(49) Drunken Confession

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Once I was released, I said my thanks and immediately called Bakugo. What was that about before? Was Bakugo trying to confess to me? No...he's a player. He doesn't like me..

"What the-" I called him again but he didn't answer his phone. I'm gonna kill that hoe... "Oh wait!" I smirked. "Good thing I put that tracker on him before he left!"

I pulled up the location app on my phone. "Debby's Bar..8 minute walk." Really?! He's out at a bar? At this time? It's pitch black outside..

I ran outside following the directions of the GPS till I was finally at the location. I took a deep breath and walked through the door as a bunch of old men looked me up and down. Zero rizz...

And then at the center of a crowd, I saw blonde strands that I easily recognized as Bakugo's. 

"Bakugo!" I aggressively pushed through everyone, taking a seat next to him in front of the counter. "Y/n?" He shooed away everyone and then paused to let out a small hiccup. 

That was what alerted me that he had too much to drink.

I massaged his hair. "You realize Denki has to stay overnight in the Recovery Girl's office right." "Good," He shrugged. "I don't want him bothering the girl I like."

"HUH?!" I choked on my own breath incredulously as my eyes widened. There's no way I heard that right... were my ears deceiving me? 

I pinched myself, nope this is real.

"I think you had too much to drink, Bakugo." He grabbed my collar, pulling it close to him while he hummed. "I'm drunk as hell but I still fucking like you." I blushed.

Suddenly, his arms got weak and he slammed his head down on the table. 

After a needed moment of silence, Bakugo muttered, "Katsuki." "What?" I replied. A rare smile spread across his face as he mumbled. "I still wanna be Katsuki to you.."

It was hard to contain the blush on my face as Bakugo's eyes fluttered open and closed right before he passed out. His arched back rose and fell as he breathed deeply, slightly parting his lips-- keeping himself slumped over the table.

"Oh dear.." I got out my phone speed dialing Mina. "Hey what's up?" I laughed in disbelief of my situation. "I need your help. Code red Bakugo." She laughed along with me. "No wayyy! I'll be over there in a minute with Kiri and some medicine." Loud groans escaped Bakugo's lips. 

"Alright thanks bae! I'll text you the location. But get over here, FAST..people..are staring and I'm not gonna cause a scene-- for Katsuki's sake."

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