immediately perked up, "What do you mean, buddy?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "She told me and Luna to go play but we listened and she was sick. I think her tummy hurts," he answered his Daddy with sadness in his sweet little voice.

At the same time Nova was with Zeldris, Luna was riding piggyback on Meliodas to head to the tavern. She was absentmindedly playing with his hair when she spoke, "Daddy, did Mommy eat something bad?" Meliodas slowed down, "Why do you ask, baby doll?" he asked her, he was worried you had made yourself sick constantly running around helping he and Zel plus taking care of the little ones. "Mommy sent big brother and I to go play. I wanted to come with you but Nova wanted to go play with Daddy," she responded, not quite answering his question. "Uh-huh, that's ok, Nova can play with whichever Daddy he wants. But, did Mommy say she was sick?" he had stopped walking, trying not to worry Luna with the sound of his voice. "No but brother made me stay and listen and she was frowing up," she frowned at him when she answered.

You heard footsteps come running from both ends of the hall to your room, "Lil!" "Lily!" you heard them yell. You were sitting on the floor next to the toilet, "I'm in here!" you hollered at them. They rushed into the bathroom, concern on their faces. "You've been running around too much lately, Lil, you've made yourself sick!" Meliodas exclaimed. "Meliodas is right, you need to take a few days to rest. We can run the kingdom, the tavern, and take care of the kiddos so you can relax," Zeldris offered. You frowned at both of them for a second but then grinned, you couldn't stay mad at your husbands for wanting you to take care of yourself. You started giggling at them, even though you'd been through this before they were still clueless, though it'd been a few years so you couldn't totally blame them for not realizing.

"Hey, I'm being serious here," Zeldris grumbled, a light blush on his cheeks. "I'm giggling because you two are clueless sometimes," you answered him. Zel tilted his head to the side and Meliodas' mouth was open in surprise. Nova and Luna had escaped whatever poor maids were watching them and they came running into the bathroom, pushing past their Daddies to hug you. Nova looked up at you with his father's eyes and asked worriedly, "Mommy, what's wrong, why are you sick?" Luna had tears in her eyes pouting her lip, "I don't want you to be sick, Mommy!" You hugged them tightly then stroked their hair, "Mommy's okay. Would you be happy to hear you're going to have a little brother or sister?" you smiled down at them.

They giggled excitedly, "I want a little brother!" Nova yelled. Zeldris' and Meliodas' mouths were hanging open, how could they have been this dense. You stood up and kissed Zeldris softly then did the same with Meliodas. "Who's is it?" Meliodas asked. "I don't know, I can't tell," you responded, you had figured out that you could sense that Luna's father was Meliodas after the contrast with the feeling of Nova. "Does it matter?" you giggled. "Of course not!" Zeldris answered.

--6 months later--
Luna's fourth birthday was in a few days and you were delighted to hear from Meliodas that some of your friends could attend the party. It'd been a long time since you'd seen them, you weren't even pregnant last time they were here. Knowing Meliodas, he's kept it a secret and they are in for a surprise because you were about to pop any day now.

Diane, King, Merlin, and Elizabeth arrived the day before Luna's party. Luna and Nova sprinted out to greet them, Meliodas following right behind them in case they tried to run off. You were resting on a couch and Zeldris wouldn't leave your side the last few weeks. It was cute how devoted they were to you and their children. Meliodas brought them inside, Luna and Nova tackled into Zeldris for hugs. "Easy, babies, you don't want to accidentally hurt Mommy!" Meliodas called. Your friends were slightly behind him and weren't sure why they'd be able to hurt you until they walked into the room.

"Meliodas! Why do you insist on keeping these things a secret?" Merlin scolded him. He had his hands behind his head and giggled, "I like the look on your faces!" King rolled his eyes as they came over to you, "How are you feeling, Lilith?" he asked. "Like a giant blimp!" you complained. "You look beautiful, Lilith!" Diane exclaimed. "Who is the father of this baby?" Merlin asked nonchalantly. You giggled, "Both!" Elizabeth was confused, "Did you say both?" "Mmhmm, they're twins. Zeldris fathered one, Meliodas the other." you answered. The four of your friends were intrigued, especially Merlin. "I'll be very interested to see how these children turn out," she stated. Zeldris rolled his eyes, Merlin made everything a scientific observation.

"Do you have names picked out?" Diane questioned. "Nairne or Fia for girls and Blane or Dierdre for boys." you replied. You hissed in pain a bit, you'd been having irregular contractions but they'd been getting more frequent in the last couple days. You didn't want the babies to be born the same day as Luna's birthday but you can't really prevent it either.

Luna's birthday was fun, she and her brother had a cake fight complete with Luna smashing cake in Zeldris' hair and Nova covering Meliodas' face in icing. The boys put them to bed and came into your room where you were already laying down, but sleeping lately was rough so you weren't sure whether that was going to happen. Thankfully the bed was huge because you had a thousand pillows around you, poor Zel and Meliodas had to finagle their way in on either side of you.

You had just finally fallen asleep when you were awoken by a sharp pain. You shook Zeldris as he was directly in front of you, but he grumbled and tried to cover his head with his blanket. "Zeldris!" you yelled at him, making both he and Meliodas jump awake. "What's wrong?!" they yelled in unison, their hearts racing from the abrupt wake up. "The babies are coming," you answered followed by a groan of pain as a contraction hit you. "I'll go get Merlin!" Meliodas exclaimed, quickly throwing on pants before running out the door. Zeldris put on his shorts before sitting on the edge of the bed to hold your hand. He stroked your hair to try to comfort you. Meliodas arrived with Merlin and Elizabeth shortly.

The contractions are intense and with one particularly painful one you looked at Meliodas and Zeldris and growled, "This is all your fault!" You were squeezing their hands as hard as you could, two babies were worse than one. The first baby was born, head full of blonde hair with white streaks, "It's a boy!" Elizabeth announced. She handed the baby to Meliodas while Zeldris continued to coach you for the second. The second baby came a few minutes later, head full of deep black hair. "A baby girl!" Elizabeth called out before handing her to Zeldris. Both men were looking at their babies with tears in their eyes. "Blane and Fia," you told them with a tired smile as they each handed them to you.

Nova and Luna peeked their heads around the door having heard you screaming. "Come here little ones," you called to them sweetly. They ran up confused to see why their parents were crying but looked happy. "Meet your baby brother and sister, Blane and Fia," you smiled at your two older children. "They both look like Mommy!" Luna announced gleefully. She was right, despite having their fathers' hair, both their faces were spitting images of yours.

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now