part 23

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"Come here.." Hugo whispered, a smile covering his face. I climbed into his lap and buried my face into the crook of his neck. "We're having a baby!" I squealed making him laugh.

"We're going to have to go buy you lots of baggy clothes then." My husband replied as he pulled away from the hug and looked at my stomach. Obviously there wasn't a bump yet but he still placed his hands on my stomach.

All of a suddenly he stood me up. I watched in confusion as he leant down before placing a kiss on my stomach, forcing a smile on my lips.

"I love your mamá very much." He whispered making me giggle. As I leant down to kiss his head.
He stood back up and suddenly crashed our lips together.

"Thankyou Mi amor." He spoke inbetween kisses, God I love this man. He's so... perfect. He always puts my needs before his and I'll always be grateful for him.

"Get a tiny little dress on, I'm taking you out for dinner before Isabella gets home tonight." Hugo grinned at me while sitting down on the bed.

I ran to the wardrobe and picked out the perfect dress. It was a mini, bodycon dress. It was the most gorgeous emerald green colour. I haven't had a chance to wear it yet and soon enough I won't be able to fit in it because of how tight fitting it is.

I grinned as I slid into it before grabbing my gold, ankle strap, stilettos. I walked out of the wardrobe, revealing the dress to Hugo who looked me up and down.

"Perfect." He spoke making me giggle before walking over to my dressing table and applying my makeup. Usually I go for quite a natural look but, we're celebrating so why not go all glam.

I finnished my makeup and quickly slicked back my curls into a high pony tail. I stood up and walked towards Hugo who was stood over the bathroom sink, shaving. He was wearing a nice pair of suit trousers with a button up shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"What do you think?" I asked, drawing his attention to me. I couldn't help but giggle at his half shaved face.

"Wow. Wow. And did I say, wow." He flirted making my cheeks flush red at his words. I quickly turned on my heel in an attempt to hide my face.

I heard the tap running a moment later and within a second I felt a pair of lips kiss my neck. I turned to see Hugo with his hair slicked back, now without shaving cream on his face.

"Ready to go, amor?" He asked while pulling away. Quickly, I nodded my head and stood up to face him before connecting our lips.

I pulled away without saying a word and left the room with Hugo following behind, holding onto my waist.

"Where are you two off too?" Lucias voice echoed from behind us. We both turned to see her looking in confusion, clearly trying to figure out if she had forgotten something important.

"Hugo suggested we go out for dinner." I replied, I'm just hoping she doesn't ask why otherwise we'll have to lie and I already said I don't want to have to lie about any of this.

"Okay well you two have fun, make sure to be back before 8 30, Marcus is picking Isabella up just past 8 and it's a half hour drive." She instructed, the both of us nodded. That gave us almost 3 hours.

I began walking down the stairs with my arm now wrapped round Hugo's. I could feel Hugo looking at me and couldn't help but smile.

We got to the car and the boy helped me in after opening the door for me before sliding in next to me.

"Where to sir?" The chauffer asked drawing our attention away from eachother, to my disappointment.

"that new restaurant on central park south." He announced making me squeal. I've wanted to go there for ages! I told him about 6 months ago and I thought he had forgotten but obviously not.

The car ride wasn't long, about 20 minutes. The whole time I was buzzing with excitement about the restaurant. I've heard people raving about it!

We pulled up and got out, even the outside looked so fancy! God my dress is way too short for this, we better be able to get in.

I tugged down my skirt as we walked in, arm in arm. "Reservation for 2, under the name Delgado." Hugo spoke to the host who immediately straightened up.

"Mr and Mrs Delgado! Ofcourse! Your a but early but that's fine, my manager has told me to give you the VIP table so just follow me." The host rambled making me giggle at his clumsiness.

We followed him to the table and I thanked him as he pulled out the chair for me. I sat down and he pushed me in. The man put down the menus before a waitress rushed over with 2 glasses and champagne.

She placed one down infront of each of us and pouted some for Hugo then turned to me to pour me some, I quickly covered the glass with my hand.

"Uh... I'm not 21 yet?" I awkwardly laughed. I didn't want to say that in pregnant in public because of how many enemies Hugo has aswell as the fact some of our family or friends could be here too and hear us.

"Sorry Ma'am" She awkwardly laughed as she put the champagne back in the ice bucket.

Eventually they all stopped fussing over us and left. I looked at Hugo and grinned sheepishly.

"Thought they were never going to leave." I admitted making him laugh as he sipped his drink.

"Tell me about it." He replied as I raised my glass too.

"To our mini Delgado." I whispered as we clanged our glasses together.

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