(36) I Reassure You

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My sudden brashness made her blush, and for a moment everything got silent again. "...."

"..Hey Katsuki..can I try something?" I made eye contact with her. "..." "..Fine but only this once."

As we turned the corner, I half expected her to hit me or yank my hair, but instead, she slipped her fingers into my hand interlocking them with mine.

My eyes widened in surprise. "W-what are you-"

Her hands were small in comparison to mine and as odd as it sounds, I liked the fact that her hands were so naturally soft and reassuringly warm.

I stared down at her as she looked straightforward, trying her best to avoid making eye contact with me. "Just this once okay?"

She tried acting really calm, but I could tell that both her face and ears were red. She was usually more chill about small things like this, so seeing her all flustered made me chuckle.

"H-Hey what are you laughing about?!!" She nervously broke free of my hand, making me grumble in disapproval.

"What the fuck are you doing." I sternly grabbed her hand again from where it was resting at her side, squeezing her hand tighter this time.

"Ehh?! but you-" I cut her off. "S-Shut up idiot, you're not allowed to let go."

Now we were only about a block away from the house— my heart continued its fast paced racing. Man.. when did I start liking her this much? I thought just as she tugged at my shirt with a nervous expression on her face.

"What's on your mind?" I asked. "Spit it out."

She paused nervously, taking in a deep breath. "You know earlier tonight..I was really scared.. and I don't know what would have happened to me if you didn't come and save me..so th-thank you..for being there when I needed you the most.."

I didn't know what to say, so instead I patted her head with my free hand.

"Let's go and surprise the others."

I unlocked the door and walked inside, keeping her behind me, just out of view from the others. Mina called out. "..Bakugo? Is that you?! Did you find her?!" Mina and the others jumped out of their seats and ran towards us. "Of course I did."

Mina and Jiro were the first to tackle her. "Thank god you're alright!" "Gurl you better stop making us worry, it's too much stress for our brains to handle." "Be careful next time okay?"

I unconsciously glared at Sero and Ejiro as they went and hugged her.

Tch. Do they really have to touch her?

Denki was the last to approach y/n. "Y/n...I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have left you alone.." he trailed off. Yeah no shit sherlock.

She just stood there and smiled awkwardly. "Don't worry I forgive you. Really, it's no big deal— you had no idea.." He was at a loss for words. "So you aren't mad at me?! Thank god..." He reached out to touch her face but I quickly grabbed her wrist and yanked her closer to me. "Well..it's getting late isn't it." 

Sero checked the time on his phone. "Yeah you're right, I should probably get going... I'm way past my curfew." He grabbed his duffel bag. "Well bye, I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." The others agreed. "Yeah, we're gonna get going as well." Great.

Just as they all got their things and headed towards the door, Denki turned back. "Wait y/n you aren't coming?" He slipped his other shoe on.

I scowled. Can't he just mind his own damn business for once?! "I'm going to drop her home. I just need to do a few things first so she's going to wait a few minutes. Go home." He ignored me. "Y/n, do you want me to walk you home instead? I'm sure your mom and dad would want you home by now." Dad? She hasn't told him anything about herself yet?

That means I'm the only one who knows.. I secretly smiled to myself.

Y/n shrugged. "I-It's fine, I haven't even gotten my things yet..you can go, I'll see you tomorrow." "You heard her." I slammed the door on his face and locked it shut.

"Okay I'm going to get ready for bed, you can use the bathroom in mom's room to take a shower and stuff. I'll use the bathroom in my room. See you in a few."

She nodded her head and headed in the opposite direction of me to get ready for bed.

-30 minutes later


I waited in his bed looking up at the ceiling.

He finally walked through the door. "You're still up?" I shrugged. "Yeah, I uh waited for you." He jumped in underneath the covers. "Ok, what's wrong idiot."

He made me face him. "Go on, tell me."

I sighed. "It's just that..what am I doing here?" He stared into my eyes. "What do you mean?" "Well...we both know that my leg is fine now so there's no reason for me to be here. All I do is cause trouble and make everyone worry about me..."

He cut me off and scoffed. "You know, if I really thought that about you I would've kicked you out already. Dumbass you can stay here for as long as you want. There doesn't have to be a reason. If you want to stay, you can. ...And I want you to..So shut up and sleep."

"Okay.." I mumbled and curled into a ball underneath him, closing my eyes. "Goodnight...Katsu."

-3 hours later


What the hell?

The sound of sniffling woke me up from my sleep. I glanced at y/n, a worried expression covering my face as her body tensed up and she grabbed the bed sheets, begging in tears.

"L-Leave me alone..! D-Don't touch me!"

"Dammit, of course she'd be having a nightmare about that.." I hated seeing her so frail and helpless.. "Y/n.." I spoke quietly as I shook her lightly. "Katsu...help." She reacted to me but she didn't wake up "...help"

This time I shook her more aggressively. "I'm here y/n, are you okay..? Y/n!" Though she was still asleep she somehow managed to catch me off guard, grab my shirt and pull me in. 

My eyes widened in surprise, but it was okay since she relaxed a bit.

"I...I guess this works too" I mumbled as red covered my face once again. Her look drew back into a peaceful expression as she unconsciously moved her hand down the sensitive part of my back, sending a warm tingle down my spine. 

Although I've slept with her many times before, I still haven't gotten over how close in proximity we are to each other... She wrapped her leg around my leg. This girl...

I brushed the hair away from her face and analyzed her. What about her did I really fall for?  Just as I was about to close my eyes, a wide grin spread across her face in her sleep making me freeze for a moment in shock. Oh yeah, that's what I fell for... that smile. Cute...

I pressed my lips to her forehead. I want to protect that smile of hers because that's all I can do. "As long as you remain where I can see you. That's all I care about." I broke away from her noticing a pair of wide eyes staring up at me. "eh?!" I froze. "Uhh this is a dream, it's not real!" I waved my hand in front of her face. "sleeepppp." Surprisingly, she bought my words and fell into a deep sleep. I could tell because she started snoring, and she even drooled a little bit.

The new sleeping position she was in made me laugh a bit as multiple colors shined through the window. Might as well just get up early and train, there's no point in going back to bed.

Not now at least.

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