(44) Picking You Up

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As I drifted off to sleep, clutching Mina's pillow with a few low whimpers, I heard loud rustling from the window. I looked around, squinting to make sure everyone was still asleep.

When I realized the sound wasn't coming from inside the house I threw off my covers and ran quickly to the window as his crimson eyes glowed against the moonlight, grinning up at me.

"Bakugo..?" My cracked voice made it even harder to speak. "Let's go." He held out his hand to me. "..What..?" I exclaimed. "..I can't just-" "You can."

He grabbed my wrist and stared into my eyes as a flashback from my dream flashed through my mind again and my tears resurfaced, streaming down my cheek. "Bakugo... Bakugo..." I cried as I threw myself onto him, sobbing into his neck. "Y/n..?" Unsure of what to do, he caressed the back of my head, keeping my radiating body close. "I-It was just a dream dumbass..I'm not going anywhere." He lifted me princess style into the air, wiping the tears that glistened down my cheek with his thumb. "Don't worry, I'll make sure one of the girls drops your stuff off tomorrow, but for now, we're heading home." I silently nodded my head as we took off into the night.

It was almost sunrise by the time we arrived at the house. We crawled in through his bedroom window, exhausted, as he locked his door and threw me my favorite pair of pajamas. "Sleep." He said, but I protested. "But it's about to be..." He ignored my comment and joined me under the covers, quieting down my sobs in his embrace and testing different positions with me in his arms. I noticed it was something he always does when I have a nightmare. 

After what seemed like forever, he decided on wrapping his arms around my waist as I layed my head in his chest and propped my leg up on his thigh. His touch reassured me that he was here, and that even if I closed my eyes, he wouldn't be going anywhere. 

It made everything the more clear for me...I was in love with Katsuki Bakugou.

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