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Chapter Twenty Five 

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Chapter Twenty Five 

Aurora picks Aiden in her arms while he sleeps, leaning over her shoulder. She grabs her purse and baby bag walking toward the royal suite door. When it flew open itself. She watched a few unfamiliar men around her. They held guns as she held her baby against her. Her first instinct was to protect herself and Aiden and run, but they surrounded her. 

She watched the man put the gun down as strong footsteps and steps moved forwards was head. She held Aiden closely as her eyes fell over Ares Azriel King. He raised his gun pointing toward her and the trigger clicked. 

Aurora jots up from her sleep opening her eyes in the dark. She breathed and Gasped realizing it was just a bad nightmare. The night was darker and colder than she thought. Pulling the duvet closet she sat up over the bed leaning again on the headboard and switching the nightstand light on. His gaze fell over Aiden in his baby crib sleeping soundly. 'And Mafia is haunting my dreams!' she wondered grabbing the glass of water from the nightstand and gulping down her throat. She could practically hear the sound of gulping water as her eyes again fell over Aiden.

The clock clicked ringing announcing it was four in the morning. She sighed getting off the bed stepping near the glass wall of the suite and glancing around the dark city.

'It's so beautiful around.' she wondered while a beautiful smile curve her lips until the haunting memories and pain struck her heart again.

'I wish I had mom and dad with me here. Dad always brought me around the city so I can spend my holiday and they can work. I wish!'

Aurora shifts watching Aiden ready to be awake. She chuckle at him as he open his eyes glancing around and he started crying.

"Okay, I am awake!" She smiled picking him up in her arms.

After a few hours of feeding Aiden and dressing up for a meeting, she prepared herself. Aurora grabbed Aiden in her arms as she stepped outside only to gasp suddenly in shock. She is more shocked by the frightening watching figure in front of her.

"Ares!" She blinked and watched Ares Azriel King standing with his army behind him.

"We need to talk!" Ares speaks calmly watching as he stepped closer and she stepped back in fear. He was quick to notice and half his step as his eyes fell on Aiden in her arms.

"I am afraid I have somewhere to be!" She shifts her back to Ares and gasps again. But this time in fear.

"What the Fuck Zagerus!" She hissed holding Aiden safely in her arms.

"I love the way you gasp suddenly watching me!" Zagreus smirks watching her then Aiden clinging to her arms when his eyes fell on Ares watching them.

"What a pleasant surprise Ares!" Zagreus speaks with no emotion. While Aurora held Aiden in her arms like she was holding on to her dear life.

'Why I am in the middle of two biggest Mafia!' She wondered as chill rushed through her veins. Zagreus steps near her and stood beside watching Ares. Ares's eyes immediately notice the way he pushed Aurora and Aiden behind him.

"I have business with Linnaeus that doesn't involve you!" Ares speaks straightforwardly watching Aurora who nervously held Aiden again8 her watching him.

"I am afraid that you can't!"Zagreus states shocking Aurora. "We have an important meeting to attend. We will see you around. Plus have an appointment with Brooke!" He closed the conversation and grabbed Aurora by the shoulder. They walked past Ares while he stood watching them.

"Smith! What did I told when I mentioned meeting with Aurora?" Ares asked calmly. "He must not be around!" Smith answered nervously and Ares watched him and then quietly left the lobby.

"What was that?" Aurora asked watching Zagerus and moving his hands away from her shoulder.

"I was protecting you. Hon!" Zagreus speaks watching Aiden. It was like his eyes never left Aiden. They stopped as Aurora watched him.

"Don't Hon me! I know you and your type okay!" Aurora hissed walking away from him angrily and getting inside her car.

He stood rooted watching her get inside the car while Brooke closed the door and got in the front seat exchanging the glance with him.

"Your cousin is an amazing personal assistant!" Ares speaks watching Aurora's car disappear as he stands beside Zagreus.

"That shouldn't concern you!" Zagreus mentioned watching him. Ares faced him speaking. "I asked you something!" Ares mentioned again.

"My men couldn't dig in. All we know is Ian is an orphan!" Zagreus speaks lies as Ares watches him and nods his head slowly.

"Make sure you tell your woman she has left the work unfinished. I want my house ready as per specific!" Ares walked away from Zagreus. Zagreus just steps towards his car outside and Ares stops watching him.

"Start keeping eyes on him. We won't be long now to finish him!" Ares mentioned this to his Personal Assistant, Smith. "And Engage his women in our house." Ares walked away leaving the lobby with his men.

Aurora held Aiden in her arms as she stepped to her Subsidiary Company's headquarters. Aiden was asleep in her arms when another car stopped by and men rushed outside. She shifts watching Zagerus watching her.

"Running now. Love!" Zagreus speaks taking sleeping Aiden in his arms before Aurora could protest.

"You just can't take him away from my arms. He is my baby!" Aurora hissed at him when he watched her. 'And mine too!' he wishes to speak louder but then keeps silent.

Vincent watches Zagerus and then Aurora as they step forward together. "He is cute!" Zagreus mentioned his son while Aurora just nodded.

She had this feeling and warmth of him that pulled her closer but at the same time, the thought of reality frightened her. She wanted to fight it best. She wasn't falling for his Charming traps.

Zagreus's nerves and senses awaken as Aiden moved in his arms. It was his first time holding him in his arms for a longer duration. Aiden moved to open his eyes and lens against him watching the surroundings without crying for once.

"Where did he get these beautiful emerald eyes?" Zagreus purposely pushed the question as Aurora halts and faces him. She takes Aiden in her arms while speaking.

"His father!"

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