29: ɦօʟʏ ʍǟȶʀɨʍօռʏ

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In the ending there was a wedding, a grand ball, a great day for Azraelian and her husband.

Walking down the aisle with a bouquet in her hands, looking like royalty with the one she loves smiling lovingly at her, that was the one and only day she'd every seen him cry...

But we're not at the end just yet,

Although it was Azraelians big day, today.

I was awoken when the sun wouldn't even smile at me, I rubbed my tired eyes as the banging on the door became more consistent,

the crowd still slept peacefully and here I was, being rushed out with the forces of an army in my night gown to get betrothed to someone as a peace offering.

Fairytale lifestyle, am I right?

It wasn't a union of two people, but just a business deal and I was the contract, I can still remember the fastest and most reckless drive to the palace. The venue of my wedding. My father was a cruel man, but he had enough dignity to have me married in a palace,

In my opinion he only did it too ensure I'd have a "dream wedding" When he never even got to know me.

God the stairs I'd walked that day were enough to make the strongest men on earth cry, I remember falling to my knees not even half way up, a pain in my stomach, people carrying me and eventually my body being dumped in a dressing room like a lump of meat.

It was only then that I realized there was an elevator, and the frustration I felt at that moment was overwhelming.

"Thanks." I said softly as I lied there motionless, after a recollection of my thoughts, I found the strength to get up. And by that I mean Castin pulled me up to my feet, held my hair back as I had to spew and then I finally was able to walk alone.

He stood me on a pedestal and started fixing fabric around me, it was a sparkling white, I started feeling like it was my quinceañera all over again.

It sort of looked like the dress Giselle wore on her wedding day when she first appeared in New York.

"This corset is going to be the most beautiful creation ever," He said as he tied me up tightly into it. "Are you sure I won't suffocate?" I said as I felt my lungs contract.

"Yeah no, sure you'll be fine." He said not looking into my eyes, a slight panic rushed over my thoughts thinking I'd faint before walking down the aisle, on second thought that wouldn't be too bad.

I was sat down before even taking the dress in, and in 5 minutes I felt more make-up on my face than I had on in my entire life, I couldn't even see my scar, over my eye.

It felt so fake of me to be caking on this much make-up, but then again Castin would've never let me walk out in a natural look.

It was so sticky and everything felt so wrong. I was sitting in a white gown with make-up on my face and I wasn't even happy.

"Is this what Marilyn Monroe felt like?" I asked Castin after smelling the cosmetics kayed on my face, "No sweetie, it's better. Time for the hair."

I hesitated a bit by refusing to sit still and I eventually I ending up having a pretty good updo, though it felt like a strong weight on my head and took a while to balance out I knew I would be reading in only a few more minutes.

I had no idea what awaited me in the ballroom, all I knew is this corset had better done it's thing by the time I stepped out of the room.

It was time for me to walk out at precisely 8:55 to have the elevator take me to the ballroom floor by 9 am. I'd walk out on the aisle and  have a vail over my face and dragging behind me, about 10 meters to be honest. I sat in the dressing room at 8:45. I looked at the clock in the corner and noticed a camera in the corner.

It was obvious security would be around me at all times, I have to be. My father knows me too well, but I just felt numb in this moment, like my whole world collapsed around me. Hades said he'd be here but he still isn't.

I counted seconds, they turned into minutes, and so on. The wait was so heavy and the atmosphere being a mess of my anxiety, I felt as though my white dress was now stained of red.

Suddenly a knock came about, I jumped up and ran to the door, I walked over to it and when it flung open, I saw as Castin smiled at me, I felt a slight disappointment that Hades wasn't there or came to see me, but I sighed it off

Castin led me to the elevator, it was exactly 8:55 am.

I rode the elevator to the bottom floor and walked out and smoothened pace, slow and steady, with the bouquet in my hands.

I was stopped at the end of the carpet, my husband-to-be looking me in my eyes, a softened expression, he lifted my vail, took my hands in his. My hands looked so smooth compared to his rough ones.

☆ -Ender

I would marry her,

No one else just her

But she wasn't marrying me, with her head and signature sure we were getting married, but it wasn't her heart I was marrying.

And that broke me as I heard the elevator door open, knowing I'm completely smitten with her and all she can do is revolt at the sight of me hurt.

She walked down the aisle, I thought I'd saw an angel as she strolled towards me. Every step she took was more nerve wrecking. My heart increased speed with each step she took.

She approached me, my hands were shaking as I took her hands in mine I noticed the size difference of her gloves hands, I stepped closer.

I looked at Vito, the pastor who would wed us. He was Italian and I wondered why we were being married under the Italian culture since only I was partly Italian,

Maybe I should ask her about it later? God what am I saying, she'll probably slap me if I tried, I deserve it.

I suddenly hears helicopters approaching, quickly and many of them as well as sirens, what's that about?

I didn't read too much into it, then I looked at the crowd, I saw my father-in-law, my father sitting on either side. My grandmother, with a disappointed look on her face, it wasn't targeted to me though, it was almost as if it was for herself.

The crowd holding their breath as I pulled the vail over her face and saw what was underneath. My heart was racing as I gazed into their eyes.

"That's not my wife!"

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