10: 𝐓𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞

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Previously: Azraelians hysteria has started causing her to have extreme night nightmares that feel too real. Black has no knowledge of this and just as she wakes up to answer a door as a guest arrives.

Azraelian looked up at herself... Well the male version of herself, the same icy blue eyes, clear skin and curly fluffy hair. 'Ugh, am I really that disgusting?' She thought to herself.

"Hey sis" he said as he stepped out of the elevator, Azraelian pushed him back inside, "I don't think so" she said glaring whole into his eyes.

"Relax I'm not here to hurt you, I brought tequila" he said holding up the bottle,

She didn't trust him until Theodore came up and started jumping up and down happily, she looked at the adorable dog just happy to have company which was out of character.

Normally as soon as someone entered the property he'd go batshit crazy about them and bark uncontrollably.

Azrael trusted her let and let Azazel go, "Thanks sis" he said gasping, "Don't call me that" she said coldy,

"Why are you here?" She asked as he opened the bottle and took a swig of the pure and rough drink. "Where's Zero aye? I miss the little sucker," he said changing the subject,

He looked at her who glared at him and she didn't break character to give him a hint. She remembered from her dream that's how she got caught last time, by letting her emotions getting the best of her.

She remained cold and distant, as she watched her brother drink the alcohol, "Ah, I see. Well how have you been keeping? Judging by your living area must be-"

"Azzy, I'm not in the mood, take what you need and leave!" she burst out cutting him off,

He looked down and started to tear up, 'Ain't this about a bitch' she thought to herself, a soft sob escaped from his rosy lips.

He looked back up at her, she was as stern as ever, "Father is sick, suffering everyday of his life, he uhh, he wrote out his will a few days back" he sounded so solemn and sad about everything.

Azrael knew that he should have been jumping for absolute joy on the inside from this. "You're now the boss? Congratulations but you already said that" she said coldy.

He stood up and walked closer to her, "No," he said bluntly. He stopped a bit too close so she moved backwards.

"So? Couldn't be Zero" she said darting her eyes around the room in annoyance, he cleared his throat and kneeled before her.


She stepped back, "No, that's a lie" she could never believe a man like her father would leave a female the mafia and trillions.

"Father said that I was unfit to rule over the business and that your success is a perfect cover for us," he explained looking down.

"I am also still finishing school and I can't take care of the mafia until after graduation, the mafia is the only thing that I have to pay off my studies. Please, Azzy."

He begged looking at her desperately.

She was wide eyed in shock, "After all that torture you and him put me through, I'm now your last resort and you expect me to just throw everything I worked for away!?

Do you understand that I still have the scars and my face was permanently ruined because you weren't there?! You couldn't care enough to ask what was wrong when I cried and screamed. Mother died while I was only 5 years old and you couldn't show the hint of remorse.

You expect me to give up everything I have for someone who didn't care enough for 10 years to pick up the damn phone!" She yelled.

All her pent up emotion and frustration bubbling and brewing, her hot blooded temper finally break after so many years.

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