(73) Life Is The Only Path To Death

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Fuck it. Here goes nothing.

I silently moved around the back entrance of their base, going for the element of surprise. My goal was to get in and out as fast as possible.

Something feels off. I paused at the door, sniffing the air. It's just too quiet.. And then I heard it, a ticking sound. *beep beep beep*

And then before my brain could signal my body to move out the way or even process exactly what was about to happen, my eyes widened and a bomb exploded, sending me flying.

I violently choked on the debree that now engulfed itself around me while I looked up to see the shadows of silhouettes growing larger and larger around me.

"Shit..." My ears rang, my body felt almost numb and a cut was now open at my hip, covering me in a pool of blood. And that's when I heard a voice. "Katsuki Bakugou. We've been expecting you..." He erupted in a triumphant laughter. "Did you really think Toga would just stay quiet? I'm surprised, you underestimated our staff." "Who the hell..." I squinted my eyes to finally see Overhaul standing amidst the smoke. "But don't worry..I'll give you a quick death."

I gritted my teeth, finally finding the strength to get up. "Give me back..Eri!"

But as I charged towards him, I was pinned to the ground by someone I assumed was another member of the League. Laughter erupted once again. "Foolish child..coming here all by himself. Did you really think you could beat us?!" "Shut up and die bastards!" 

A male voice erupted above me. "Watch your mouth." I attempted to look up, but he forced my head into the concrete with one hand while pulling my arms back with the other. I coughed blood onto the floor and warm red liquid poured down my face from my skull. 

The man who was somewhere around my age was putting his entire weight on me with his knee while gripping a knife to my throat. "Move and you're as good as dead." 

"Help me..." I had seen her from the corner of my eye for what was the first time in years. Eri...hiding behind a pillar, clutching a teddy bear. She looked almost the same. My vision was blurry, but the bandages covering her body and the way she shook in terror was plainly visible.

My eyes bubbled with tears as her voice echoed and repeated itself in my head. Help me...

With newfound strength, I began viciously resisting his grip, ignoring the cracking of my ribs to the best of my ability. "DAMN IT!" I screamed in agony as an explosion formed in my hand, getting a direct hit on the guy pinning me down whom I now recognized as Twice.

As soon as I released the explosion, his eyes widened and he turned to ash.

After all, there's no surviving a hit at point blank range. 

A crazy smirk tugged at my lips as I wiped the dirt off my face. 

"Tch!" Overhaul took a step back. "So I guess you're not completely helpless. But don't get cocky..it's still a 3v1. Let's see what you can do against my other men."

I flipped onto my feet. "Bring it on!" as familiar voices emerged from behind me. "huh?" I looked to my sides to see my girlfriend and mother all suited up. "You two..." Mom interrupted me. "We couldn't just let you die, could we? Plus, I've been dying to bust his ass for years!" Y/n pointed at Overhaul as she cracked her knuckles. "Make it a 3v3. We're not going until we have Eri."

This must be a small base for them only to have brought 4 people...or do they have more  members hiding in the back.. My thoughts were interrupted as a man with blue fire and the face of a burned chicken nugget attacked me. I knew him the most (after Toga). His name is Dabi... he's Shoto's rogue older brother. He charged at me with a grin on his face. "I've heard so much about you..! Aren't you curious about what we did to Eri..!?"

He punched me in the gut causing blood to fly from my mouth. "Loser! She probably doesn't even recognize you anymore!" I got ready to bicycle kick him but he easily moved out of the way. "DAMN YOU! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!" A smirk tugged at his lips. "You'll have to beat me if you want to find out..!" Before we could make contact with each other I was slammed out of the way. "Mom?!" She struggled against Dabi's grip. "Y/n's taking care of Toga, so I'll take care of him!" She shot an explosion at Dabi and yelled to me. "Go to Eri!! I'll hold him off!"

Overhaul was the last obstacle to get to her but despite my desire to beat Overhaul to a pulp, I nodded and flew right past him, landing in front of Eri, who was shaking her head and trembling. "No, no, no..stay back.." I reached out for her, trying hard not to cry. "Don't you recognize me? It's Suki, your big brother.." She stepped back. "Y-You're lying!! You're here to hurt me, aren't you..?" She kicked me in the shin with what I recognized as a quirk-family-special-leg explosion and I felt the bones in my body nearly break. "That asshole erased some of her memories..!" I clenched my fists and turned around to see Overhaul standing there, psychotically grinning. "Now do you see? Eri, come here." She dashed to his side without hesitation. 

"Good girl..." He aimed his hand in my direction. "Now..say goodbye Katsuki Bakugou."

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