(61) Mad At You

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As planned, I walked into the house after 30 minutes while Y/n waited for me on the couch. "Finally, your back! What were you even doing?" I shrugged. "Nothing really." 

"Oh okay," She paused. "That reminds me, do you mind getting my new pajamas from the blue drawer? It's getting late and I should change but I'm too lazy to get up." I rolled my eyes as an unintentional smile spread across my face. "Fine, I'll get it for you." 

Her eyes sparkled as I went over to the drawer and bent over, searching the drawer for her pajamas. Suddenly, I felt her presence behind me as she harshly grabbed my butt cheeks and then smacked my ass. "Damnnnn Suki, your ass is thickkkk!" 

I stood up straight and turned to face her. "What the hell?" "What?! I saw a scrumptious round ass sticking out and I had to smack it! Don't get so flustered!"

I scoffed as the red on my face subsided. "Tch, as if I'd get flustered! Your actions are so lame I'm pretty sure any one of the girls in our class could turn me red before you could. Heck, you can't even get my heartbeat pumping! Pftt." It was an obvious lie which really was just a way to get her to make a more...elaborate.. move on me, but the expression that covered her face told me that she didn't take it the same way as I had initially hoped.

"Yeah?! Well why don't you date one of them instead?!" 

Y/N POV: (Sorry Y/n's pov will be short)

I stand there waiting for him to say "no" or to show any signs of apology but he doesn't. 

I know he probably didn't mean all of what he said, but after saying something as egregious as that, I had no choice but to ignore him.


I sat there, pretending to be aloof and unaffected but the truth was I wasn't and every time she avoided my gaze it bothered the living shit out of me! 

But for some odd reason, I couldn't bring myself to apologize. 

I grunted and tapped my foot making as much noise as I could to get her attention. 

"Y/n-" I walk over to her and reach for her hand but she brushes me off without a word. Red covered my face just thinking about apologizing. There was no way in hell I would do that.

Instead, in a blushing mess, I ripped off my shirt, revealing all my abs as I sat in front of her, waiting for her to quit ignoring me and give in to my seduction.

When she didn't, I grabbed her wrist in my hand, and wrapped my fingers around it entirely, knowing that she secretly loved my veiny, well-manicured hands.

But still, she stayed silent as she scrolled through Denki's instagram posts on her phone.

I somewhat angrily poked at her cheeks and squeezed her thighs, determined to get her to forgive me. "Jesus dumbass, are you really that fuckin' sensitive?"

I snatch her phone and hold it out of reach, finally getting her to look at me. "If you want it back then fuckin' ask. I'm not giving it to you until you speak to me again."

She turns her head away from me and crosses her arms. 

"Jeez, are you really that upset?!" She scoffed and raised her voice. "YEAH WELL WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK?!" I paused and looked down at her pink lips. "I think I'm gonna kiss you."


"Wha?" His words made it hard to stay mad at him and almost made me give in to his touch but no. I pushed him away with a few tears nearly falling from my eye.

Not until he sucks up his pride and actually apologizes to me!

"Fine," He walks towards the air conditioning and drops the temperature below 10 degrees. "Then freeze." My eyes widen as I immediately rush towards the bedroom and cover myself in layers of blankets. It wasn't cold– It was freezing. "Damn that idiot....I hate him!"


I moved from the couch into our shared bedroom after about 30 minutes. 

I went to knock but was stopped by mumbling and low sniffling filling the room. 

My gaze was lowered. I even made her cry...shit. 

As I entered, I took a deep breath and softly knocked, finding her on my side of the bed, facing away from the window. I sighed and closed the door, then moved to the bed, dropping my pants to the floor and changing into the athletic shorts I was now wearing. 

I slid behind her into the bed, feeling her stiffen as my arm slid around her and I rubbed small circles onto her back. "Let me go..!" I hesitate and release my grip as she tears up at my touch. "I don't faze you at all right?! So don't touch me..!"

"Is that what you really think?" I grab her head and force it onto my chest, making her listen to the sound of my heartbeat that moves dangerously fast, every time we are together.

Her shoulders softened and I pulled her closer to my body, wiping her tears with my thumb.

"Let me warm you, your lips will turn blue if you don't.."


The tip of my nose stayed frozen solid, and no amount of smothering my face in fuzzy blankets could help. He had his arms wide open which made this all the more difficult.

Another shiver ran down my spine.

His perfect body seemed to emit an abnormal amount of warmth, tantalizing me with each passing tingle on my arm. But I would absolutely not give in to the desire to snuggle next to him and bask in his warmth--- not yet. Then suddenly, he whispered into my ear. "I was an asshole, I'm sorry, all I really wanted was for you to tease me more like that.."

At his words, I lost all resolve, feeling the low rumble from his toned chest as I snuggled closer to him and felt familiar arms wrap around my waist. "So you're not mad at me anymore?"

He rested his head in the crook of my neck as I kissed the corner of his mouth. "For now."

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