Chapter 14

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It was early morning when Merlin arrived at the Boar Hat, no one was awake yet. "Ban," Merlin not so gently kicked Ban awake, he had passed out at the bar but had fallen to the floor. "Noooooooo," Ban whined. "Did you do what I asked you to last night?" Merlin questioned him, annoyance in her voice. "What are you talking about, can't this wait 'til I don't feel as hungover?" he grumbled. "No. Get up and follow me. Now," she demanded. She led Ban to your room, snoring was heard from the other side. "I explicitly warned you not to let this happen," she hissed at him. Ban looked confused, then she cracked the door open for him to see what she had already discovered.

You were laying there, completely conked out in nothing but Meliodas' shirt, mostly unbuttoned. On one side of you was Meliodas, using your right boob as a pillow. On the other side was Zeldris, using your left boob as a pillow. Both in nothing but their underwear, each had a death grip on you. In fact, they drunkenly swapped underwear and were wearing each other's. It was actually impressive you were still breathing, let alone sleeping through it. Ban's jaw might as well have been on the floor. It could've been a cute sight had you three not been half naked.

"What did they do last night that led to this?" she whispered after closing the door. "They played some sort of crazy demon realm drinking game, I must've passed out before they finished but with how much they drank I figured they'd all pass out at the bar too!!" Ban explained in a hushed voice. "What do we do now?" he asked her. She pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and pointer finger in irritation, "There isn't much we can do. If we try to move either of them, they'll all wake up. We just have to wait it out and hope they don't start fighting."

If you thought you felt horrible after Centurion, Indura Claw was ten times that. 'Why did I do this to myself?' you thought, not wanting to move. Actually, you couldn't really move you were being squeezed so tight, you were surprised you didn't die in your sleep. 'Wait a second...' you thought. You had fallen asleep with your arms above your head, so you moved your left arm down to whoever was sleeping on your left side. You felt super soft hair, 'This must be Zeldris...then who's on the other...oh god'. You slowly reached your right arm down, you didn't want to wake either of your sleeping buddies at the moment. You felt not quite as soft and entirely messy hair, 'This is Meliodas!' You couldn't remember anything past 5.5 handles, what the fuck happened?

'Ok, maybe we at least have all our clothes I definitely don't have pants, underwear, or a bra on and both sides of my neck are kinda sore,' your mind was racing trying to remember the events that led up to this and what exactly this "event" was. 'What do I do now? I can't move or they'll both wake doesn't matter, whoever wakes up first is going to start a fight.' You laid there trying your hardest to remember when you felt stickiness between your a lot. Now you were internally panicking, your hearts were racing. Did you really fuck both of them last night?

A fragmented memory from last night flashed through your head:
Meliodas was on your right side, kissing and nibbling your neck and ear while pinching and flicking your right nipple. His right leg was around your right one to keep your legs spread. Zeldris was on the left, sucking and biting your left nipple and rubbing your clit, his left leg slightly wrapped around yours to keep your legs spread as if he and his brother were working as a team.

'FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!' now your anxiety was through the roof. Did you have sex with both of them? Just one? Were they so drunk they didn't notice each other? Surely not. You finally opened your eyes and tried to look down at them. You noticed they were wearing each other's underwear, you had to stifle a laugh by biting the inside of your cheek. In all the times you've played these drinking games with them, this has never happened.

Another fragmented memory:
You were making out passionately with one of them while they fucked you from the front...and you were in the lap of the other, being fucked in the ass. Whoever was behind held your legs up and apart so whoever was in front could fuck you easier. You didn't know who was who.

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now