Chapter 7

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The day of the ceremony rolled around, you were up early and Ban wasn't in the room. You glanced out the window and saw him leaving with his things. After your talk with Ban the other night, you figured you'd let him go so he could have space from you. The rest of you made your way to the castle when it was time for the ceremony.

You rolled your eyes at Meliodas' objection, he was always doing shit like this and you already didn't want to be here. After defeating the Knights that stepped forward, you all were handed your medals. King Bartra warned that the omen of the Holy War was getting stronger. Merlin narrowed her eyes when she saw you perk up with excitement in your own hazel eyes. When you returned to the Boar Hat, Meliodas grabbed your wrist before you headed inside, "Lil, we need to talk." You knew exactly what he wanted to talk about but you agreed anyway, "Sure, let's go somewhere else though."

You walked a good distance away from the tavern but after the fiasco of Ban catching the two of you in the woods, you decided to make it out in the open. You plopped down on the grass, Meliodas sat down next to you. "Lil, I'm sure you know as well as I do what Bartra's omen is about," he started. You didn't really want to talk about it, so you just hmm'd in response and stared out in the distance. Meliodas grabbed your chin to make you look into his green eyes, "Lil, I need to know you're not going to do something stupid if the seal gets broken." You roll your eyes at him and swat his hand away from your face. His eyes flash black, he wasn't kidding around. "Listen, they're going to get revenge for being sealed away and be a huge threat to Elizabeth and all of Britannia. Even if he tries to protect you, there's no guarantee he can stop the others from hurting you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

Your eyes are black now as well, "What do you expect from me, Meli? I haven't seen Zeldris in 3,000 years! If the seal breaks, I'm not just going to hide away from him. I'll help you protect Britannia but I won't let you keep us apart either!" you were yelling, letting all your frustration out from the last three millennia. "What about me!?" he yells back at you, "What have I been to you this entire time?!" You hadn't had a screaming argument since you showed hostility towards one of the iterations of Elizabeth. "Meli..." you stared into his dark eyes, you were both seething but his words were starting to soften your anger. Your eyes returned to their normal hazel, walking to him slowly and pulling him into a hug.

Sighing and talking softly into his neck, "I-I love you too, Meliodas...but you have Elizabeth and if Zeldris comes back, I..." his shirt started to get wet from your warm tears. "I know I have Elizabeth..." he stopped, hesitating whether or not he should continue, "After seeing her die 106 times, I'm afraid I won't be able to break her curse...and I fell for you as well. It's not fair to you or her, but I can't help it." You pulled back and cupped his cheeks in your hands, kissing his lips lightly. "I know...I feel the same for you but my hearts will always fully belong to him. I'll do whatever I can to help you break your curses." He nodded with some sadness, but he knew he'd never be able to stop loving Elizabeth either.

You both were about to head back to the tavern when the ground shook violently. You exchanged looks and took off for the Boar Hat as fast as you could. Meliodas slammed the door open and you both looked at Merlin, "They're back," he announced solemnly. She looked at you and declared, "We're going to need your best Devil Slayer magic until we can restore your and Meliodas' full powers." You nodded your head in agreement, but Merlin and Meliodas were the only ones aware of your new magic, the rest appeared confused. "Who's back Captain? And what does Merlin mean, Lilith?" Diane asks before King added, "Why don't the Captain and Lilith have all their power?"

"The Ten Commandments. They're the Demon King's top soldiers, and they are more powerful than you can imagine," Meliodas explained. Because you hadn't been fighting goddesses, the rest of the sins didn't know about the God Slayer magic either. "I possess a unique magic called Light God Slayer magic, useful against the goddess clan. Merlin wanted to see if I could also learn Devil Slayer magic, which is extremely efficient against the demon clan," you tried to explain without going into detail about your age or why you'd have this sort of magic. Diane nodded, accepting your and Meliodas' explanations but King looked at both of you suspiciously. It was Merlin's turn to explain, "The day we were framed in Liones, the Captain and Lilith lost themselves in their rage and were too dangerous to control the massive amount of power they wielded." This made King even more suspicious but he didn't say anything. "Whoa, so Captain and Lilith are really that powerful?!" Diane asked excitedly. Merlin smirked at her, "You have no idea."

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