Chapter 8

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Meliodas suddenly appeared at what used to be the Kingdom of Edinburgh. Zeldris immediately jumped down to face him, "I'm glad you're alive, so I can kill you myself," he spat at his brother. "It's nice to see you too, little bro!" he chuckled. "Where's Lily?" Zel demanded. "Don't worry about Lil, she's safer with me," Meliodas returned in a more threatening tone. Zeldris unsheathed his sword and attacked his brother, but Meliodas blocked with Lostvayne. "Tell me where she is," he growled. "You've been gone Zel, she's moved on to me," Meliodas couldn't help but rub it in his brother's face, even if he had Elizabeth and Zeldris was back, part of his hearts belonged to you now and he didn't want to lose you. He was being selfish but he didn't care in the moment.

Zeldris was raging, but before he could land an attack on his brother, Meliodas left him with a warning: "If you and the rest of the commandments don't give up this plan of revenge, we'll destroy you without hesitation." Then he disappeared. Zeldris' mind was racing, did you really move on?

Meliodas appeared again next to you in Istar. You punched him in the arm, "What were you thinking? Just because you have your full power back doesn't mean you can take them all on." He giggled and had his signature grin on his face. "Let's head back to Liones," he ignored you and began walking away with his hands behind his head. Once you were back in the Boar Hat, you plopped down on your bed. It was late anyway and after the day you'd had with your nightmare of a trial and the interrogation, you just wanted to sleep.

You awoke shortly after to a familiar presence sitting next to you that you hadn't felt in a while. You opened your eyes to see Zeldris peering down at you. "Zel!!" you whisper yelled, shooting up and grabbing him into the tightest hug you could without hurting him. He whispered in your ear, "I told you I'd make my way back to you, Lily." You had tears in your eyes as you broke away from the hug and kissed your lover for the first time in 3,000 years. Your hearts felt like they were exploding with happiness and the kiss was electric. You didn't want to stop but you knew he couldn't be caught here either. "Zel, what're you doing here? If Meliodas finds out-" you started whispering when Meliodas came busting through your door.

"Zeldris, what're you doing here?! Get away from her!" he growled. "Meli, calm down, he's not here to hurt anyone!" you tried to hush him but it was too late, the remaining members of the sins were crowding behind Meliodas in your doorway. Diane rubbed her eyes sleepily, "Captain, what's going on? Who is that with Lilith?" "My brother," he hissed, not taking his eyes off Zeldris. Diane gasped, no one really expected he'd come into enemy territory just to find you. Zel was standing defensively but had his fingers on one hand interlocked with the fingers on one of yours. "Lil, get away from him. You're safer with me." Meliodas urged, extending his hand to you.

You already knew what you were going to do, it didn't matter how your trial went you had made up your mind 3,000 years ago when Zel was sealed away. You looked your best friend in his dark eyes, silently pleading with him to not force you to make a choice but he didn't waiver. You could feel Zeldris was preparing himself to leave through your window, so you squeezed his hand to try to get him to wait a few more seconds. "I'm sorry Meli, it's always been him..." you whispered, your voice filled with sorrow as Zeldris pulled you through the window away from the people you'd come to call your friends. Zel pulled you into his arms bridal style, flying off as fast as he could, you heard Meliodas yell from your window, "Lilith!!"

"Fuck!" Meliodas growled standing in your empty room. He figured this would happen but not this soon, he looked to Merlin, waving her over to talk privately. The rest of the sins got the hint and went back to their rooms, though they wouldn't be getting much sleep. Merlin looked at Meliodas, "Captain, I expected this would happen, so I put a magical tracker on her while she was sleeping." "Did you see Lil's trial?" he questioned her. "I did, but I'm not sure it's relevant to Lilith leaving with Zeldris just now." He sat down on your bed and rested his head in his hands, "Show me anyway." Merlin pulled out her ball and replayed your trial for Meliodas.

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now