part 12

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So... it's been a.. hot minute. Its coming up Hugo and I's one year anniversary. Crazy right? For some reason the Delgados have this tradition to throw a ball on the first anniversary of a married couple so.. thats what's happening.

Hugo and I have brought our outfits, both matching. The ball room was ready. Oh and did I mention, Isabellas had to go shopping in the maternity section recently. I know! Insane!

She's 5 months pregnant with a baby boy. I can't quite believe it! She's pregnant before me. They definitely didn't wait after their wedding. They got married 2 months after us meaning they've only been marries 10 months. 5 of which She's been pregnant for.

She had said to me how both of them agreed on a big family so wanted to start trying early as possible and it took a bit longer then they thought it would, they thought it would only take a month or two not 5 months.

Hugo and I on the other hand have agreed to wait a while. We settled on 2 or 3 kids. We're waiting untill I've finnished at harvard in 3 years time to Hugos Dissapointment. I'll then take a 5 year break before starting my career as a lawyer to start our family.

Currently, I'm sat in one of Hardvards many libraries trying to catch some peace and quiet. I love being at home don't get me wrong, but somethings always happening. Wether it's Isabella being hormonal and crying because the flavour ice cream she wanted was out of stock, Hugo yelling at someone, some sort of dinner going on. Its hard to get enough quiet to be able to study.

Especially with the ball going on. Everyone's stressed out trying to prepare for it. I was taking notes when I heard someone clearing there throat behind me. I turned round and saw a man stood against the bookshelf. He looked around the same age as Marcus.

"Can I help you?" I snapped impatiently, annoyed that I couldn't get a second alone. "Sorry I was distracted by your beauty over there. My names Luke. Luke hernandez. And yours is?" The man asked.

I didn't bother answering his question and lifted my hand up, showing my ring, "I'm married."
I watched as the man chuckled before walking over and sitting down. "Oh I know. Infact, me and your husband are... Pals." He spat very unconvincingly.

"Such good pals that he sent me to pick you up, he's in a meeting right now so.. he isn't able to." Luke spoke with a small smirk making me not trust him.

"I think I'll just wait for him to get out the meeting thanks." I began picking up my things and tried to leave but felt myself being lifted off the ground. I saw two buff men carrying me out the library through the back exit.

"Let me go!" I squirmed trying to get free before I was thrown in a van. The door slammed shut and immediately I pressed down on the bracelet Hugo had brought me. It has an alert button in it.
When I press it down it tells him I need help and sends him my locations. I watched as it flashed letting me know he had seen it.

I'll be okay.. I'll be fine. He'll be here soon. "Alright now give me your phone and we'll call your husband.." luke demanded. I knew there was no point in trying to resist but I was too scared to move.

"I said give me your phone." He hissed while crouching down next to me but again, I was frozen in fear.

"Strip search her. I know she has it with her." He demanded. I watched as the same 2 men who had thrown me in the van stood up and walked over. I felt them begin removing my clothes and quickly shut my eyes. I want to go home.

They eventually found it in my bra and handed it to Luke. "Thanks boys. Now have fun with her as your reward." He looked up at me as my eyes widened in fear.

"P-please... no.." I begged. All of a sudden I heard gun shots. Thank god. The van came to a holt and I realised they had shot the tires.

The three men immediately grabbed guns and jumped out the van, ready to fight. I threw my dress back on and jumped up, "Hugo!" I called out. I went to climb out the van but immediately felt my arm being grabbed. Oh shit.

I felt a gun to my head and for a moment I was scared. But then I saw Hugos face... and I wasn't scared anymore. I trust him more then anyone. I know he'll make sure I'm safe.

"ANYONE TAKE A STEP CLOSER AND I SHOOT HER. NOW PUT YOUR GUNS ON THE FLOOR." Luke screamed while covering himself with me like a human shield. I watched as they all hesitated not sure what to do.

I looked at Hugo. Praying he wouldn't give up. I don't want to die. "Aim for my shoulder." I mouthed at him. If he shot my shoulder it would go through me and into Lukes chest.

I watched him hesitate but I nodded my head once again. "Give her back and I'll give you any amount of money." Hugo offered clearly trying to debate his options.

"I dont want money. I want you to hurt." The man spat making me annoyed. "HUGO JUST DO IT." I yelled out starting to get nervous.
"I can't! I told you that I'd never hurt you!" He argued making me roll my eyes.

"I'll swap places with her." I heard a voice. A familiar voice. Lucia. Why was she here too? It all went silent for a moment making it clear he was debating it. "I want your brother too." Luke tried to bargain.

Before anyone could do anything Marcus spoke up, "Just take me. You want to hurt my family right? I have a pregnant wife at home. It'll hurt our family more then ever." He spoke. Immediately my heart sunk. He can't do that to Isabella.

I looked at Hugo who's eyes were on me, "HUGO JUST FUCKING DO IT! SHOOT ME!" I began screaming like a mad women. I watched as he shut his eyes tightly as he pulled down the trigger.

Immediately I felt myself be let go. I turned behind me and saw Luke on the floor already. The last thing I saw was Hugo running to me as gunshots went off.

*Hugos pov*

"Cat? Cat wake up!" I spoke while picking her up. I looked round and saw they had managed to kill all the other men, "Alright let's go! Quickly!" I yelled while climbing into one of the 2 cars we brang and putting Cat on my lap so there was room for others to get in.

"Marcus go to the hospital. Now." I barked while desperately trying to stop the bleeding as best as I can. I placed a kiss on her temples as I held her as close as possible. I can't believe I did that. I shouldn't of. I hurt her. Now she's bleeding and it's all my fault. Where was Alex while all this was happening? Why wasn't he with her? He's her bodyguard. I pay him to look after her.

I watched her eyes begin to flutter open. "Hey... hey are you alright? Did they do anything to you?" I began asking loads of questions.
"I'm fine... they didn't do anything.." she whispered.

"Okay... we're taking you to the hospital alright?" I began kissing all round her face, feeling guilty of what I done. I didn't want to. But I had no other choice otherwise someone would die.

"Will you stay with me the whole time?" The girl asked. I nodded my head once again. I looked up and saw my mum looking at us from the passenger seat in the front.

"I love you.." she announced making me immediately look down at her again. My face softened. I wasn't expecting her to say anything like that right now.

I felt myself smiling and I couldn't hide it. "I love you more." I replied making the girl giggle. "Impossible." She smirked. Still cheeky even when she's bleeding out.

I felt the car slow down and saw we were at the hospital already. Thank god. I opened the car door and lifted her out. "You guys go home I'll get one of the workers to pick us up when we can leave." I called out while walking towards the hospital, carrying her.

I walked in and immediately a nurse ran over to us. "Sir what has happened?" She asked while gesturing for a bed to be brought over. "She's been shot in the shoulder and loosing a lot of blood." I spoke while placing her down. "Okay sir stay here we'll look after her!" The nurse spoke but immediately Cat interrupted, "No please! Let him come with us! Please." She begged the nurse who looked between us both.

"Fine. But you can't be in the way." She spoke while gesturing for me to follow. I thanked her as Cat reached out for me, I gave her my hand and walked with them and tried my best to distract the girl from everything going on.

"Ma'am do you know what bloody type you are?" The nurse asked while looking througha box. "Uh... no I don't rememb- type A." I interrupted her. The nurse then pulled out a bag of blood and hooked it up to the machine, "alright this might pinch." The nurse spoke.

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