part 20

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I'd like to say the funeral went well... but it really didn't. Isabella... she was... she's... I'll start from the beggining.

I sat in the front row, holding Hugos hand. We were almost halfway through the funeral when there was suddenly lots of commotion coming from outside. I turned to the back of the church and saw people bolting the doors.

I looked towards Hugo trying to figure out what was going on. "Take this." He whispered while handing me a small dagger. I furrowed my eyebrows at the 'gift'

"We have to try and get through the funeral before we do anything about whatever is going on outside. They'll hold them off for as long as possible but as soon as they get inside run as fast as you can as far away as possible. Use that to protect yourself if needed." He hissed while pulling me closer to him.

I looked towards Isabella who was now also holding a dagger and clutching onto Marcus. She's 6 months pregnant. She can't run fast let alone far.

I heard explosions outside and buried my face into Hugo's side. He clung onto my waist as he placed a kiss on my temple, "I'm scared." I whimpered. I felt his hand running my back comfortingly, trying to keep me calm.

All of a sudden the door burst open and people scattered. Hugo immediately pulled me up by my hand and dragged me to a back room, "run. Fast and far. Now." He beckoned while opening a door for me.

I went to leave but stopped myself, I turned round and smashed my lips against his, "I know you didn't mean anything you said earlier." I whispered before quickly leaving.

I decided to hide for a few minutes. I have to wait for Isabella. If she doesn't come soon then I'll leave. I stood there. Holding my breath in fear of getting caught.

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, "Ma'am? Boss told me to make sure your safe. We have to leave." My head darted round to see Alex stood behind me.

"But- no ma'am he said to get you out of here no matter what." Alex spoke before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of my hiding spot, he began picking up his pace as I ran besides him.

We got about 3 blocks away and hid in an alleyway hoping we'd be safe here. I could still hear the screams. All of a sudden an army of cars flew past, assumingly the enemy's.

"Is it safe to leave yet?" I asked Alex but he shook his head, "We'll camp it out a but longer." He spoke while clutching onto his side where he was shot a week ago.

"Please distract me. You have a wife?" I asked and he nodded, "Her names Matilda- I call her Tilda though. Been married 4 years." He responded as he looked out into the street.

"Kids?" I asked as I sat down on the floor, hugging my knees. "A two year old and there's a bun in the oven right now. Due any day now." Alex replied.

"Thats nice... do you reckon it'll be safe to leave yet." I asked again just wanting to get back to Hugo.
"I'll check." He mumbled while walking to the end of the alley. All of a sudden he toppled over on the ground with a knife in his neck.

I let out a gasp as I quickly jumped up. "Oh my god!" I cried out while trying to hide but it was too late. A man was walking towards me. I knew immediately who he was. He looked like Luke. But older. Meaning it was Lukes older brother. No body knows his name, he keeps it a secret. He changed it the day he turned 18 so he's untraceable.

"Get up. Now." He barked while walking towards me, holding out a gun. "Leave me alone!" I spat while reaching for my knife which I had tucked into my garter.

"Take a step closer to her and I'll kill you." I heard a growl. I looked up and saw... my uncle? What the fuck. When did he get here.

"Who the hell are you?" Lukes brother barked at him. "The son of a bitch who is about to kill you." He spat before shooting him inbetween his eyes.

"Uncle Carlos!" I yelled out while running to him and immediately hugging him. "Cat. Your sisters been shot." Within a second, joy turned to heart ache. Tears filled my eyes as they spewed down my cheeks.

"I was sent to find you by Hugo. We both separated to find you." My uncle whispered while holding me at arms length. "Is Isabella okay?" I sobbed, not listening to what he was saying.

"I don't know... Marcus went with her. Let's get you back to Hugo." He pulled me to his side, his arm over my shoulder as we began walking.

So that brings us to now. The three of us sat in a car on the way to the hospital, in complete silence. I was leaning against Hugo who was covered in cuts and bruises while anxiously waiting to hear what happened to Isabella.

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