part 27

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"Alexei.. long time no see.." I responded while clutching the scissors inbetween my fingers. "It has, hasn't it. Where is that little wife of yours then? I heard you knocked her up, bet shes good in bed isnt she? I'd love a go." He cackled.

Without even thinking about it I stabbed him with the scissors. I heard a gun shot and prayed it was someone else shooting him. Not me.

When I looked down I had blood seeping out my leg and I crashed to the floor. I stopped the fall ny grabbing onto the counter which to my luck, had multiple sharp knives on.

I grabbed one in each hand and stabbed Alexei in the chest. I took the other one up to his neck and looked him dead in the eyes, "rot in hell you bitch." I dragged the knife along his throat and watched blood shoot out of him.

I looked round the room for something to stop my own bleeding and saw 3 towels.

I grabbed the first one and tied it just above my knee to stop the blood flow then the other 2 round the wound on my calf.

I just need to get upstairs to get a first aid kit, clothes for my daughter and my wife. Oh and towels. Lots of them.

I limped up the stairs but had to stop halfway through because of the pain when I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Hugo? What are you doing? What happened to your leg?" Marcus's voice echoed through my legs. "Alexei shot me.. its fine. I killed him. And I need- I need clothes for the baby and Cat... oh and pads for Cat... nappies for the baby too...towels... oh yeah and a first- first aid kit." I tried to explain.

It felt like the whole house was spinning. I couldn't focus on one single thing. "Okay. Sit down. I'll go get it. Put pressure on the bullet hole, okay?" He instructed as he helped me to the floor.

I sat there applying pressure, my head hurts. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled back to my feet and my arm being flung round my brothers shoulder.

I looked him up and down and saw how injured he is. He didn't have any life threatening injuries that were visible but he was covered in cuts and bruises. Ash too.

We reached the safe room and Marcus called out, "someone open the door! I've got Hugo with me, he's hurt!" My head darted towards him, "No I'm not! He's lying! I'm perfect fine, just a graze!" I lied, not wanting to scare anyone.

The door flung open and my mamá rushed us in. I felt myself being sat down on the sofa next too Cat. Marcus put down all the stuff except the medical kit and took the towels off my leg.

*Catalinas pov*

"HUGO DELGADO THAT IS NOT A GRAZE!" I barked as I looked down at the bullet wound in his calf. "Its fine. Don't stress out. Don't look either. Just look at our daughter." He chuckled making me roll my eyes.

I looked down at the baby in my arms who was looking up at me.
She has Hugos eyes. They're gorgeous. Hugo has a condition called central hetechromia. It means he has a ring around his pupil, a different colour to the rest of his iris.

His is a golden colour while the rest of his eye is a dark blue. I love his eyes. Meaning I love her eyes. She reached out her tiny little hand, I gave her my finger and she clutched onto it.

"That should be fine for the time being." I heard Marcus say making me look over. He had stitched up the wound and bandaged it up.

I watched as Isabella kept her eyes on Marcus the whole time. I watched as Marcus turned his head to look at her. I watched as her eyes lit up. I watched as he stood up and walked towards her.

I watched as she immediately flung her arms round him. God I didn't even think how scared she must of been with Marcus out there.

I looked away and towards Hugo who was smiling as he looked at me. Not our daughter. Me.

"Im so proud of you, Mi amor." He sighed while moving closer to me.
I rested my head against his shoulder and shut my eyes.

I'm so tired.

"Let's get you changed then you can sleep for a bit." He suggested as I sat up. He reached for some clothes for me and a pad.

I just sat there as he dressed me. I didn't ask him to. He just did. I love him so much. "Why don't you pass me our Mini Delgado and I'll get her cleaned up while you rest, then you'll wake up to a clean, warm baby. 

I felt him lift her off my chest as I sunk down and shut my eyes, falling asleep quite quickly.

I woke up to crying and saw everyone huddled round the baby trying to get her to be quiet. I sat up and coughed, making it clear u was awake.

"Shit I'm so sorry we tried to keep her quiet." Hugo apologised as he walked over to me, holding our daughter who was still crying.

"Give her here.." I mumbled as I took her out his arms and placed her on my chest, she silenced down and instead bevan cooing. "There we go.. she just needed her mummy." I smiled as I pulled her off me and gave her back to Hugo.

"You need to do skin to skin contact with her you know.. she doesn't know who you are." I instructed. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, clearly confused.

"It creates a bond, also helps her anti bodies apparently." I explained as I took her and began undressing her so she was just in her nappy.

"Take your shirt off." I looked at Hugo before looking down at the baby again. Once he took his shirt off I placed her on his chest before putting the blanket over her back so she didn't get cold.

"Okay what about names? What should we call her?" Hugo broke the silence that had formed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, all our heards darted towards it, debating what to do.

"Boss? You in there?" I watched Hugo let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah. Who's with you?" Hugo called out as we all watched.

"Just me sir. Everyone else is recovering from their injuries... we killed them all. Its safe to come out." One of the gaurds explained.

"Thankyou, Ryan. We'll be out in a moment." Hugo spoke as he stood up and grabbed his shirt.

"Your going to have to take her. I've got to go make sure all my men are okay and if the house us safe to live in while construction starts or if we need to live somewhere else. I'll call over a few doctors and midwives for you and our baby." Hugo mumbled as he handed me our daughter before putting his shirt on.

He reached out his hand for me to help me up. I took it and stood to my feet. I watched as he slowly opened the door to double check everything was safe.

I saw in the crack how bad the kitchen and lounge was but everything else looked relatively okay from here.

"Okay come on.." Hugo mumbled as he reached his hand out behind him for me to hold onto.

"Stay close just incase, Mamá stick close to Ryan. He can walk you to your room." He instructed. I held onto the back of his shirt while holding our daughter close as possible to my body.

We got up the stairs and into our room, everything looked okay in here. We both walked in and sat down.

"Here, lay down. Let's put her in her crib." My husband mumbled as he took our daughter out my hands and walked over to the crib in the corner of our room. I watched him lay her down before walking back over and laying down next to me.

"Okay names. What should her first name be..." he asked as he looked at me.

"I have no idea.. but I think we should still keep her middle name as Alejandro even if it is a boy name." I suggested. I watched as the boys face softened before he slammed his lips on mine.

"God I love you." He smiled as he pulled away. "You can choose the first name since her middle name is after my dad." He offered as I rested against his shoulder.

"Hmm.. I say.. Gabriela. Gabriela Alejandro Delgado." I smirked as I made my final decision. "Sounds perfect. Our little Gabriela." My husband returned the cheeky smirk before we both burst out laughing at ourselves being weird.

"Shit I need to call the doctor don't I?!" He suddenly blurted out as he stood up and grabbed his phone, dialing a number.

"Hey. Its me. I need at least 30 doctors down here and 4 midwives for my wife and daughter." He instructed.

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