(75) Envy Your Embrace

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm. "Ugh.." I groaned. "Why is school so early in the morning..? They really don't care about my well-being.."

Eri sat up ontop of me. "Morning!!!" "Oh," I relaxed. "You're already up?" She shrugged. "Yeah! I used to have to wake up everyday at 4 am! A-Are you gonna do tests on me...?" I stroked her hair. "No, of course not! And you can sleep in now for as long as you want, there's no reason to wake up that early alright? But it's a good thing you're awake.." 

I lifted her off me and walked to Bakugo's door, noticing that it was still locked. "Bakugo, are you going to school today?" He snapped. "Leave me alone." Though I was disappointed in his answer, I was glad that he had at least spoken to me. "Oh okay..I'll see you later.."

I walked into the bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth and finished getting ready. 

After no more than 15 minutes, I found Eri sitting on the bed in Mom's bedroom. 

She looked around in awe at all the shiny, dangerous weapons Mitsuki had hung up on her wall. Sadly interrupting her sight-seeing, I handed her a milk cherry lollipop, styled her silver hair in pigtails and held her hand down the stairs. "You know how I said were going shopping later?" Eri smiled. "Yeah!" "Well..I completely forgot I had school..so you'll have to wear my clothes for a little longer...Are you okay with going with me to school today? I don't want you to stay home alone.." She gave me another of her innocent smiles. "I'm happy with anything!!" 

My mind wandered. She's so damn cute...!! Now I can see why Toga would want to take her..JUST KIDDING..ha..ha..yeahhh totally..

I opened the door, taking the house keys with me this time. "BY BAKUGO, WE'RE LEAVING!! I'LL SEE YOU LATER! LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT ANYTHING WHILE I'M OUT!" Eri added on, screaming. "BYE-BYE!! I LOVE YOU!!" "Aww," I patted her head. 

"So how would you like to get to school today, by bus or by flight?" 

Her eyes lit up. "You can fly!?" I laughed. "Kinda. I have a wind quirk but it's pretty unreliable and wastes a lot of my energy, but yeah I can usually fly over short distances." She jumped on my back and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm ready!! Whoosh!!!" I smiled and flew off into the air, trying to stay as steady as possible with Eri on my back.


By the time we got to the school, kids crowded us in front of the entrance like celebrities--- murmuring as I shielded her from the other students as much as possible. She mumbled. "Are they always like that?" I gripped her hand tighter. "Yes but you'll get used to it.."

As we turned the corner and walked into the classroom, Mr. Aizawa clicked off the newa and all of my classmates ran towards us. "Y/n!! We heard about what happened in the news... Are you okay?! How did you heal so quickly..!" Sweat trickled down my face and my eyes watered when Kirishima brought up the question. "Is my..no is our mom...really dead..? Did they really kill her..?" His eyebrows furrowed and I turned away from him. "I'm sorry..." 

At my words a tear dripped from his eye and Mina wrapped herself around him and cuddled his head. Mr. Aizawa's teeth clenched. "Those sort of things can happen...that traitor bastard little girl! This is why were training you heroes..we can't let something like this happen again.. Y/n. Kirishima. Mina. You can step out of the classroom if you want.. go home after the period ends if you're not feeling up to it.."  I paused. "Mr. Aizawa..?" "What.." His answer was dull. 

"Forgive me for asking but did you somehow know M-Mitsuki..?" His eyes opened in shock. "M-Mitsuki...S-She... was in UA with me..when we were kids..Mitsuki was..my first l-love." 


Me and the rest of the class raised our eyebrows in pure awe as Mr. Aizawa wrapped himself in a sleeping bag, about to cry himself to sleep. "Shut the hell up.."

It was only till then that they all realized Bakugo was missing and that..someone else was in his place. Denki took a peak to my right. "Where's Bakugo..?" Deku chimed in. "No wonder the room felt so empty.." I looked down at the floor. "He's at home. He needs some time to adjust..." 

I facepalmed myself. "Who am I kidding? I'm such a bad girlfriend..I'm the one who got his mom involved and we don't even have the money to get her a proper funeral..I'm probably gonna have to get a job to pay rent and.." A tear bubbled in my eye when small hands gripped mine. "Don't be sad..I will make sure you won't cry again..okay?! Not when I'm here!" Her squeaky yet strong voice somehow reminded me of Bakugo.. and it brought me some reassurance. 

Jiro gasped. "Awww! Oh my god! Who is that behind you?! I recognized her from the news..!"

I hoisted her up into my arms. "This is Eri..Bakugo and Kirishima's little sister.." 

"..What?" Kirshima whipped his head around to the two of us. "..Eri?" His voice cracked. "ERI?!" He broke away from Mina and ran to hug her. "How are you?! How have you been?! I missed you so much.." He kissed her forehead. "You know..when I came over to mom's house and Bakugo told me you were gone..I was scared..so scared..." No way he just realized she was here.. 

Nevertheless, with a stare of mixed emotionsKirishima hugged me. "Thank you...for bringing Eri back..I'll stop by some time to check up on all of you... I know Bakugo is probably having it harder than me right now..please take care of him.." Finally getting a good look at his face..I realized that his eyes were swollen and he had multiple tear stains on his cheek. 

He fell back into the safety of Mina's arms. 

And in a way...I envyed Mina..I envied the fact that Kirishima could go to Mina even when he was all torn up inside.. I felt like punching the wall. Am I really not good enough for Bakugo to lean on? And as the bell rang..I led Eri out of the classroom. "Sorry guys..were heading back home..I'll see you on Monday." Eri waved a "Byeee Kiri..Kiri's girlfrwend and Suki's friends!!!" 

While we walked back out into the hallway..more murmurs erupted but it was alright because their reactions were much more pleasant. "Did you hear? That's Bakugo's younger sister..!" "Could you believe it? I guess good looks just runs in their family!" A bright smile rested on Eri's face at their words and everyone paused in their tracks, nearly tripping over themselves. 

"Did you see that smile?!" "What the hell she's so cute!! I'm in love!! Eeee!! Forget Bakugo..look at her!!" "Her silver hair is so pretty!!" "Gosh..those 3 have it all!!!"

"Well.. Eri..school ended early so we may be able to go shopping for you after all..!" "Yayyy!"


After a long day at the mall we arrived at the house. I set down the bags and momentarily threw myself on the couch before running into the kitchen. "Wow it's already getting late, are you fine with eating porridge? It's the only thing I know how to make..." She smiled once again. "I'm okay with anything!!" "Phew...okay..great." I cooked some porridge for the 3 of us, finished up my food and handed Eri her pajamas. "Let's get ready for bed." 

"Okay!" She got off the chair and headed into the bathroom, following the same routine as last night.. I handed Eri a pair of noise-canceling headphones. "I'm gonna go into Bakugo's room okay? So wear these and don't take them off in case we get into a fight, he cries..or anything goes wrong.." She hugged my hip. "Good luck sissy..and sweet dreams!" 

I kissed her cheek. "Well you have the whole room to yourself tonight so relax..but I trust that you will be in bed in 30 minutes. Cuapeash?!" She winked. "Cuapeash!"

....I stood at Bakugo's door alone, exhaling. Here comes nothing..!

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