Chapter 17

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The three of you flew side by side towards the tavern. "I'm surprised you used that last attack, but they survived," Zeldris commented in a cold voice. "I didn't intend to kill them, if I wanted to they would've died," you reply equally as cold, "I just wanted to intimidate them into submission for a bit." Meliodas chuckled darkly, "It's sexy when you're ruthless." You see Zeldris nod in agreement out of the corner of your eye. You quickly came up to the Boar Hat. "Grab Elizabeth and let's leave before they catch on," you instruct Meliodas. He grabs your throat tight enough that you choke a bit and he pulls you close to him, "I'll do it this one time, but remember little girl, daddy tells you what to do," he growled at you before kissing you forcefully, biting your lower lip, and taking off toward the tavern.

You and Zeldris floated above the Boar Hat waiting for his return with Elizabeth. You felt the group you left behind rapidly approaching when Meliodas returned with a very confused Elizabeth. "Meliodas, Lil, What are you doing? Why do you look like this? Where are the others?" she asked in rapid succession. "Enough questions," Zeldris barked at her. She looked to you and Meliodas expecting you to defend her but you both were void of any emotion. The others had arrived, seeing Elizabeth in Meliodas' arm, they immediately went on the offensive. "Dies Irae," Zeldris murmured calmly, his sword raised toward the sky, causing a portal over them. A massive lightning bolt came thundering down at them. Merlin was able to get a Perfect Cube around the most vulnerable but the Sins themselves were hit hard. Elizabeth gasped in horror as you and Meliodas did nothing to stop Zeldris.

You smirked at her shocked face, looking into her eyes with the goddess symbols, "Well hello Ellie, I see you have your memories back," you stated indifferently. She started struggling in Meliodas' grasp, annoying him. He looked at you, "Can you do something about this?" You point your finger at her preparing to use your Light God Slayer magic, "Shining Bind." Light energy in the form of ropes bind her tightly, preventing her from struggling. "Good girl," Meliodas praised you. The Sins were enraged when they saw you bind Elizabeth, launching several magical attacks at the three of you. "Full Counter," Meliodas swung Lostvayne, hurling their attacks back at them, distracting them enough that they didn't notice you all leave.

Elizabeth was crying now, terrified of what was happening and why her friends were acting this way. "Relax. We're not going to kill you," you assured emotionlessly, "We'll explain shortly." You arrive where Galand had been turned to stone and Zeldris retrieved his Commandment. Next stop was the Fairy King's forest for Drole and Gloxinia's Commandments. "It'd be faster if we split up," Zeldris suggested. "It's fine, we're the only ones that can remove the Commandments anyway." Meliodas dismissed his suggestion. The three of you flew towards the Fairy King's forest with Elizabeth in tow. "Can you at least explain why you're attacking our other friends?" Elizabeth pleaded. "Ludociel has taken over Margaret's body and convinced them we've been deceiving them since the first Holy War," you told her, "If we want to execute our plan to break the curses, we can't afford to let them get in our way."

"Incoming," Zeldris announced as you all felt something flying your way. Meliodas handed Elizabeth to you before proceeding to catch one of Gil's lightning spears, throwing it back effortlessly. You hear an explosion in the distance, like a building being destroyed. Zeldris smirks, "That explosion sounded like it was moving towards us. Probably just destroyed your tavern, Meliodas." Meliodas looked thoughtful for a second, "It can be rebuilt." "Why would they bring the tavern?" you question. "The green pig can fly, not everyone in that group can," Meliodas replied simply. You and Zeldris hum'd in acknowledgment.

"Watch out!" Howzer yells, knocking Gil out of the way of his returned spear before it obliterated the tavern. "Master!" Ban yelled, concerned for Hawk before he hears him yell back, "What in the heck was that?!" He comes out of the rubble, "Why did Meliodas take Elizabeth? And why was he so mean about it!?" Hawk demanded answers. "The Captain isn't himself right now," Diane replied sadly. "We're not sure why he took Elizabeth right now, Master," Ban answered his first question. "Well I'm going to teach him a lesson when we get to him!" Hawk yelled. Merlin smirked at the overly confident pig, "Lilith and Zeldris are with him, and all three of them have a power level of 142,000." Hawk screamed, "WHAT!!" After the pig calmed down he asked, "Are Lilith and Meliodas still our friends?" "We don't know," Gowther answered matter of factly.

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