Chapter 13

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"Meli..." you murmured softly, gazing into his bright green eyes. He was holding your hands with his, "After we break our and Elizabeth's and I could just leave, it could be like the old days before we formed the Deadly Sins..." he suggested. You couldn't believe what you were hearing, the eldest Demon Prince and heir to the throne abandoned everything to be with Elizabeth back then and now he wants to throw it away? "What about Zel?" you asked slightly irritably. "You could have two husbands," he giggled playfully, but then put a more serious face on, "Just think about it," he encouraged before letting go of your hands and flying back down to the Boar Hat. You stayed floating above everything in disbelief. "What the fuck just happened?" you asked aloud. Merlin had been watching through her crystal ball the entire time, and approached Meliodas when he got back down to the tavern.

"Yo, what's up Merlin?" he asked, his hands in his pockets and a blank face. He knew she had been watching you guys and wasn't afraid of what she had to say to him. She looked at him with disapproval, "Captain, you can't keep doing this. As I'm sure you're well aware, you can sense Zeldris' magic on her. That only happens when two demons are intimate, meaning he can sense your magic on her. The more recent, the stronger the trace magic is. You should be thankful only demons can sense this." "Anything else?" he asks her with a monotone voice and the same chilling blank face. She crosses her arms and sighs, "You should also be aware that the bond between demons increases with each act of intimacy but that the first intimate partner they have will always have a stronger bond than the rest. You will always lose to Zeldris." Meliodas noticeably tenses at her last sentence. "One last thing, Captain, Lilith is a valuable asset to have on our side. If you keep this up, she'll leave with him."

Meliodas couldn't contain his rage any longer, his eyes immediately turning black and he changed into his Assault Mode. His demeanor reverted back to his peak when he led the Ten Commandments: cold, ruthless, vile. You and Zeldris felt this massive spike of energy and instantly came running to see what was happening. You glanced at each other before watching and waiting to see what would happen. The other sins, Elizabeth, and Hawk had all come outside as well. "ENOUGH! She's not some tool to be at your disposal! If you ever speak about her like that again, I'll kill you myself," he finished with a sinister grin. Merlin didn't move, but you thought you saw a bit of shock in her eyes, "Noted, Captain." Meliodas looked at you standing a few feet away for a brief second, then took off.

"Follow him," Merlin instructed you and Zeldris, "If he can't contain his wrath, he'll destroy everything, and you're the only two who are powerful enough to stop him." You only nodded, unsure what caused Meliodas to lose his shit on Merlin like this, but you and Zeldris did as she suggested and spread your wings to follow him. The rest of the group watched you two leave, before looking back at Merlin. "Merlin, why is the Captain so scary right now?" Diane asked with a horrified look in her eyes. Ban had a suspicion in his scarlet eyes, he was pretty sure he knew what happened. "I told him the truth he didn't want to hear," she responded to Diane calmly. "Why did he look like that, Lady Merlin?" Escanor asked, equally as horrified as Diane. "That is Meliodas' Assault Mode. He used it mostly as the leader of the Commandments when he was known as the vilest and most terrifying demon in existence." The group digested the information Merlin gave them then decided to go inside and drink about it.

"Ban, I need to talk to you," Merlin stopped him. "What's up?" Ban asked in his nonchalant way. "I'm sure you're well aware of Meliodas' and Lilith' to speak," Ban frowned at her, knowing where this was going, "I want you to make sure it doesn't keep happening." Ban sighed, "I can't believe Captain would do this to Elizabeth, or that Lil would do that to the Captain's brother!" Merlin half chuckled at him, "It's not all being consciously executed. Demons run off a lot more instinct than you or I do, it's why they're often viewed as monsters. When they've been intimate regularly over the last 3,000 years it strengthens their instinctual bond, which is difficult to ignore." Ban seemed to consider what she said before asking, "So does that mean Lil has a stronger bond with Captain over his brother?"

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now