6: 𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐥

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I woke up with Theodore cuddle in my chest and dry tears on my face, the snow had cleared up so I was taking Zero to school today.

I got him ready and was trying to put on a happy smile for him, we dropped him off and sat in silence for the rest of the trip back home. I was upset with him but not entirely him, it was more of the risk he put us in.

He was my bodyguard who has now put my life in danger, ironic. And Zero had only started school a few months ago. Does he want us to go into hiding?

I was drained and emotional, I wanted to sleep or just erase any footsteps he left from what he'd done last night.

I felt his hand roam on my thigh, which broke me out of my trance. I didn't look at him but I'm sure if I did he'd expect a bit more of a flustered expression, I carefully placed his hand on the gear shift.

He sighed softly, I felt truly upset, sick to my stomach. I held my stomach and he noticed this and drove a bit faster.

I got home and went straight into my study, I saw an email from an unknown sender, I ignored it.

Later in I found unknown callers and messages, I blocked every number, I called a friend who was working for the NASA as a theoretical physicist and technological god.

"Castin?" I said putting the phone on speaker and setting it on my table.

"Hey baby girl" he said, how did someone like this become of the wealthiest and most respected physicist at NASA?

"Oh but I know that tone, so tell me what's the problem, sweetie?" He said with a little hint of sorry in his voice. He wasn't a player but he was definitely that guy I'd go to drink and get wasted with if I was ever upset about someone.

He was that one person I'd call and talk to about my problems and he'd say something like, "Uh uh honey I'm coming to pick you up, we getting some tequila and that's that. Bye babes"

"How soon can you meet me at the lab?" I asked seriously, "I'll be there in an hour hang, just hand tight. But should I bring anything?" He said, "If you have a way to let me move to Mars that would help," I joked.

"So vodka? Got it honey" he said before hanging up.

I grabbed a few bags and my lab coat and stuffed my laptop and other things into my bag and left quickly.

Black and I still not speaking, but he looked very upset or annoyed at something, I shrugged it off as long as he didn't give me attitude because of something that wasn't me I was ok.

We got to the laboratory and it was a huge dome I had built for my studies and for Castin to use as well. I saw Castin's car parked next time mine and went inside.

"I'm sorry sir, you're going to have to stay out here." The other security members told Black, "I'm her personal bodyguard and right now-"

"He stays with me thank you very much" I said coldly cutting him off and glaring at my bodyguard. I walked into the main laboratory of other scientists, physicists and robotic engineers.

I greeted all of them with smiles and went into my personal quarters, where we found Castin cheekily leaning against my desk.

I went up to Castin as he warmly embraced me in his arms, I held him tightly since I really needed that hug.

"Hey babygirl," he said playfully, "You called, we're here, what's the problem? And I got the vodka right here." He said looking down at me and holding the bottle of absolute vodka in his hand.

My phone rang that second, I handed him the phone, "That's the problem, I can't answer any calls since my phone could have been hacked by... Someone of concern and I needed a little extra protection from this cause. Basically can you hack the hackers that hacked me?"

I said jokingly, he laughed a little before kissing my forehead, "As you wish my dear," he was sweet and calm but he knew the seriousness behind this.

He sat down at the computer for a little and I turned around to start doing some paper work, of the mafia, all their hideouts all their missions anything I could find.

Black looked like he was about to kill someone, I felt a sharp sting in my stomach again. 'Really, right now?' I thought as I hissed in pain clutching my stomach.

Castin looked at me with worry in his eyes, "Are you ok?" He asked sweetly looking at me with desperate eyes.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," I lied, I wanted someone to kill me there and then, Black moved closer to me and I stepped away.

I went over to Castin to see if he had anything yet, "Anything?" I asked, he nodded his head slowly, "Son of a bitch, how are you always right?" He said standing up and turning away from the computer screen, he placed a hand over his face and paced around.

I looked at the screen and saw the face that made my blood boil, I hated seeing that face, I hated looking in the mirror because of it.

God I wished I was wrong about my suspicion.

There he was,

Azazel, or at least his criminal profile, I walked away from the computer screen,

Why did Black have to contact him?

I was just walking around with Castin and thinking of my next move, the best move for Zero. The phone rang again. Black started to get annoyed at how much I was "over reacting" about Azazel.

He grabbed my phone and answered it, I nearly pounced on him but Castin held me in his arms he before I could. Then he realized what Black did and he nearly jumped on Black.

Black handed me the phone, "I wish I could just murder him right now." I said softly to Castin, "Please do" he begged

"Hey sis" said the revolting voice in a smug tone, "What do you want?" I asked coldy, but blood boiling through my veins.

"Oh is that anyway to greet your brother?" He asked ammused, "Seems about right" I said trying to end the conversation.

"Oh please, you could run from dad since that's all he every wanted," I looked at Castin with my best 'Ain't-this-about-a-bitch?' look,"but you can't hide from me" he said extending 'me'

He was enjoying this, "What do you want? Or have you just come to be a pain in my ass for another 15 years?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh that's sounds wonderful to me but no, dad is sick and is choosing an heir-"

"Well congratu-fucking-lations" I said cutting him off and hanging up. I started packing up my things,

Castin stopped me, "What happened?" He asked as he held my hand. "It's my dad, he's dying." I said with tears in my eyes, Castin pulled me into a tight hug, I cried into his chest knowing he'd understand.

"Listen I know it's not my place and everything, but we-...you need to think about Zero, they know where you are and will probably use him for leverage against you. My place is safe, I can't be tracked by anyone due to my working conditions. Zero can stay with me, I don't mind I love the little shit to death"

He said jokingly, I laughed a little before holding him again, I knew I was putting Zero in danger staying with me.

Castin and I went to Callikay High, we fetched Zero and packed all of his clothes. His furniture and room had to look like he wasn't with me or it would give leads that I sent him away.

I gave Zero one last hug before he left, I cried so much I couldn't even think at night, Castin left and promised to take absolute care and caution with him.

"It's okay love, he's going to be fine, and so will you. I know you will, I'm a physicist it's part of my job to calculate probability, and this is a 100% guarantee you're going to be okay" he said as he held me in his arms.

He was so caring sometimes, and a complete idiot the next but that's why I loved him. They drove off and I fell to my knees.

Black carried me back inside where he sat me on the couch and I leaned onto his shoulder while he held my waist.

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