21: The Calling

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It had only been a few hours after the Chris Rock and Will Smith smack down but the media was still crazed.

I had been there to witness it as well, after we left the Oscars and the apology we thought about it, we kept making jokes and laughing at it.

Hades and I were walking back to our hotel room, his heavy arm around my sparkling waist. I was almost leaning against him as he strolled with me.

"I can understand where Will Smith is coming from, I would have broken his fucking nose if he insulted you, diamond." He said as he brushed a stray hair behind my ear.

He arrived at our door and I opened it, I sat down on the bed with Hades removing his bowtie, and then undoing his shirt. I caught myself staring at his defined Greek god like body, before he did.

Another thing the media couldn't get over was my outfit, all the outfits and the Oscars were being rated and Castin was top 3. I gazed at my phone in wonder as the numbers kept rising

"What's got your eyes popping like that?" Hades said as he walked to me, "Fashion looks-"

I was cut off, I looked up to see Hades bare body exposed, his belt was undone and he was completely shirtless. I saw as he took his hair out and tousled it, it draped over his eyes as I started up at his godly figure.

"Now what's caught you attention?" He questioned seductively, his hand reached down and lifted my chin up to him, he lowered himself down to my level.

I perked backwards at his sudden movement, his face was inches from mines, I saw his hungry, look. Confident.

I saw the way his lips curled into a smirk, I noticed how his eyes darkened as  he gazed at me. "I don't like repeating myself, diamond."

His voice velvety, low. Growing hungrier almost, "I was just looking at some fashion statements." I tried steering away from this situation, "Fashion, huh?" He said as he tilted his head and presses his lips onto mines.

I felt my back arch, my arms wrapped around his neck and I fell into his touch, his every movement. My stomach irrupting with butterflies as he slowly kissed me.

His hand stretched behind my head, deepening the passionate kiss. But I pulled away, Hades gave me a strange look, disappointed almost. His head fell down as his arms supported his weight instead of his body pressing against mines.

"I'm sorry," I said softly as he looked at me, "No, I understand." He said I could hear the disappointment in his deep voice. "I can tell something is bothering you, talk to me. I'm right here." He cupped my cheek with his hand and sat next to me on the bed.

My eyes lingered over his for a moment, I inhaled sharply, "Hades, you know so much about me and yet, I know nothing about you. I feel like I can talk to you about anything and you can listen and understand but I don't know you, it feels wrong." I confessed looking down.

Hades signed heavily and held my hands, he brought them to his lips and kissed them softly, "I understand, and I do not deny that I am not a very open person, but I know now that it can't be this way." I saw him hold my hands to his lips yet again.

"Luckily I know how to help, you can ask me anything about anything you are curious about, I'm listening." His voice softened and so did his eyes.

I nodded and he pulled me into his arms, I held onto his chest as he embraced me with a gentle touch. A warm touch, "Now, come. Ask away." He said as he let go but left his arms draping over my waist softly.

"What's your full name?" I asked to lightne the mood, "Hades. Klaude Hades Donovan." He said I heard a little bit of embarrassment in his voice.

"Your first name is Klaude?" I asked giggling a little. "Yes, next question." He said in an irritated tone, he wanted to move away from it.

I leaned in and kissed his cheek, "I think Klaude Donovan is a wonderful name," I complimented softly, I saw his expression soften up. I sat down and thought for a moment

"Hmmm, how old are you?" I said thinking about us having dating, "Twenty four," His answer surprised me, I paused for a moment.

Surprised?" He chuckled as he saw my eyes widen, "Yes, I expected you to be 28." I said confident in my assumption.

He laughed a little and shook his head, "So, how about your life at home? Can I hear more of that?" I asked since I barely knew anything about his past.

"It's pretty bad," He said rubbing his neck and looking away. I raised an eyebrow at him and he realized what it meant.

"Oh apologies. Well where to start? I had a very loving family. I have 2 brothers, both younger. I was a trouble maker in high school, I got myself into a lot of fights." He made it short but I could see there was way more.

"That can't be it, tell me more. Please, Claude." I said taunting his name, he sighed heavily.

"Oh, well what about love life?" I remembered Ivy and wanted more insight on that as well. I saw his expression change, from upset and cold to a warm smile.

"She was...my first love. I met her in high school, I was a bit of a player and I would never date. Mainly one-night stands. But then Ivy transfers and everything changes.

She sits next to me, the guy with a black eye and a busted lip, I wanted my space and rolled my eyes at her, she made the sweetest smile at me and melted. Completely.

I was just so in love with her in that moment," He carried on and as he spoke on I lost interest in knowing more, it was like he was still in love with her.

Like she was right here in the room, he described her to the very last detail, I could picture her almost perfectly. My smile faded.

"And then my father loved her, what she did was she l moved in with her. We lived together for a year until... "

He paused, I didn't even notice I was looking down and wasn't laying attention to his pause.

My mind was racing with thoughts, I thought about how he was still dating her even when we started getting intimate. "Hey, diamond are you ok? You look a little pale," He questioned as he placed his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

I felt his hands on my forehead as he checked my temperature, "Yes, just fine. Daydreaming. Carry on." I replied bluntly, his eyes looked at me with concern. I felt like my heart would collapse if I looked into his eyes.

He would have noticed something lingering in my eyes: Guilt? Envy? Rage? He inhaled sharply and brought my face to meeting his eyes,

"Until I saw you..." He passed as he looked into my eyes, I was shocked and didn't hide it. "I saw you, you walked down those stares with a heavy mask on an wondered how I could just get out.

But then you took it off, after you father nodded and I saw you. The face of pure perfection, I'd felt my heart shatter into pieces when I saw you. Like if I'd fail at my mission I'd lose more than I could ever imagine.

Suddenly the world around us disappeared and I felt the warmth of your smile through my entire body just filling up my veins with comfort."

I was flush, I could feel it. But at the same time I started thinking about how we could've been if I was in Ivy's position, if I wasn't my fathers daughter.

If I wasn't related to the mafia, if my family were normal. If I could just feel what it felt like to be in Ivy's shoes for a day. One day.

Just one day is all I wanted more than anything,

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